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import TOCInline from '@theme/TOCInline'; import ReactPlayer from 'react-player' import tutorialVideoURL from './videos/GettingStartedVRE.mp4'; import icosVideoURL from './videos/NaaVREICOSDemo.mp4';

Getting Started with NaaVRE tutorial

The aim of this tutorial is to discover the basic functionalities of NaaVRE: logging in, starting your virtual lab, and creating a workflow from a notebook:

This is a screencast of the tutorial:

Starting NaaVRE

Open the NaaVRE demo:

Startin point

Signing in

Click on the 'Login' button.

Sign in

Chose your preferred login method:

  • option 1 (recommended): Google
  • option 2: Federation with EOSC (provides several options such as GitHub or ORCID)

Sign in

Log in with the chosen method (Google shown here)

Sign in

Pick your collaborative virtual lab

On the main panel, you will see several Virtual Labs (VLs). For this tutorial, select the 'NaaVRE Open Lab'.

Pick VRE

When in the VL you can see:

  • A description of the VL
  • The instances started by other users
  • A button to start your own instance of the VL
  • Assets from the Virtual lab:
    • Workflow runs
    • Data products
    • Geographical data products

Pick VRE

Starting your virtual lab

Click on the 'Launch my instance' button.

This opens a new tab where your virtual lab will be started. Click on the 'Sign in' button.

On the new page click on the 'Sign in' button.

Start VRE

Your virtual lab instance starts up.

Start VRE

The NaaVRE interface in Jupyter Lab

You now see the NaaVRE interface in Jupyter lab. (You can read more details here).


From notebook to workflow

Create a notebook

Create a new Python or a R notebook by clicking on the 'Python 3' or the 'R' icon under 'Notebook' on the launcher tab.

:::note If the Launcher page is not open, click on the new tab button or 'File->New->New Launcher'. :::

Create notebook

Add some code to the notebook. For this tutorial, we will use a simple 'hello, world' example over two cells. The first one sets the data (in a real world application, this cell could download data from a repository), the second one prints the data (this could correspond to processing the data and generating some figures).

If you chose Python:

# Input list
names = ["Alice", "Bob"]
# Process list
for name in names:
  print(f"Hello, {name}!")

If you chose R:

# Input list
names = list("Alice", "Bob")
# Process list
for (name in names) {
  print(sprintf("Hello, %s!", name))

Create notebook

Containerize the cells

Open the component containerizer panel by clicking on the icon in the left-hand bar.

Containerize cells

Select the first cell to containerize it.

On the left panel, you will see a preview of the containerized cell with the detected inputs, outputs, parameters and dependencies (if any).

Containerize cells

Set the variable types to 'List'. For Python notebooks, type is inferred automatically.

Containerize cells

Select the base image for the containerized cell ('r' or 'python' depending on your notebook).

Containerize cells

Click on the 'Create' button.

:::warning This publishes the contents of the cell to a public repository on GitHub. Do not containerize cells containing passwords, API keys, or any code you wish to keep private. :::

Containerize cells

Congratulations, you containerized your first cell!

Containerize cells

Repeat the containerization cells for the second cell in the notebook.

Compose a workflow

To compose a workflow open a new tab and click on the 'Experimenter Manager' icon.

Experimenter Manager

Experimenter Manager

Click on the 'Cells catalogue' button.

Experimenter Manager

For each of the cells you created:

  • select the cell,
  • click on Add to workspace.

Experimenter Manager

Drag and drop the two cells onto the canvas, as well as a 'splitter' cell.

Experimenter Manager

Connect the cells nodes.

:::tip It is important to note that the direction of the connections between the cells is important as it indicates the flow of ] data dependencies between the cells. Therefore, the flow should be: 'Input list' -> 'Splitter' -> 'Process list'. :::

Experimenter Manager

Click on the 'Run' button.

Experimenter Manager

Click on 'Execute'

:::note If your workflow uses parameters, you can set their values here. To use values from the notebook, click on 'Use notebook values'. :::

Experimenter Manager

Monitor the workflow

To check the progress of the workflow click on the link on the pop-up message.

Experimenter Manager

This will take you to the workflow engine page where you can see the progress of the workflow. Click on a node to see its status and logs.

Workflow Engine

:::note The first time you open the workflow engine, select the 'single sign-on' login, and close the welcome message. :::

A more realistic example


This example is part of the EGU SC5.19: Mastering Environmental Research through FAIR Data Integration, VREs and Open Science.


We present a more realistic workflow using data from ICOS:

  • list stations matching given criteria
  • list data products matching given criteria for these stations
  • plot a specific variable for these data products
  • save the plots

Run it yourself

Step 1 Open the example notebook in NaaVRE by following this link.

ICOS example

Step 2 Fill-in the values for param_cpauth_token (cell 2), param_s3_user_prefix, param_s3_access_key, and param_s3_secret_key (cell 6). The s3 params and the “Upload files” step can be skipped if you want to make the tutorial shorter.

After filling in the values, you have the possibility to run the notebook.

ICOS example

Step 3 Containerize the cells of the notebook (see “Containerize the cells” in the above tutorial).

ICOS example

Step 4 Create a workflow (see “Compose a workflow”) using the cells you just containerized, in the following order:

  • List ICOS stations
  • List data products
  • Splitter
  • Plot time series
  • Merger (optional)
  • Upload files (optional)

ICOS example

Step 5 Run the workflow:

  1. Click on the “Run” button
  2. Fill in the workflow parameters by clicking on the “Use notebook values” button. Notice that you can edit the parameters at this stage, without having to re-containerize the cells or re-create the workflow.
  3. Click on “Execute”

ICOS example

Step 6 Monitor the workflow execution (see “Monitor the workflow”)

ICOS example

Step 7 Retrieve the results

If you used the “Upload files” cell, you can retrieve the results that have been uploaded to the MinIO server.

ICOS example