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NDT Command Reference

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ndt account-id

usage: ndt account-id [-h]

Get current account id. Either from instance metadata or current cli

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt add-deployer-server

usage: ndt add-deployer-server [-h] [--id ID] file username

Add a server into a maven configuration file. Password is taken from the
environment variable \'DEPLOYER_PASSWORD\'

positional arguments:
  file        The file to modify
  username    The username to access the server.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --id ID     Optional id for the server. Default is deploy. One server with
              this id is added and another with \'-release\' appended

ndt assume-role

usage: ndt assume-role [-h] [-t TOKEN_NAME] [-d DURATION] [-p PROFILE]

Assume a defined role. Prints out environment variables to be eval\'d to
current context for use: eval $(ndt assume-role

positional arguments:
  role_arn              The ARN of the role to assume

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TOKEN_NAME, --mfa-token TOKEN_NAME
                        Name of MFA token to use
  -d DURATION, --duration DURATION
                        Duration for the session in minutes
  -p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
                        Profile to edit in ~/.aws/credentials to make role
                        persist in that file for the duration of the session.

ndt assumed-role-name

usage: ndt assumed-role-name [-h]

Read the name of the assumed role if currently defined

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt aws-config-to-json

usage: ndt aws-config-to-json [-h]

Prints aws config file contents as json for further parsing and use in other

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt azure-ensure-group

usage: ndt azure-ensure-group [-h] [-l LOCATION] name

Ensures that an azure resource group exists.

positional arguments:
  name                  The name of the resource group to make sure exists

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LOCATION, --location LOCATION
                        The location for the resource group. If not defined
                        looked from the environment variable AZURE_LOCATION
                        and after that seen if location is defined for the

ndt azure-ensure-management-group

usage: ndt azure-ensure-management-group [-h] name

Ensures that an azure resource group exists.

positional arguments:
  name        The name of the resource group to make sure exists

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt azure-location

usage: ndt azure-location [-h]

Resolve an azure location based on \'AZURE_LOCATION\' enviroment variable, local
project or az cli configuration. Defaults to \'northeurope\'

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt azure-template-parameters

usage: ndt azure-template-parameters [-h] template

Lists the parameters in an Azure Resource Manager template

positional arguments:
  template    The json template to scan for parameters

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt bake-docker

usage: ndt bake-docker [-h] [-i] component docker-name

Runs a docker build, ensures that an ecr repository with the docker name
(by default <component>/<branch>-<docker-name>) exists and pushes the built
image to that repository with the tags "latest" and "$BUILD_NUMBER"

positional arguments:
  component   the component directory where the docker directory is
  docker-name the name of the docker directory that has the Dockerfile
              For example for ecs-cluster/docker-cluster/Dockerfile
              you would give cluster

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -i, --imagedefinitions  create imagedefinitions.json for AWS CodePipeline
  -d, --dry-run  build image without pushing to ECR-repo

ndt bake-image

usage: ndt bake-image [-h] component [image-name]

Runs an ansible playbook that  builds an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) and
tags the image with the job name and build number.

positional arguments
  component     the component directory where the ami bake configurations are
  [image-name]  Optional name for a named image in component/image-[image-name]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt bw-store-aws-cli-creds

usage: ndt bw-store-aws-cli-creds [-h] entryname

Fetches a Bitwarden entry and if it contains a definition of a aws
credentials, stores it in aws cli configuration. Namely the entry needs to
define the extra fields aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key and

positional arguments:
  entryname   The name of the bitwarden entry to get

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt cf-delete-stack

usage: ndt cf-delete-stack [-h] stack_name region

Delete an existing CloudFormation stack

positional arguments:
  stack_name  Name of the stack to delete
  region      The region to delete the stack from

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt cf-follow-logs

usage: ndt cf-follow-logs [-h] [-s START] stack_name

Tail logs from the log group of a cloudformation stack

positional arguments:
  stack_name            Name of the stack to watch logs for

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s START, --start START
                        Start time in seconds since epoc

ndt cf-get-parameter

usage: ndt cf-get-parameter [-h] parameter

Get a parameter value from the stack

positional arguments:
  parameter   The name of the parameter to print

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt cf-logical-id

usage: ndt cf-logical-id [-h]

Get the logical id that is expecting a signal from this instance

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt cf-region

usage: ndt cf-region [-h]

Get region of the stack that created this instance

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt cf-signal-status

usage: ndt cf-signal-status [-h] [-r RESOURCE] status

Signal CloudFormation status to a logical resource in CloudFormation that is
either given on the command line or resolved from CloudFormation tags

positional arguments:
  status                Status to indicate: SUCCESS | FAILURE

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r RESOURCE, --resource RESOURCE
                        Logical resource name to signal. Looked up from
                        cloudformation tags by default

ndt cf-stack-id

usage: ndt cf-stack-id [-h]

Get id of the stack the creted this instance

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt cf-stack-name

usage: ndt cf-stack-name [-h]

Get name of the stack that created this instance

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt create-account

usage: ndt create-account [-h] [-d] [-o ORGANIZATION_ROLE_NAME]
                          [-r TRUST_ROLE_NAME] [-a [TRUSTED_ACCOUNTS ...]]
                          [-t TOKEN_NAME]
                          email account_name

Creates a subaccount.

positional arguments:
  email                 Email for account root
  account_name          Organization unique account name

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --deny-billing-access
                        Role name for admin access from parent account
  -r TRUST_ROLE_NAME, --trust-role-name TRUST_ROLE_NAME
                        Role name for admin access from parent account
  -a [TRUSTED_ACCOUNTS ...], --trusted-accounts [TRUSTED_ACCOUNTS ...]
                        Account to trust with user management
  -t TOKEN_NAME, --mfa-token TOKEN_NAME
                        Name of MFA token to use

ndt create-stack

usage: ndt create-stack [-h] [-y] [template]

Create a stack from a template

positional arguments:

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -y, --yes   Answer yes or use default to all questions

ndt deploy-azure

usage: ndt deploy-azure [-d] [-h] component azure-name

Exports ndt parameters into component/azure-name/variables.json
and deploys template.yaml or template.bicep with the azure cli referencing the parameter file
If and exist and are executable in the subcompoent directory,
they will be executed before and after the deployment, respectively.
Similarly, if a readable exists in the subcompoent directory,
it will be sourced before the deployment to enable things like activating a python venv.

positional arguments:
  component   the component directory where the azure directory is
  azure-name  the name of the azure directory that has the template
                  For example for lambda/azure-blobstore/template.yaml
                  you would give blobstore

optional arguments:
  -d, --dryrun  dry-run - do only parameter expansion and template pre-processing and azure cli what-if operation
  -v, --verbose verbose - verbose output from azure cli
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

ndt deploy-cdk

usage: ndt deploy-cdk [-d] [-h] component cdk-name

Exports ndt parameters into component/cdk-name/variables.json, runs in the
cdk project and runs cdk diff; cdk deploy for the same
If and exist and are executable in the subcompoent directory,
they will be executed before and after the deployment, respectively.
Similarly if a readable exists in the subcompoent directory,
it will be sourced before the deployment to enable things like activating a python venv.

positional arguments:
  component   the component directory where the cdk directory is
  cdk-name the name of the cdk directory that has the template
                  For example for lambda/cdk-sender/bin/MyProject.ts
                  you would give sender

optional arguments:
  -d, --dryrun  dry-run - do only parameter expansion and and cdk diff
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

ndt deploy-connect

usage: ndt deploy-connect [-h] [-d] component contactflowname

Deploy AWS Connect contact flows from a subcomponent

positional arguments:
  component        the component directory where the connect contact flow
                   directory is
  contactflowname  the name of the connect subcomponent directory that has the
                   contact flow template

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -d, --dryrun     Dry run - don\'t do changes but show what would happen of

ndt deploy-serverless

usage: ndt deploy-serverless [-d] [-h] component serverless-name

Exports ndt parameters into component/serverless-name/variables.yml, runs npm ci in the
serverless project and runs sls deploy -s $paramEnvId for the same
If and exist and are executable in the subcompoent directory,
they will be executed before and after the deployment, respectively.
Similarly, if a readable exists in the subcompoent directory,
it will be sourced before the deployment to enable things like activating a python venv.

positional arguments:
  component   the component directory where the serverless directory is
  serverless-name the name of the serverless directory that has the template
                  For example for lambda/serverless-sender/template.yaml
                  you would give sender

optional arguments:
  -d, --dryrun  dry-run - do only parameter expansion and template pre-processing and npm ci
  -v, --verbose verbose - verbose output from serverless framework
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

ndt deploy-stack

ami that is tagged with the bake-job name
  -r, --disable-rollback - disable stack rollback on failure
usage: ndt deploy-stack [-d] [-r] [-h] component stack-name ami-id bake-job

Resolves potential ECR urls and AMI Ids and then deploys the given stack either updating or creating it.
If and exist and are executable in the subcompoent directory,
they will be executed before and after the deployment, respectively.
Similarly, if a readable exists in the subcompoent directory,
it will be sourced before the deployment to enable things like activating a python venv.

positional arguments:
  component   the component directory where the stack template is
  stack-name  the name of the stack directory inside the component directory
              For example for ecs-cluster/stack-cluster/template.yaml
              you would give cluster
  ami-id      If you want to specify a value for the paramAmi variable in the stack,
              you can do so. Otherwise give an empty string with two quotation marks
  bake-job    If an ami-id is not given, the ami id is resolved by getting the latest

optional arguments:
  -d, --dryrun  dry-run - show only the change set without actually deploying it
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt deploy-terraform

usage: ndt deploy-terraform [-d] [-h] component terraform-name

Exports ndt parameters into component/terraform-name/terraform.tfvars as json, runs in the
terraform project and runs terraform plan; terraform apply for the same
If TF_BACKEND_CONF is defined and points to a readable file relative to the ndt root,
that file will get interpolated to $component/terraform-$terraform_name/
If and exist and are executable in the subcompoent directory,
they will be executed before and after the deployment, respectively.
Similarly, if a readable exists in the subcompoent directory,
it will be sourced before the deployment to enable things like activating a python venv.

positional arguments:
  component   the component directory where the terraform directory is
  terraform-name the name of the terraform directory that has the template
                  For example for lambda/terraform-sender/
                  you would give sender

optional arguments:
  -d, --dryrun  dry-run - do only parameter expansion and template pre-processing
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

ndt detach-volume

usage: ndt detach-volume [-h] (-m MOUNT_PATH | -i VOLUME_ID | -d DEVICE) [-x]

Create a snapshot of a volume identified by it\'s mount path

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MOUNT_PATH, --mount-path MOUNT_PATH
                        Mount point of the volume to be detached
  -i VOLUME_ID, --volume-id VOLUME_ID
                        Volume id to detach
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                        Device to detach
  -x, --delete          Delete volume after detaching

ndt ec2-clean-snapshots

usage: ndt ec2-clean-snapshots [-h] [-r REGION] [-d DAYS] [--dry-run]
                               tags [tags ...]

Clean snapshots that are older than a number of days (30 by default) and have
one of specified tag values

positional arguments:
  tags                  The tag values to select deleted snapshots

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r REGION, --region REGION
                        The region to delete snapshots from. Can also be set
                        with env variable AWS_DEFAULT_REGION or is gotten from
                        instance metadata as a last resort
  -d DAYS, --days DAYS  The number of days that is theminimum age for
                        snapshots to be deleted
  --dry-run             Do not delete, but print what would be deleted

ndt ec2-get-tag

usage: ndt ec2-get-tag [-h] name

Get the value of a tag for an ec2 instance

positional arguments:
  name        The name of the tag to get

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt ec2-get-userdata

usage: ndt ec2-get-userdata [-h] file

Get userdata defined for an instance into a file

positional arguments:
  file        File to write userdata into. \'-\' for stdout

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt ec2-instance-id

usage: ndt ec2-instance-id [-h]

Get id for instance

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt ec2-region

usage: ndt ec2-region [-h]

Get current default region. Defaults to the region of the instance on ec2 if
not otherwise defined.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt ec2-wait-for-metadata

usage: ndt ec2-wait-for-metadata [-h] [--timeout TIMEOUT]

Waits for metadata service to be available. All errors are ignored until time
expires or a socket can be established to the metadata service

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT
                        Maximum time to wait in seconds for the metadata
                        service to be available

ndt ecr-ensure-repo

usage: ndt ecr-ensure-repo [-h] name

Ensure that an ECR repository exists and get the uri and login token for it

positional arguments:
  name        The name of the ecr repository to verify

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt ecr-repo-uri

usage: ndt ecr-repo-uri [-h] name

Get the repo uri for a named docker

positional arguments:
  name        The name of the ecr repository

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt ecs-exec

usage: ndt ecs-exec [-h] [-t TASK] [--non-interactive] cluster service command

Execute a command in a running ECS task using ECS Exec

positional arguments:
  cluster               The cluster to execute the command in
  service               The service to execute the command in
  command               The command to execute

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TASK, --task TASK  The task to execute the command in. If not specified,
                        a task will be selected at random
  --non-interactive     Run the command non-interactively. Default is to run

ndt ecs-ls

usage: ndt ecs-ls [-h] [cluster] [service]

List ECS clusters or if a cluster is given, list services in that cluster. If
a service is given, list tasks in that service

positional arguments:
  cluster     The cluster to list services for. If not specified, all clusters
              are listed
  service     The service to list tasks for. If not specified, all services
              are listed

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt enable-profile

usage: ndt enable-profile [-h] [-i | -a | -f | -l | -n | -s | -o] profile

Enable a configured profile. Simple IAM user, AzureAD, ADFS and ndt assume-
role profiles are supported.

positional arguments:
  profile               The profile to enable

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i, --iam             IAM user type profile
  -a, --azure           Azure login type profile
  -f, --adfs            ADFS login type profile
  -l, --lastpass        Lastpass login type profile
  -n, --ndt             NDT assume role type profile
  -s, --azure-subscription
                        Microsoft Azure subscription
  -o, --sso             AWS SSO type profile

ndt export-connect-contact-flow

usage: ndt export-connect-contact-flow [-h] [-c COMPONENT]
                                       [-f CONTACTFLOWNAME]
                                       [-i INSTANCEID | -a INSTANCEALIAS]

Export AWS Connect contact flow from an existing instance

positional arguments:
  name                  The name of the contact flow to export

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c COMPONENT, --component COMPONENT
                        the component directory where the connect contact flow
                        directory is
                        the name of the connect subcomponent directory that
                        has the contact flow template
  -i INSTANCEID, --instanceid INSTANCEID
                        id of the connect instance to export from
                        alias of the connect instance to export from
  --colorize, -o        Colorize output

ndt get-images

usage: ndt get-images [-h] job_name

Gets a list of images given a bake job name

positional arguments:
  job_name    The job name to look for

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt interpolate-file

usage: ndt interpolate-file [-h] [-s STACK] [-k] [-n] [-v] [-o OUTPUT]
                            [-e ENCODING]

Replace placeholders in file with parameter values from stack and optionally
from vault

positional arguments:
  file                  File to interpolate

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s STACK, --stack STACK
                        Stack name for values. Automatically resolved on ec2
  -k, --skip-stack      Skip stack parameters in all cases
  -n, --use-environ     Use environment variables for interpolation
  -v, --vault           Use vault values as well.Vault resovled from env
                        variables or default is used
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output file
  -e ENCODING, --encoding ENCODING
                        Encoding to use for the file. Defaults to utf-8

ndt json-to-yaml

usage: ndt json-to-yaml [-h] [--colorize] file

Convert CloudFormation json to an approximation of a nameless CloudFormation
yaml with for example scripts externalized

positional arguments:
  file            File to parse

  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  --colorize, -c  Colorize output

ndt latest-snapshot

usage: ndt latest-snapshot [-h] tag

Get the latest snapshot with a given tag

positional arguments:
  tag         The tag to find snapshots with

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt list-components

usage: ndt list-components [-h] [-j] [-b BRANCH]

Prints the components in a branch, by default the current branch

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -j, --json            Print in json format.
  -b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH
                        The branch to get components from. Default is to
                        process current branch

ndt list-connect-contact-flows

usage: ndt list-connect-contact-flows [-h] [-c COMPONENT] [-f CONTACTFLOWNAME]
                                      [-i INSTANCEID | -a INSTANCEALIAS] [-t]
                                      [-m MATCH]

List existing AWS Connect contact flows in an instance

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c COMPONENT, --component COMPONENT
                        the component directory where the connect contact flow
                        directory is
                        the name of the connect subcomponent directory that
                        has the contact flow template
  -i INSTANCEID, --instanceid INSTANCEID
                        id of the connect instance to export from
                        alias of the connect instance to export from
  -t, --trash           Include trashed flows
  -m MATCH, --match MATCH
                        Pattern to match printed flows

ndt list-file-to-json

usage: ndt list-file-to-json [-h] arrayname file

Convert a file with an entry on each line to a json document with a single
element (name as argument) containg file rows as list.

positional arguments:
  arrayname   The name in the json object givento the array
  file        The file to parse

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt list-jobs

usage: ndt list-jobs [-h] [-e] [-j] [-b BRANCH] [-c COMPONENT]

Prints a line for every runnable job in this git repository, in all branches
and optionally exports the properties for each under \'$root/job-properties/

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e, --export-job-properties
                        Set if you want the properties of all jobs into files
                        under job-properties/
  -j, --json            Print in json format. Optionally exported parameters
                        will be in the json document
  -b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH
                        The branch to process. Default is to process all
  -c COMPONENT, --component COMPONENT
                        Component to process. Default is to process all

ndt load-parameters

usage: ndt load-parameters [-h] [--branch BRANCH] [--resolve-images]
                           [--stack STACK | --serverless SERVERLESS | --docker DOCKER | --image [IMAGE]
                           | --cdk CDK | --terraform TERRAFORM | --azure AZURE
                           | --connect CONNECT]
                           [--json | --yaml | --properties | --terraform-variables | --export-statements | --azure-parameters]
                           [-f FILTER]

    Load parameters from infra*.properties files in the order:

    Last parameter defined overwrites ones defined before in the files. Supports parameter expansion
    and bash -like transformations. Namely:

    ${PARAM##prefix} # strip prefix greedy
    ${PARAM%%suffix} # strip suffix greedy
    ${PARAM#prefix} # strip prefix not greedy
    ${PARAM%suffix} # strip suffix not greedy
    ${PARAM:-default} # default if empty
    ${PARAM:4:2} # start:len
    ${PARAM^} # upper initial
    ${PARAM,} # lower initial
    ${PARAM^^} # upper
    ${PARAM,,} # lower

    Comment lines start with \'#\'
    Lines can be continued by adding \'\' at the end

    (arrays not supported)

positional arguments:
  component             Compenent to descend into

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --branch BRANCH, -b BRANCH
                        Branch to get active parameters for
  --resolve-images, -r  Also resolve subcomponent AMI IDs and docker repo urls
  --stack STACK, -s STACK
                        CloudFormation subcomponent to descent into
  --serverless SERVERLESS, -l SERVERLESS
                        Serverless subcomponent to descent into
  --docker DOCKER, -d DOCKER
                        Docker image subcomponent to descent into
  --image [IMAGE], -i [IMAGE]
                        AMI image subcomponent to descent into
  --cdk CDK, -c CDK     CDK subcomponent to descent into
  --terraform TERRAFORM, -t TERRAFORM
                        Terraform subcomponent to descent into
  --azure AZURE, -a AZURE
                        Azure subcomponent to descent into
  --connect CONNECT, -n CONNECT
                        Connect subcomponent to descent into
  --json, -j            JSON format output (default)
  --yaml, -y            YAML format output
  --properties, -p      properties file format output
  --terraform-variables, -v
                        terraform syntax variables
  --export-statements, -e
                        Output as eval-able export statements
  --azure-parameters, -z
                        Azure parameter file syntax variables
  -f FILTER, --filter FILTER
                        Comma separated list of parameter names to output

ndt logs

usage: ndt logs log_group_pattern [-h] [-f FILTER] [-s START [START ...]] [-e END [END ...]] [-o]

Get logs from multiple CloudWatch log groups and possibly filter them.

positional arguments:
  log_group_pattern     Regular expression to filter log groups with

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILTER, --filter FILTER
                        CloudWatch filter pattern
  -s START [START ...], --start START [START ...]
                        Start time (x m|h|d|w ago | now | <seconds since
  -e END [END ...], --end END [END ...]
                        End time (x m|h|d|w ago | now | <seconds since epoc>)
  -o, --order           Best effort ordering of log entries
  -t, --shortformat     Print timestamps and log groups in shorter format

ndt mfa-add-token

usage: ndt mfa-add-token [-h] [-i | -b BITWARDEN_ENTRY] [-a TOKEN_ARN]
                         [-s TOKEN_SECRET] [-f]

Adds an MFA token to be used with role assumption. Tokens will be saved in a
.ndt subdirectory in the user\'s home directory. If a token with the same name
already exists, it will not be overwritten.

positional arguments:
  token_name            Name for the token. Use this to refer to the token
                        later with the assume-role command.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i, --interactive     Ask for token details interactively.
                        Use a bitwarden entry as the source of the totp secret
  -a TOKEN_ARN, --token_arn TOKEN_ARN
                        ARN identifier for the token.
  -s TOKEN_SECRET, --token_secret TOKEN_SECRET
                        Token secret.
  -f, --force           Force an overwrite if the token already exists.

ndt mfa-backup

usage: ndt mfa-backup [-h] [-d FILE] backup_secret

Encrypt or decrypt a backup JSON structure of tokens. To output an encrypted
backup, provide an encryption secret. To decrypt an existing backup, use
--decrypt <file>.

positional arguments:
  backup_secret         Secret to use for encrypting or decrypts the backup.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d FILE, --decrypt FILE
                        Outputs a decrypted token backup read from given file.

ndt mfa-code

usage: ndt mfa-code [-h] token_name

Generates a TOTP code using an MFA token.

positional arguments:
  token_name  Name of the token to use.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt mfa-delete-token

usage: ndt mfa-delete-token [-h] token_name

Deletes an MFA token file from the .ndt subdirectory in the user\'s home

positional arguments:
  token_name  Name of the token to delete.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt mfa-qrcode

usage: ndt mfa-qrcode [-h] token_name

Generates a QR code to import a token to other devices.

positional arguments:
  token_name  Name of the token to use.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt print-aws-profiles

usage: ndt print-aws-profiles [-h] [prefix]

Prints profile names from the credentials file (~/.aws/credentials), and the
config file (~/.aws/config) for autocomplete tools.

positional arguments:
  prefix      Prefix of profiles to print

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt print-create-instructions

Prints out the instructions to create and deploy the resources in a stack
usage: ndt print-create-instructions [-h] component stack-name

positional arguments:
  component   the component directory where the stack template is
  stack-name  the name of the stack directory inside the component directory
              For example for ecs-cluster/stack-cluster/template.yaml
              you would give cluster

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt profile-expiry-to-env

usage: ndt profile-expiry-to-env [-h] profile

Prints profile expiry from credentials file (~/.aws/credentials) as eval-able
environment variables.

positional arguments:
  profile     The profile to read expiry info from

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt profile-to-env

usage: ndt profile-to-env [-h] [-t] [-r ROLE_ARN] profile

Prints profile parameters from credentials file (~/.aws/credentials) as eval-
able environment variables

positional arguments:
  profile               The profile to read profile info from

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t, --target-role     Output also azure_default_role_arn
  -r ROLE_ARN, --role-arn ROLE_ARN
                        Output also the role given here as the target role for
                        the profile

ndt promote-image

usage: ndt promote-image [-h] image_id target_job

Promotes an image for use in another branch

positional arguments:
  image_id    The image to promote
  target_job  The job name to promote the image to

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt pytail

usage: ndt pytail [-h] file

Read and print a file and keep following the end for new data

positional arguments:
  file        File to follow

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt read-profile-expiry

usage: ndt read-profile-expiry [-h] profile

Read expiry field from credentials file, which is there if the login happened
with aws-azure-login or another tool that implements the same logic (e.g.

positional arguments:
  profile     The profile to read expiry info from

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt region

usage: ndt region [-h]

Get current default region. Defaults to the region of the instance on ec2 if
not otherwise defined.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt register-private-dns

usage: ndt register-private-dns [-h] [-t TTL] [-p PRIVATE_IP]
                                dns_name hosted_zone

Register local private IP in route53 hosted zone usually for internal use.

positional arguments:
  dns_name              The name to update in route 53
  hosted_zone           The name of the hosted zone to update

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TTL, --ttl TTL     Time to live for the record. 60 by default
  -p PRIVATE_IP, --private-ip PRIVATE_IP
                        Private IP address to register

ndt session-to-env

usage: ndt session-to-env [-h] [-t TOKEN_NAME] [-d DURATION_MINUTES]

Export current session as environment variables

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TOKEN_NAME, --token-name TOKEN_NAME
                        Name of the mfs token to use.
                        Duration in minutes for the session token. Default to

ndt setup-cli

usage: ndt setup-cli [-h] [-n NAME] [-k KEY_ID] [-s SECRET] [-r REGION]

Setup the command line environment to define an aws cli profile with the given
name and credentials. If an identically named profile exists, it will not be

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Name for the profile to create
  -k KEY_ID, --key-id KEY_ID
                        Key id for the profile
  -s SECRET, --secret SECRET
                        Secret to set for the profile
  -r REGION, --region REGION
                        Default region for the profile

ndt share-to-another-region

usage: ndt share-to-another-region [-h]
                                   ami_id to_region ami_name account_id
                                   [account_id ...]

Shares an image to another region for potentially another account

positional arguments:
  ami_id      The ami to share
  to_region   The region to share to
  ami_name    The name for the ami
  account_id  The account ids to share ami to

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt show-azure-params

usage: ndt show-azure-params [-h] [-p PARAMETER] component azure

Show available parameters for a azure subcomponent

positional arguments:
  component             The component containg the azure subcomponet
  azure                 The name of the azure subcomponent

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PARAMETER, --parameter PARAMETER
                        Name of paremeter if only one parameter required

ndt show-stack-params-and-outputs

usage: ndt show-stack-params-and-outputs [-h] [-r REGION] [-p PARAMETER]

Show stack parameters and outputs as a single json document

positional arguments:
  stack_name            The stack name to show

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r REGION, --region REGION
                        Region for the stack to show
  -p PARAMETER, --parameter PARAMETER
                        Name of paremeter if only one parameter required

ndt show-terraform-params

usage: ndt show-terraform-params [-h] [-j JMESPATH | -p PARAMETER]
                                 component terraform

Show available parameters for a terraform subcomponent

positional arguments:
  component             The component containg the terraform subcomponet
  terraform             The name of the terraform subcomponent

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -j JMESPATH, --jmespath JMESPATH
                        Show just a matching jmespath value
  -p PARAMETER, --parameter PARAMETER
                        Name of paremeter if only one parameter required

ndt snapshot-from-volume

usage: ndt snapshot-from-volume [-h] [-w] [-c [COPYTAGS ...]] [-t [TAGS ...]]
                                tag_key tag_value mount_path

Create a snapshot of a volume identified by it\'s mount path

positional arguments:
  tag_key               Key of the tag to find volume with
  tag_value             Value of the tag to find volume with
  mount_path            Where to mount the volume

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w, --wait            Wait for the snapshot to finish before returning
  -c [COPYTAGS ...], --copytags [COPYTAGS ...]
                        Tag to copy to the snapshot from instance. Multiple
                        values allowed.
  -t [TAGS ...], --tags [TAGS ...]
                        Tag to add to the snapshot in the format name=value.
                        Multiple values allowed.
  -i, --ignore-missing-copytags
                        If set, missing copytags are ignored.

ndt terraform-pull-state

usage: ndt terraform-init-state [-h] component terraform-name

Make sure terraform state is initialized either for backend or locally

positional arguments:
  component   the component directory where the terraform directory is
  terraform-name the name of the terraform directory that has the template
                  For example for lambda/terraform-sender/template.yaml
                  you would give sender

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

ndt undeploy-azure

usage: ndt deploy-azure [-d] [-h] component azure-name

Exports ndt parameters into component/azure-name/variables.json
and deletes the deployment

positional arguments:
  component   the component directory where the azure directory is
  azure-name  the name of the azure directory that has the template
                  For example for lambda/azure-blobstore/template.yaml
                  you would give blobstore

optional arguments:
  -d, --dryrun  dry-run - do only parameter expansion and template pre-processing and azure cli what-if operation
  -v, --verbose verbose - verbose output from azure cli
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

ndt undeploy-cdk

usage: ndt undeploy-cdk [-h] component cdk-name

Exports ndt parameters into component/cdk-name/variables.yml
and runs cdk destroy for the same

positional arguments:
  component   the component directory where the cdk directory is
  cdk-name the name of the cdk directory that has the template
                  For example for lambda/cdk-sender/template.yaml
                  you would give sender

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

ndt undeploy-serverless

usage: ndt undeploy-serverless [-h] component serverless-name

Exports ndt parameters into component/serverless-name/variables.yml
and runs sls remove -s $paramEnvId for the same

positional arguments:
  component   the component directory where the serverless directory is
  serverless-name the name of the serverless directory that has the template
                  For example for lambda/serverless-sender/template.yaml
                  you would give sender

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

ndt undeploy-stack

usage: ndt undeploy-stack [-h] [-f] <component> <stack-name>

Undeploys (deletes) the given stack.
Found s3 buckets are emptied and deleted only in case the -f argument is given.

positional arguments:
  component   the component directory where the stack template is
  stack-name  the name of the stack directory inside the component directory
              For example for ecs-cluster/stack-cluster/template.yaml
              you would give cluster

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt undeploy-terraform

usage: ndt undeploy-terraform [-h] component terraform-name

Exports ndt parameters into component/terraform-name/terraform.tfvars as json
and runs terraform destroy for the same

positional arguments:
  component   the component directory where the terraform directory is
  terraform-name the name of the terraform directory that has the template
                  For example for lambda/terraform-sender/template.yaml
                  you would give sender

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

ndt update-sso-profile

usage: ndt update-sso-profile [-h]

Update current SSO-profile\'s session to ~/.aws/credentials. Running this
enables SSO-support for the Serverless Framework.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

ndt upsert-cloudfront-records

usage: ndt upsert-cloudfront-records [-h]
                                     (-i DISTRIBUTION_ID | -c DISTRIBUTION_COMMENT)

Upsert Route53 records for all aliases of a CloudFront distribution

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Id for the distribution to upsert
                        Comment for the distribution to upsert
  -w, --wait            Wait for request to sync

ndt upsert-codebuild-projects

usage: ndt upsert-codebuild-projects [-h] [-d]

    Creates or updates codebuild projects to deploy or bake ndt subcomponents in the current branch.

    Parameters are read from properties files as described in \'ndt load-parameters -h\'.
    To check all job paramters you can run \'ndt list-jobs -e -j -b [current-branch]\'
    The only mandatory parameter is CODEBUILD_SERVICE_ROLE,
    which defines the role that the codebuild project assumes for building.
    Other parameters that affect jobs are:
    * BUILD_JOB_NAME - name for the codebuild project
    * NDT_VERSION - version to use to run bakes and deployments.
        - Defaults to current version.
        - You may also want to uses \'latest\' to always run the latest released ndt version (only recommended for dev/testing workloads).
    * BUILD_SPEC - file or yaml snippet to use as the build definition.
        - See
        - subcomponent variables and special variables ${command}, ${component} and ${subcomponent} are available and will be substituted accordingly
    * CODEBUILD_SOURCE_LOCATION - the location of the source code
        - if either of the above is missing, then the source part of the build will be omitted
    * CODEBUILD_EVENT_FILTER - the type of event to trigger the build.
        - By default PULL_REQUEST_MERGED
    * CODEBUILD_TIMEOUT - timeout in minutes for the codebuild execution. 60 by default
    * BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_COMPUTE - the compute environment for the build.
        - BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL by default
    * NEEDS_DOCKER - if \'y\' (by default on for docker bakes and missing otheriwise), docker server is started inside the container
        - Needed for bakes and for example serverless python dockerized dependencies
    * SKIP_BUILD_JOB - skip creating build jobs where this parameter is \'y\'
    * SKIP_IMAGE_JOB, SKIP_DOCKER_JOB, SKIP_SERVERLESS_JOB, SKIP_CDK_JOB, SKIP_TERRAFORM_JOB - skip creating jobs where these parameters are \'y\' and match the subcomponent type

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -d, --dry-run  Do not actually create or update projects, just print

ndt upsert-dns-record

usage: ndt upsert-dns-record [-h] [-t TYPE] [-l TTL] [-n] name value

Update a dns record in Route53.

positional arguments:
  name                  The name of the record to create
  value                 The value to put into the record

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TYPE, --type TYPE  The type of record to create. Defaults to \'A\'
  -l TTL, --ttl TTL     Time To Live for the record. Defaults to 300
  -n, --no-wait         Do not wait for the record to be synced within Route53

ndt volume-from-snapshot

usage: ndt volume-from-snapshot [-h] [-n] [-c [COPYTAGS ...]] [-t [TAGS ...]]
                                [-i] [-u] [--gp2 | --gp3]
                                tag_key tag_value mount_path [size_gb]

Create a volume from an existing snapshot and mount it on the given path. The
snapshot is identified by a tag key and value. If no tag is found, an empty
volume is created, attached, formatted and mounted.

positional arguments:
  tag_key               Key of the tag to find volume with
  tag_value             Value of the tag to find volume with
  mount_path            Where to mount the volume
  size_gb               Size in GB for the volume. If different from snapshot
                        size, volume and filesystem are resized

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n, --no_delete_on_termination
                        Whether to skip deleting the volume on termination,
                        defaults to false
  -c [COPYTAGS ...], --copytags [COPYTAGS ...]
                        Tag to copy to the volume from instance. Multiple
                        values allowed.
  -t [TAGS ...], --tags [TAGS ...]
                        Tag to add to the volume in the format name=value.
                        Multiple values allowed.
  -i, --ignore-missing-copytags
                        If set, missing copytags are ignored.
  -u, --unencrypted     If set, create unencrypted volume
  --gp2                 GP2 volume type (default)
  --gp3                 GP3 volume type

ndt yaml-to-json

usage: ndt yaml-to-json [-h] [--colorize] [--merge [MERGE ...]] [--small] file

Convert nameless CloudFormation yaml to CloudFormation json with some

positional arguments:
  file                  File to parse

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --colorize, -c        Colorize output
  --merge [MERGE ...], -m [MERGE ...]
                        Merge other yaml files to the main file
  --small, -s           Compact representration of json

ndt yaml-to-yaml

usage: ndt yaml-to-yaml [-h] [--colorize] file

Do ndt preprocessing for a yaml file

positional arguments:
  file            File to parse

  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  --colorize, -c  Colorize output

[ndt ]associate-eip

usage: associate-eip [-h] [-i IP] [-a ALLOCATIONID] [-e EIPPARAM]
                     [-p ALLOCATIONIDPARAM]

Associate an Elastic IP for the instance that this script runs on

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i IP, --ip IP        Elastic IP to allocate - default is to get paramEip
                        from the stack that created this instance
                        Elastic IP allocation id to allocate - default is to
                        get paramEipAllocationId from the stack that created
                        this instance
  -e EIPPARAM, --eipparam EIPPARAM
                        Parameter to look up for Elastic IP in the stack -
                        default is paramEip
                        Parameter to look up for Elastic IP Allocation ID in
                        the stack - default is paramEipAllocationId

[ndt ]cf-logs-to-cloudwatch

usage: cf-logs-to-cloudwatch [-h] [-g GROUP] [-s STREAM] file

Read a file and send rows to cloudwatch and keep following the end for new
data. The log group will be the stack name that created instance if not given
as an argument. The logstream will be the instance id and filename if not
given as an argument. Group and stream aare created if they do not exist.

positional arguments:
  file                  File to follow

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g GROUP, --group GROUP
                        Log group to log to. Defaults to the stack name that
                        created the instance if not given and instance is
                        created with a CloudFormation stack
  -s STREAM, --stream STREAM
                        The log stream name to log to. The instance id and
                        filename if not given

[ndt ]ec2-associate-eip

usage: ec2-associate-eip [-h] [-i IP] [-a ALLOCATIONID] [-e EIPPARAM]
                         [-p ALLOCATIONIDPARAM]

Associate an Elastic IP for the instance that this script runs on

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i IP, --ip IP        Elastic IP to allocate - default is to get paramEip
                        from the stack that created this instance
                        Elastic IP allocation id to allocate - default is to
                        get paramEipAllocationId from the stack that created
                        this instance
  -e EIPPARAM, --eipparam EIPPARAM
                        Parameter to look up for Elastic IP in the stack -
                        default is paramEip
                        Parameter to look up for Elastic IP Allocation ID in
                        the stack - default is paramEipAllocationId

[ndt ]logs-to-cloudwatch

usage: logs-to-cloudwatch [-h] [-g GROUP] [-s STREAM] file

Read a file and send rows to cloudwatch and keep following the end for new
data. The log group will be the stack name that created instance if not given
as an argument. The logstream will be the instance id and filename if not
given as an argument. Group and stream aare created if they do not exist.

positional arguments:
  file                  File to follow

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g GROUP, --group GROUP
                        Log group to log to. Defaults to the stack name that
                        created the instance if not given and instance is
                        created with a CloudFormation stack
  -s STREAM, --stream STREAM
                        The log stream name to log to. The instance id and
                        filename if not given

[ndt ]n-include

usage: n-include [-h] file

Find a file from the first of the defined include paths

positional arguments:
  file        The file to find

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

[ndt ]n-include-all

usage: n-include-all [-h] pattern

Find a file from the first of the defined include paths

positional arguments:
  pattern     The file pattern to find

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

[ndt ]signal-cf-status

usage: signal-cf-status [-h] [-r RESOURCE] status

Signal CloudFormation status to a logical resource in CloudFormation that is
either given on the command line or resolved from CloudFormation tags

positional arguments:
  status                Status to indicate: SUCCESS | FAILURE

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r RESOURCE, --resource RESOURCE
                        Logical resource name to signal. Looked up from
                        cloudformation tags by default

file  one or more files to package into the archive
usage: [-h] [<file> ...]

Creates a self-extracting bash archive, suitable for storing in e.g. Lastpass SecureNotes
positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Mounts a local block device as an encrypted volume. Handy for things like local database installs.
usage: [-h] blk-device mount-path

positional arguments
  blk-device  the block device you want to encrypt and mount
  mount-path  the mount point for the encrypted volume

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

usage: [-h] domain-name [domain-name ...]

Fetches a certificate with, and exits cleanly if certificate is found and valid.
Otherwise gets a new certificate from letsencrypt via DNS verification using Route53.
Requires that and Route53 are set up correctly.

positional arguments
  domain-name   The domain(s) you want to check certificates for

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

--optional  marks that following files will not fail and exit the script in they do not exist
usage: [-h] mode file [file ...] [--optional file ...]

Fetches secure notes from lastpass that match the basename of each listed file.
Files specified after --optional won\'t fail if the file does not exist.

positional arguments
  mode   the file mode for the downloaded files
  file   the file(s) to download. The source will be the note that matches the basename of the file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


usage: lpssh [-h] [-k key-name] [email protected]

Fetches key mappings from lastpass, downloads mapped keys into a local ssh-agent and starts
an ssh session using those credentials.

positional arguments
  [email protected]   The user and host to match in "my-ssh-mappings" secure note
                     and to log into once keys are set up.

optional arguments:
  -k,         key name in lastpass to use if you don\'t want to use a mapping
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Mounts a local block device as an encrypted volume. Handy for things like local database installs.
usage: [-h] blk-device mount-path

positional arguments
  blk-device  the block device you want to mount and formant
  mount-path  the mount point for the volume

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Please run as root
usage: [-h] <lpass|s3|vault>

Sets up a global that fetches secrets from either LastPass, S3 or nitor-vault

positional arguments
  lpass|s3|vault   the selected secrets backend.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit exit 1

usage: [-h] hostname

Creates a <hostname> archive in the current directory containing
ssh host keys to preserve the identity of a server over image upgrades.

positional arguments
  hostname   the name of the host used to store the keys. Typically the hostname is what
             instance userdata scripts will use to look for the keys

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit