Prerequisites: complete guides up to the Audio Guide
Install mpg123 on target by running
# apt-get install mpg123
Copy on target to directory asound_lib_BBB, then rename it to
# cd /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
# cp /mnt/remote/asound_lib_BBB/
Troubleshooting: If is not there, run the following to find the file path.
# ldconfig -p | grep
On the host, navigate to the project root directory. The wave-files folder is for storing music files.
Ensure that at least one wav or mp3 file is inside wave-files and run make.
Troubleshooting: If you get this error:
$ fatal error: mpg123.h no such file or directory
Then run:
$ sudo apt-get install libmpg123-dev
Connect the LED matrix as described in our BBG LED matrix guide. Mount the ~/cmpt433/public folder and run the executable file:
# mnt/remote/myApps/cmpt433_proj/wave_player
Please refer to the PDF file Adafruit 16x32 LED Matrix Guide.pdf on this repository to learn how to fully attach the LED matrix to the beaglebone.