Release v1.5.4
- se05x_eckey_session_provision example extended for mcx-n
Release v1.5.3
- Added mutex protection at APDU layer. This is required in case multiple tasks call Se05x_API_* APIs. The feature is disabled by default. Refer Build option.
- Fixes for static analysis findings.
Release v1.5.2
- Memory leak fixes in MbedTLS host crypto function (se05x_scp03_crypto_mbedtls.c).
Release v1.5.1
- Memory overlap issue fixed in function - Se05x_API_SCP03_Encrypt.
Release v1.5.0
- Example se05x_mbedtls_alt_test added to demonstrate MbedTLS ALT support in Zephyr.
- mcxn947 and mcxa153 examples updated to use SDK version 2.16
- Attestation APDU added. (Se05x_API_ReadObject_W_Attst).
Release v1.4.0
- Zephyr integration updated to v3.7.0
- New APDUs added: Se05x_API_ReadIDList, Se05x_API_ReadSize, Se05x_API_ReadType, Se05x_API_CreateECCurve, Se05x_API_DeleteECCurve, Se05x_API_SetECCurveParam, Se05x_API_ReadECCurveList.
- NIST P384 curve supported.
- Default max APDU buffer size increased to 512 (MAX_APDU_BUFFER in se05x_types.h).
- se05x_ReadIDList example added (Example to read the contents of secure element).
- se05x_eckey_session_provision example added (Example to provision key for EC-Key authentication session).
- MbedTLS ALT files (libmbedtls_alt) updated to support MbedTLS version 3.6.0
- Bug fix: In MbedTLS ALT ECDSA function (mbedtls_ecdsa_sign in libmbedtls_altecdsa_se05x.c), key length calculation is corrected.
Release v1.3.0
- EC Key Authentication support added.
- PlatformSCP03 + EC Key Authentication support added.
- New platforms - mcxn947 and mcxa153 support.
- IMPORTANT: cmake option -DPLUGANDTRUST_SCP03 is removed. -DPLUGANDTRUST_SE05X_AUTH:STRING=<OPTION> is added to chose between multiple authentication.
Release v1.2.4
- Examples for Zephyr updated with board overlay files.
- Added manifest file for nano package integration in Zephyr OS (zephyr/west.yml)
Release v1.2.3
- Zephyr integration branch (feature/zephyr-integration) merged to master.
- Zephyr integration updated to zephyr release - v3.5.0.
Release v1.2.2
- MbedTLS alt ecdsa bug fix - Updated function used to extract r and s using mbedtls APIs
Release v1.2.1
- Updated log messages for k64 port files
- Added retry on I2C failed error. (Disabled by default). To enable - uncomment T1OI2C_RETRY_ON_I2C_FAILED in phNxpEsePal_i2c.h.
- Increased t=1oi2c retry count. (MAX_RETRY_COUNT).
Release v1.2.0
- Added security fix on 24-Feb-2023 to prevent buffer overflow on the T=1oI2C stack.
- se05x_GetInfo example added to get SE05X platform information.
Release v1.1.1
- Added a check to prevent a potential buffer overflow issue in T=1OI2C stack
Release v1.1.0
- Features
- Added Secure Authenticator (Qi) examples
- Integration of twister framework from zephyr OS
Release v1.0.0
- Initial commit
- Features
- ECDSA and ECDH with NIST P256
- AES Encrypt / Decrypt (ECB,CBC,CTR)
- Binary Objects
- Encrypted I2C communication using PlatformSCP channel based on Global Platform SCP03
- Platforms - Linux, frdm-k64 bare metal, Zephyr OS