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ais storage
command supports the following subcommands:
$ ais storage <TAB-TAB>
cleanup disk mountpath summary validate
Alternatively (or in addition), run with --help
to view subcommands and short descriptions, both:
$ ais storage --help
ais storage - monitor and manage clustered storage
ais storage command [arguments...] [command options]
show show storage usage and utilization, disks and mountpaths
summary show bucket sizes and %% of used capacity on a per-bucket basis
validate check buckets for misplaced objects and objects that have insufficient numbers of copies or EC slices
mountpath show and attach/detach target mountpaths
disk show disk utilization and read/write statistics
cleanup perform storage cleanup: remove deleted objects and old/obsolete workfiles
--help, -h show help
As always, each subcommand (above) will have its own help and usage examples - the latter possibly spread across multiple markdowns.
You can easily look up examples and descriptions of any keyword via a simple
, for instance:
$ find . -type f -name "*.md" | xargs grep "ais.*mountpath"
- Storage cleanup
- Show capacity usage
- Validate in-cluster content for misplaced objects and missing copies
- Mountpath (and disk) management
- Show mountpaths
- Attach mountpath
- Detach mountpath
$ ais storage cleanup --help
ais storage cleanup - remove deleted objects and old/obsolete workfiles; remove misplaced objects; optionally, remove zero size objects
ais storage cleanup PROVIDER:[//BUCKET_NAME] [command options]
--force, -f disregard interrupted rebalance and possibly other conditions preventing full cleanup
(tip: check 'ais config cluster lru.dont_evict_time' as well)
--rm-zero-size remove zero-size objects (caution: advanced usage only)
--wait wait for an asynchronous operation to finish (optionally, use '--timeout' to limit the waiting time)
--timeout value maximum time to wait for a job to finish; if omitted: wait forever or until Ctrl-C;
valid time units: ns, us (or µs), ms, s (default), m, h
--help, -h show help
Similar to all supported batch operations (aka xactions
), cleanup runs asynchronously and can be monitored during its run, e.g.:
# ais storage cleanup
Started storage cleanup "BlpmlObF8", use 'ais job show xaction BlpmlObF8' to monitor the progress
Further references:
For command line options and usage examples, please refer to:
$ ais scrub --help
ais scrub - (alias for "storage validate") Check in-cluster content for misplaced objects, objects that have insufficient numbers of copies, zero size, and more
* ais storage validate - validate all in-cluster buckets;
* ais scrub - same as above;
* ais storage validate ais - validate (a.k.a. scrub) all ais:// buckets;
* ais scrub s3 - ditto, all s3:// buckets;
* ais scrub s3 --refresh 10 - same as above while refreshing runtime counter(s) every 10s;
* ais scrub gs://abc/images/ - validate part of the gcp bucket under 'images/`;
* ais scrub gs://abc --prefix images/ - same as above.
ais scrub [BUCKET[/PREFIX]] [PROVIDER] [command options]
--all-columns Show all columns, including those with only zero values
--cached Only visit in-cluster objects, i.e., objects from the respective remote bucket that are present ("cached") in the cluster
--count value Used together with '--refresh' to limit the number of generated reports, e.g.:
'--refresh 10 --count 5' - run 5 times with 10s interval (default: 0)
--large-size value Count and report all objects that are larger or equal in size (e.g.: 4mb, 1MiB, 1048576, 128k; default: 5 GiB)
--limit value The maximum number of objects to list, get, or otherwise handle (0 - unlimited; see also '--max-pages'),
- 'ais ls gs://abc/dir --limit 1234 --cached --props size,custom,atime' - list no more than 1234 objects
- 'ais get gs://abc /dev/null --prefix dir --limit 1234' - get --/--
- 'ais scrub gs://abc/dir --limit 1234' - scrub --/-- (default: 0)
--max-pages value Maximum number of pages to display (see also '--page-size' and '--limit')
e.g.: 'ais ls az://abc --paged --page-size 123 --max-pages 7 (default: 0)
--no-headers, -H Display tables without headers
--non-recursive, --nr Non-recursive operation, e.g.:
- 'ais ls gs://bucket/prefix --nr' - list objects and/or virtual subdirectories with names starting with the specified prefix;
- 'ais ls gs://bucket/prefix/ --nr' - list contained objects and/or immediately nested virtual subdirectories _without_ recursing into the latter;
- 'ais prefetch s3://bck/abcd --nr' - prefetch a single named object (see 'ais prefetch --help' for details);
- 'ais rmo gs://bucket/prefix --nr' - remove a single object with the specified name (see 'ais rmo --help' for details)
--page-size value Maximum number of object names per page; when the flag is omitted or 0
the maximum is defined by the corresponding backend; see also '--max-pages' and '--paged' (default: 0)
--prefix value For each bucket, select only those objects (names) that start with the specified prefix, e.g.:
'--prefix a/b/c' - sum up sizes of the virtual directory a/b/c and objects from the virtual directory
a/b that have names (relative to this directory) starting with the letter c
--refresh value Time interval for continuous monitoring; can be also used to update progress bar (at a given interval);
valid time units: ns, us (or µs), ms, s (default), m, h
--small-size value Count and report all objects that are smaller or equal in size (e.g.: 4, 4b, 1k, 128kib; default: 0)
--help, -h Show help
Checks all objects of the bucket BUCKET
and show number of misplaced objects, number of objects that have insufficient number of copies, etc.
If optional arguments are omitted, show information about all in-cluster buckets.
$ ais scrub s3://data/my-prefix --large-size 500k
s3://data/my-prefix 1637 (1.6GiB) 1465 (1.4GiB) - 172 (172.0MiB) 1 (1.0MiB) 1 (1.0MiB)
Detailed Logs
* not-cached objects: /tmp/.ais-scrub-not-cached.204f71.log (1465 records)
* large objects: /tmp/.ais-scrub-large.204f71.log (172 records)
* ver-changed objects: /tmp/.ais-scrub-ver-changed.204f71.log (1 record)
* deleted objects: /tmp/.ais-scrub-deleted.204f71.log (1 record)
In other words, include relevant metrics that have only zero values.
$ ais scrub s3://data/my-prefix --large-size 500k --all-columns
s3://data/my-prefix 1637 (1.6GiB) 1465 (1.4GiB) - - - - 172 (172.0MiB) 1 (1.0MiB) 1 (1.0MiB)
Detailed Logs
* not-cached objects: /tmp/.ais-scrub-not-cached.204f8c.log (1465 records)
* large objects: /tmp/.ais-scrub-large.204f8c.log (172 records)
* ver-changed objects: /tmp/.ais-scrub-ver-changed.204f8c.log (1 record)
* deleted objects: /tmp/.ais-scrub-deleted.204f8c.log (1 record)
Note that 172 (records) = 1637 - 1465.
There are two related commands:
ais storage disk
ais storage mountpath
where mountpath
is a higher-level abstraction that typically "utilizes" a single undivided disk. More exactly:
A mountpath is a single disk or a volume (a RAID) formatted with a local filesystem of choice, and a local directory that AIS utilizes to store user data and AIS metadata. A mountpath can be disabled and (re)enabled, automatically or administratively, at any point during runtime. In a given cluster, a total number of mountpaths would normally compute as a direct product of (number of storage targets) x (number of disks in each target).
You can manage and monitor (i.e., show
) disks and mountpaths using ais storage
For strictly monitoring purposes, you can universally use
ais show
command, e.g.:ais show storage disk
, etc.
ais storage disk show [TARGET_ID]
or, same:
ais show storage disk [TARGET_ID]
As the name implies, the syntax:
ais show storage mountpath [TARGET_ID]
for example:
$ ais show storage mountpath t[TqPtghbiRw]
Used Capacity (all disks): avg 15% max 18%
/ais/mp1/2 /dev/nvme0n1(xfs)
/ais/mp2/2 /dev/nvme1n1(xfs)
/ais/mp3/2 /dev/nvme2n1(xfs)
/ais/mp4/2 /dev/nvme3n1(xfs)
As always, --help
will also list supported options. Note in particular the option to run continuously and periodically:
$ ais show storage mountpath --help
ais show storage mountpath - show target mountpaths
ais show storage mountpath [TARGET_ID] [command options]
--refresh value interval for continuous monitoring;
valid time units: ns, us (or µs), ms, s (default), m, h
--count value used together with '--refresh' to limit the number of generated reports (default: 0)
--json, -j json input/output
--help, -h show help
Show mountpaths for a given target or all targets.
Ease of Usage notice: like all other
ais show
commands,ais show storage mountpath
is an alias (or a shortcut) - in this specific case - forais storage mountpath show
$ ais storage mountpath show 12356t8085
$ ais storage mountpath show
No mountpaths
ais storage mountpath attach TARGET_ID=MOUNTPATH [DAEMONID=MOUNTPATH...]
Attach a mountpath on a specified target to AIS storage.
$ ais storage mountpath attach 12367t8080=/data/dir
ais storage mountpath detach TARGET_ID=MOUNTPATH [DAEMONID=MOUNTPATH...]
Detach a mountpath on a specified target from AIS storage.
$ ais storage mountpath detach 12367t8080=/data/dir