This library is all set up to compile as a shared library for Android. At present it targets android-9 and uses gcc v4.7. There is no real JNI layer at present, and it has only been built on OS X. I assume that a working NDK on any platform will have success, though.
Please refer to the file HACKING at the root of the project for low-level details you'll need to write portable code in this project.
- Android NDK release 8e
- Correct some bugs in NDK 8e by following this tutorial:
- Have "zsh" command shell installed (MacOSX should have it by default)
- Clone this branch from the readium-sdk repository. All these instructions apply to this branch only.
- A lot of patience
- Android Eclipse ADT SDK
- Android Eclipse NDK Plugin by following this tutorial:
- At least run once the
command-line compilation (see Compilation below) to generate the includes - Import the "ePub3-Library" eclipse project from Platform/Android subdirectory: File -> Import... -> Existing Projects into Workspace -> select the subdirectory and the project
- Configure the build command (as described in the tutorial above) to the following:
ndk-build -C . V=1 NDK_PROJECT_PATH="${workspace_loc:/ePub3-Library}" NDK_DEBUG=1
- Build the ePub3-Library project
usage: <command> [<path-to-ndk>]
Available commands are:
help Shows this help message.
build Builds this native project.
build-debug Builds this native project with debug enabled.
clean Cleans this project build objects.
<path-to-ndk> The path to the Android NDK to use.
The path to NDK can be set by a global environment variable ANDROID_NDK,
to avoid being passed by argument to this script.
- From a Terminal, go into the Platform/Android subdirectory of the readium-sdk repository (this directory).
- Run build [<path-to-ndk>]
to build. My invocation looks like this, for example: build
Everything else should be set up appropriately by that script.
everything as above for OSX, but
- had problems with lower/upcase for libzip's Config.h -> make it lowercase for Platform/Android/include/libzip/config.h ePub3/ThirdParty/libzip/config.h
- final linker step failed using the provided libboost_regex.a -> replace with