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This Repo contains everything you need to build an ark for gh2dx 360, and also runs the included xex on a PC with an included build of Xenia. Xenia is pre setup for portable installation with its own config file that disables vsync, and sets an option in this specific build (max_queued_frames = 3)

Unlock all is enabled by default, and the goal of this specific version of gh2 is to strip out as much fluff as possible. The ui philosophy is deliberately taking cues from Clone Hero
Pad play is not currently available in this build. Instead, we have opted to treat all connected controllers as a guitar. This can allow more controller compatibility, but also allow online coop via parsec. We tried it, it's really fun.

A specific build of x360ce 3.2 that supports guitar mappings is also included if you need it.


NOTE: You WILL need a modded/hacked console to play this mod on console. I hope this is clear

Setting up GHIIDX 360 for the first time is meant to be as easy as possible. As well, it is designed to allow you to automatically receive updates as the repo is updated.

Simply go to the Releases of this repo and grab all three files. (two .exe, one .bat)

The two exe's are a couple dependencies, Git for Windows, and Dot Net 6.0 Runtime. Git is required for you to take advantage of auto updating via github pulls. Dot Net is required to build an ARK file, the archive format the game needs to run. You can setup git with all default options, same with dot net.

Once the dependencies are installed, run "_init_repo.bat" in an empty folder. git will pull the repo and make sure you are completely up to date.

From then on simply run "_gh2.bat". This script will pull the repo again for updates, build the ARK for you, and finally, launch the game in Xenia. All in one script. It is recommended to always run the game with gh2.bat to ensure everything is up to date, as currently this project is highly WIP

Songs + DLC

Guitar Hero II Deluxe 360 by default only comes with one song. Exilelord's Speed Test.

You can install song packs directly in your local copy of this repo in


Where XXXXXX is the name of your song pack, containing both a "songs" and a "config" folder. con/live files are not supported.

There is a max package limit of 16 song packs. The setlist has been completely reworked to allow more songs. Current song limit is unknown.

You can find Vanilla song packs for GHIIDX, GH80SDX, and GHIIDLCDX here.

You can also use Onyx Music Game Toolkit to generate your own custom song packs for GH2 360.

Custom Highways

This repo also supports the import of custom highways via the use of an all in one bat file and a couple external dependencies included.

Simply drag in a .jpg/.png/.bmp into the "highways" folder at the root of the repo, then run "_highways.bat" This will size your images accordingly (supports arbitrary resolutions), and convert them to the proper format for gh2 to read. ARK files will be generated for a list of your custom highways in game to choose from at will using the overshell (select select on most all menues)

The highway "_black_highway" is marked as the default in game. If you delete this highway from the custom highways folder, you must select your new highway in game or you will experience a crash.

After running "_highways.bat" you will need to run "_gh2.bat" again to build your new ARK.

Included Dependencies

Git for Windows - CLI application to allow auto updating gh2 repo files

Dot Net 6.0 Runtime - Needed to run ArkHelper

x360ce 3.2 - Specific build to emulate a Xinput device

Mackiloha - ArkHelper for building GH2 ARK - Superfreq for building .bmp_xbox highway images

dtab - For serializing GH2 dtb files

Xenia 930fe2c_canary_experimental - Xbox 360 emulator specific build with a config option that fixes GH2 audio sync

ImageMagick - For converting highways to standard sizes