diff --git a/Content.Client/CombatMode/CombatModeIndicatorsOverlay.cs b/Content.Client/CombatMode/CombatModeIndicatorsOverlay.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d3cdd22f6273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/CombatMode/CombatModeIndicatorsOverlay.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+using Content.Client.Hands.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Weapons.Ranged.Components;
+using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
+using Robust.Client.Graphics;
+using Robust.Client.Input;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface;
+using Robust.Shared.Enums;
+using Robust.Shared.Utility;
+namespace Content.Client.CombatMode;
+/// This shows something like crosshairs for the combat mode next to the mouse cursor.
+/// For weapons with the gun class, a crosshair of one type is displayed,
+/// while for all other types of weapons and items in hand, as well as for an empty hand,
+/// a crosshair of a different type is displayed. These crosshairs simply show the state of combat mode (on|off).
+public sealed class CombatModeIndicatorsOverlay : Overlay
+ private readonly IInputManager _inputManager;
+ private readonly IEntityManager _entMan;
+ private readonly IEyeManager _eye;
+ private readonly CombatModeSystem _combat;
+ private readonly HandsSystem _hands = default!;
+ private readonly Texture _gunSight;
+ private readonly Texture _meleeSight;
+ public override OverlaySpace Space => OverlaySpace.ScreenSpace;
+ public Color MainColor = Color.White.WithAlpha(0.3f);
+ public Color StrokeColor = Color.Black.WithAlpha(0.5f);
+ public float Scale = 0.6f; // 1 is a little big
+ public CombatModeIndicatorsOverlay(IInputManager input, IEntityManager entMan,
+ IEyeManager eye, CombatModeSystem combatSys, HandsSystem hands)
+ {
+ _inputManager = input;
+ _entMan = entMan;
+ _eye = eye;
+ _combat = combatSys;
+ _hands = hands;
+ var spriteSys = _entMan.EntitySysManager.GetEntitySystem();
+ _gunSight = spriteSys.Frame0(new SpriteSpecifier.Rsi(new ResPath("/Textures/Interface/Misc/crosshair_pointers.rsi"),
+ "gun_sight"));
+ _meleeSight = spriteSys.Frame0(new SpriteSpecifier.Rsi(new ResPath("/Textures/Interface/Misc/crosshair_pointers.rsi"),
+ "melee_sight"));
+ }
+ protected override bool BeforeDraw(in OverlayDrawArgs args)
+ {
+ if (!_combat.IsInCombatMode())
+ return false;
+ return base.BeforeDraw(in args);
+ }
+ protected override void Draw(in OverlayDrawArgs args)
+ {
+ var mouseScreenPosition = _inputManager.MouseScreenPosition;
+ var mousePosMap = _eye.ScreenToMap(mouseScreenPosition);
+ if (mousePosMap.MapId != args.MapId)
+ return;
+ var handEntity = _hands.GetActiveHandEntity();
+ var isHandGunItem = _entMan.HasComponent(handEntity);
+ var mousePos = mouseScreenPosition.Position;
+ var uiScale = (args.ViewportControl as Control)?.UIScale ?? 1f;
+ var limitedScale = uiScale > 1.25f ? 1.25f : uiScale;
+ var sight = isHandGunItem ? _gunSight : _meleeSight;
+ DrawSight(sight, args.ScreenHandle, mousePos, limitedScale * Scale);
+ }
+ private void DrawSight(Texture sight, DrawingHandleScreen screen, Vector2 centerPos, float scale)
+ {
+ var sightSize = sight.Size * scale;
+ var expandedSize = sightSize + 7f;
+ screen.DrawTextureRect(sight,
+ UIBox2.FromDimensions(centerPos - sightSize * 0.5f, sightSize), StrokeColor);
+ screen.DrawTextureRect(sight,
+ UIBox2.FromDimensions(centerPos - expandedSize * 0.5f, expandedSize), MainColor);
+ }