This example demonstrates SCP03 session resumption with SE05x.
Refer file - 'simw-nanopkg/examples/se05x_resume_scp03/src/ex_resume_scp03.c'.
Make sure to assign valid SCP03 keys to session context.
Linux build
To build example run:
cd simw-nanopkg/examples/se05x_resume_scp03/src mkdir build cd build cmake ../ -DPLUGANDTRUST_SE05X_AUTH:STRING=PlatfSCP03 make ./ex_establish_scp03 ./ex_resume_scp03
Build options
Debug Logs
-DPLUGANDTRUST_DEBUG_LOGS=ON : Build with Debug logs enabled -DPLUGANDTRUST_DEBUG_LOGS=OFF : Build with Debug logs disabled
Sample Output
If everything is successful, the output will be similar to:
SE05x SCP03 Establish !
Plug and Trust nano package - version: 1.0.0
Establish Secure Channel to SE05x !
Simply writing the session keys to the file system is not a secure implementation. It must not be used in production !!!...
SE05x SCP03 Establish Success !
SE05x SCP03 Resume Example !
Plug and Trust nano package - version: 1.0.0
Resuming Secure Channel to SE05x !
Simply writing the session keys to the file system is not a secure implementation. It must not be used in production !!!...
SE05x SCP03 Resume Success !