Contributors: Nirus
Tags: Klettern, Climb, Wandern, Walking, Trekking, Climbing, Climb, Walking, Tekking, Hiking, Kletterpartner, Wanderpartner
Requires at least: 4.9.8
Tested up to: 5.6.1
Requires PHP: 5.2.4
Stable tag: 2.4.4
License: GPL Version 3 or later
License URI:
The "Climbing-Partner-Search" connects climbing, hiking, tracking and sports fans.
- Unpack and upload the contents of the zipfile to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory or install the plugin through the admin page "Plugins".
- Activate the plugin via the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
- Set the Settings under Climb-Partner->Settings to configure the plugin
- Set the GTC and/or GDPR under Climb-Partner->GTC / GDPR
- Create a page under Menue->Pages
- Give the page a title.
- Write the shortcode in the page context: [kps-shortcode]
- Publish this page. 8.1. Go to the main menu under Design->Menus and add page to a menu. 8.2. Alternatively, you can create a new menu and add the page there
- Save it. Publish, Done.
Of course you can also implement the shortcode in a post.
If you have questions or problems, use the support forum at I will do my best to answer as soon as possible. Support-Forum
Excellent! Just drop us a message in the support forum and I will register as an editor. GlotPress
Use the shortcode: [kps-shortcode show-form-only="true"].
Use the shortcode: [kps-shortcode button-write="false"].
Use the shortcode: [kps-shortcode button-text="Your button name"].
You should decide this yourself.However, I recommend a few ground rules in the GTC set.
Yes, you should. Once personal data is collected, stored or processed, comes the GDPR into play. Inform yourself before there are problems!
Yes, you can. Under GitHub you can actively contribute to the source code, edit bugs and of course bring in improvements. If you have a Github account, please contact me and I will contact you Add to the committer / contributors, and I look forward to any help in the Support Team.
The URL is:
Please use the support forum. To provide quick support, write down step by step how you came to the problem / error, if necessary add individual partial steps.
If you send me an e-mail, I will not answer.
- Form
- Output
- Settings in the admin panel
- Settings in the admin panel
- Settings in the admin panel
- Settings in the admin panel
- Simple integration of the GTC or GDPR
- Settings for the email templates
- Settings for different icons, widget and other things
- Settings for translations of the form
- Overview of entries in the admin panel
The "Climbing-Partner-Search" connects climbing, hiking, tracking and sports fans. It was for the Saxon Mountaineering Federation e. V. (a section of the DAV - German Alpine Association e.V.) developed.
- Simple installation with shortcodes
- Automatic sending of emails for activation and verification
- Editable email templates for every action
- Users can delete their own entries
- Report entries
- Integration of own GTC / GDPR
- Widget
- IconPaks in diffrend colors
- Options in the form freely selectable
- Climb
- Bouldering
- Ferratas
- Alpine tours
- Hiking
- Trekking
- Travel
- Indoor sports
- Mountain bike
- Kayak
- Ski / Snowboarding
- Winter sports
Bugfix and extension of the plugin...
= v. 2.4.4 = [18.02.2021]
- Fix:
- Fix: Some translations
= v. 2.4.3 = [24.11.2020]
- Fix: Toggle in Adminpanel
= v. 2.4.2 = [13.07.2020]
- Fix: Activation-Link
= v. 2.4.1 = [09.06.2020]
- Fix: DropDown menu "Please Choose" in form
= v. 2.4.0 = [18.04.2020]
- Add: Sports kayak, bouldering, ferratas, alpine tours, hiking
- Add: Some reset button in email templates
- Add: Reset button for statistics
- Add: Reset button for translations
- Fix: Some small HTML bugs
- Fix: Some small PHP bugs
- Upd: FontAwesome to 5.13.0
= v. 2.3.1 = [14.10.2019]
- Fix: Install
= v. 2.3.0 = [13.10.2019]
- Add: Choose form options
- Add: Design->Translations
- Fix: IconPaks Orange
- Fix: Autor Avatar
- Fix: Email templates
= v. 2.2.3 = [04.10.2019]
- Fix: Some small HTML bugs
- Fix: Some small PHP bugs
= v. 2.2.2 = [15.09.2019]
- Fix: IconPaks for Android
= v. 2.2.1 = [12.09.2019]
- Fix: Activation-Email
= v. 2.2.0 = [03.09.2019]
- Upd: Optimize source code
= v. 2.1.1 = [30.08.2019]
- Add: changelog.txt
- Fix: Install
- Upd: readme.txt
- Upd.
= v. 2.1 = [29.08.2019]
- Add: Some IconPak
- Add: Design->Output Legend activation
- Fix: Widget
- Upd: Optimize source code
- Upd: IconPak
- Upd: Clear readme.txt
- Upd: Clear
- Del: Design->Legend Settings
- Del: Design->Widget Settings
= v. 2.0 = [16.06.2019]
- Add: Activation link for administrator
- Upd: Optimize source code
= v.1.0 to 1.9 =
Look at changelog.txt