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Releases: MoOx/phenomic


07 Apr 20:11
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v1.0.0-beta.2 Pre-release

Stable 1.0.0, we are almost there!

This release is probably the penultimate before the stable release.
It brings us 2 majors things:

  • πŸŽ‰ For React users, 2 methods, supported via the new withInitialProps HOC, allows you to consume any kind of data (not just Phenomic API but any kind of REST APIs, GraphQL APIs for CMS etc) via static async getInitialProps(). This API, inspired by Next.js is not alone as it comes with another new method for the pre-rendering step, called static async getAllPossibleUrls().
  • πŸ’ͺ We adjusted 2 transform plugins (markdown and asciidoc) so you can directly pass to those the unified plugins you want to use.

This release is an important step for us as it brings us our missing pieces to be happy with Phenomic current state.
Stay tuned for the final release, that will be done at the same time as we will publish documentations on the website.

🀩 We also created a new react-app-blog example that you can use as a good starting point to create any site (not only a blog - and we plan to push more examples when we will hit stable 1.0.0).
This starter includes some pages, some posts, and the usage of our new fresh API to create pages from github data (but you can just use this and replace with any kind of API) to generate client side and static generated pages from those data!
For the architecture, we used something simple, with a few components for header/footer with differents layouts etc. We also included a standard error page (used for 404).
For the styling, we didn't wanted to do something too opinionated and also something too old school (CSS in dedicated files since we all love CSS-in-JS), so we took an simple approach in the middle, with a CSS style tags per components. This allows CSS lover to just extract the CSS in files, and CSS-in-JS lovers to easily convert in places the styles. Remember that we have plenty of examples to know how to handle CSS via any kind of solutions.
You will find a visual preview at the end of this post.


⚠️ @phenomic/plugin-renderer-react: createContainer is now withPhenomicApi(you will get a warning until you update your import) by @MoOx
Not a breaking change yet, but will be during stable 1.0.0 release.

πŸ› @phenomic/plugin-collector-files: fix edge case when you request an index file with an id (db was not correctly filled) by @MoOx

πŸ› @phenomic/core: fix edge case when you request an empty id (for index) by @MoOx

πŸ› @phenomic/core: fix time log between pre-rendering and after build hook by @MoOx

πŸ› @phenomic/plugin-transform-markdown: code is now highlighted without failing if language is not recognized by @MoOx

🚨@phenomic/plugin-transform-markdown: remark/rehype plugins order have been changed a bit by @MoOx
This should only affect you if you were relying on (previously broken) code highlight.

🚨/✨ @phenomic/plugin-transform-asciidoc: plugin have been update to work like markdown. by @MoOx
Previously we never tested this plugin on a real project so we are not sure it has ever worked correctly 😁.

✨ @phenomic/plugin-transform-markdown: you can now specifiy options for highlighting language unsupported by default by @MoOx

✨ @phenomic/plugin-transform-markdown: you can now choose between json/html mode for the rendering via output option by @MoOx

✨ @phenomic/plugin-transform-markdown: new plugins option to replace unified/remark/rehype plugins by @MoOx

✨ @phenomic/plugin-transform-asciidoc: you can now choose between json/html mode for the rendering via output option by @MoOx

✨ @phenomic/plugin-transform-asciidoc: new plugins option to replace unified/remark/rehype plugins by @MoOx

✨ @phenomic/helpers-transform: new package that exposes stuff shared across transform plugin by @MoOx

✨ @phenomic/plugin-renderer-react: withInitialProps HOC that supports static async getInitialProps({pathname, params}) and static async getAllPossibleUrls({path}) by @MoOx
This allows to generate pages with any source of data (fetch from any kind of REST, Grapql APIs).
Inspired by Next.js.
You can check our example of usage in our react-app-blog example

✨ @phenomic/plugin-renderer-react: withPhenomicApi HOC (previously named createContainer) by @MoOx

πŸŽ‰ examples/react-app-blog: a sweet starter to discover phenomic with react and make a blog in a few minutes by @MoOx

Preview of the homepage of the new react-app-blog example



30 Mar 05:49
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v1.0.0-beta.1 Pre-release

This release might include breaking changes for you.

This is one of the final step before stable 1.0.0!
The breaking changes included in this release are for the best. We have worked hard so you can be able to use simple options for plugins, exactly like babel.
More on this below.

If you use @phenomic/preset-react-app without any customisation, you are probably all good

  • Just be careful if you where using JSON
  • If you code was working without any warning, you don’t have anything to do except looking for hasNextPage & hasPreviousPage. If you were still using those, just replace your test with the presence of nextorprevious` directly.

If your are using custom plugins, you will have to update some signatures.

🚨Breaking changes

🚨 Remove deprecated attributes for pagination and routes by @MoOx

πŸ› 🚨 @phenomic/plugin-transform-json: support array by passing all js on as data (+use a partial version is accessible) by @MoOx

Previously, using JSON files that were array was broken. We were spreading JSON like if it was an object. We adjusted the behavior that might affect partial (when you fetch list via queries) if you had a "partial" entry in your JSON (edge case).
Reach us on our community tools if you struggle updating.

🚨 @phenomic/plugin-transform-markdown: upgrade to gray-matter@3 by @MoOx

If you are using something else than JSON, YAML of JavaScript in your front-matter, please open an issue so we can improve the situation so we can work on allowing engine option

🚨 @phenomic/core: collect method for plugin should now be collectFile. by @MoOx

🚨 @phenomic/core: many plugin methods have their signature that have been updated by @MoOx

Please check flow definitions until docs is online (major change is that config is not send since plugin receive it when it's created).
All signatures for plugin have been adjusted. Please take a look if you are a plugin author.

✨ New features and improvements

✨ @phenomic/*: we can now configure every plugins from phenomic config. by @MoOx

See last item of this list to see an example ;)

✨ @phenomic/core: support baseUrl option in configuration by @MoOx

You can now send a baseUrl in phenomic configuration. This allow website to work at a folder level of a domain (eg: http://domain.tld/root/).

  "baseUrl": "β€œ,
  "presets": ["@phenomic/preset-react-app"]

Note that this will directly be reflected during development for your mental health! This means you will have to open http://localhost:3333/root-of-my-site/

✨ @phenomic/core: support .env(.)? files for PHENOMIC_ env vars by @MoOx

Like CRA support REACT_APP_* env var to be passed over to your JavaScript during compilation, you will have access to PHENOMIC_* var that you can define from .env files.
We are using hunder the hood.

✨ @phenomic/core: we added a new plugin api so any plugin can add static or dynamic url on runtime (resolveURLs) by @MoOx

✨ @phenomic/core: renderStatic is now not limited to a single plugin. Multiples plugins (those that have a resolveURLs can now render static files). by @MoOx

✨ @phenomic/api-client: import fetchRestApi from "@phenomic/api-client/lib/fetch"; to fetch phenomic api directly. by @MoOx

This method is mostly for plugin developers.
Calling this method should be made with import query from "@phenomic/api-client/lib/query”;.
Be careful to use this method wisely as it won’t be magically pre-rendered for all end point unless a plugin handle the static rendering of the resource.

✨ @phenomic/plugin-bundler-webpack: respect baseUrl option by @MoOx

✨ @phenomic/plugin-bundler-webpack: inject NODE_ENV + PHENOMIC_* env var (PHENOMIC_ENV & PHENOMIC_APP_BASENAME for now) by @MoOx

✨ @phenomic/plugin-renderer-react: expose enhanced Link component that respect baseUrl option by @MoOx

✨ @phenomic/plugin-rss-feed: this is now a thing and can generate multiples feed by @MoOx

Example of the config for Phenomic website

  "baseUrl": "",
  "presets": ["@phenomic/preset-react-app"],
  "plugins": [
        "feeds": {
          "feed.xml": {
            "feedOptions": {
              "title": "",
              "description": "Phenomic news"
            "query": { "path": "news", "limit": 20 }

πŸ“ Various minor docs improvements by @getDanArias


08 Mar 06:56
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v1.0.0-beta.0 Pre-release

We are on the road to final 1.0.0!

What is planned:

  • We only plan to add an new generic API to fetch any kind of data (like async getInitialProps in Next.js) & a few minor improvements.
  • We will also soon publish a few benchmarks between some well known others static site gen (that might reveal things…).
  • We will try to add a bunch of plugins to show the world what Phenomic can really do.

If you have any question you can ask us on Spectrum or on Gitter.




  • Remove sites in the showcase that were not using Phenomic anymore (or where unavailable).
    We used a script to detect Phenomic on those website that we will run periodically.
    by @MoOx
  • Move the website from docs to website folder, more clear for contributors
    by @MoOx
  • Add a link to our new Spectrum community (by @mxstbr)
  • Add favicons & friends


  • Migration to Circle CI 2.0
  • Readme update
  • PNGs logo added into git repo (previously only sketch & svgs were available)



11 Jan 20:51
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v1.0.0-alpha.19 Pre-release

πŸ’₯ Includes Breaking changes for Reason users.

This release is mostly a bunch of improvements (with a minor breaking change) for Reason users in addition to a bugfix for an edge case.

πŸ’₯ Breaking changes (Reason only)

πŸ› Bugfixes

⚠️ Deprecation

  • hasPreviousPage & hasNextPage are deprecated, by @MoOx
    Please test directly the existence of previous and next.
    It will continue to work for a while, but will be remove some day.
    This is to make it more straight forward to use pagination in Reason.

πŸ’ͺ Improvements

πŸ‘Œ Improved Example (Reason)

@MoOx worked a lot on the examples/reason-react-app:

  • upgrade to reason-react 0.3.1
  • we switched to es6 for bs generated files
  • we added pagination, like in the JavaScript example
  • we added react-helmet usage (via bs-react-helmet)
  • we reorganized the code and added tiny helpers

β™₯️ If you have questions, recommendations or improvements to submit, you can reach us on our chat or via the issues


20 Dec 21:50
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v1.0.0-alpha.18 Pre-release

If you were previously relying on the fact that the meta author from a file was magically resolved to a possible authors from your database, you should instead rely on the generic behavior that works with identical names.
This means you should change author: "name" to authors: ["name"]. This will produce the same magic resolution when retrieving content from a single (id based) query.
If you really want the old behavior back, we should think about a generic solution. So please open an issue.


06 Dec 12:00
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v1.0.0-alpha.17 Pre-release

πŸŽ‰ No breaking changes πŸŽ‰

πŸ› Reason fix, round 2

Ooops! We forgot to publish .re files for new reason packages.
Fixed by @MoOx in #e010f0f


06 Dec 11:30
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v1.0.0-alpha.16 Pre-release

πŸŽ‰ No breaking changes πŸŽ‰

πŸ› Reason fix

Ooops! We forgot to publish bsconfig.json files for new reason packages.
Fixed by @MoOx in #19746b6, reported by @Essential


04 Dec 09:38
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v1.0.0-alpha.15 Pre-release

πŸŽ‰ No breaking changes πŸŽ‰

πŸ› Bugfix


04 Dec 09:28
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v1.0.0-alpha.14 Pre-release

Windows compatibility! Yeay! We can thanks tretton37 that invited @MoOx to work on phenomic for an entire day with a dedicated team of developers (including @oscar-b, @emilpalsson and many more)!

πŸŽ‰ We can also thanks our backers that are supporting us for a while!
Thanks for believing in Phenomic!

If you are a JavaScript user πŸŽ‰ No breaking changes πŸŽ‰

If you are a ReasonML user πŸ’₯ (minor) breaking change is expected πŸ’₯

Note that we replaced our database engine, to unlock new features in future releases. This should not change anything for you, but if you have weird differences or behaviors, please reach us.

πŸ’₯ Breaking changes

πŸ› Bugfixes

πŸ‘ Improvements