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File metadata and controls

56 lines (42 loc) · 2.79 KB


Useful components, models and other stuff for Wicket (mainly 6) projects


Available in Maven central repository. Add this to your pom.xml




  • ViewSizeToolbar - change the view size of a DataTable
  • MaxLengthTextField
  • ShorteningLabel - shortens the display value and adds an ellipsis
  • CollapsingBorder and CollapsingContainer for ajax based collapsing content

Form components

  • AjaxElementChoice - works similarly to a radio group but on arbitrary components


  • Converters for Joda-Time's LocalDate, LocalTime, and DateTime


  • GroupingMultimapModel / GroupingModel - A model that groups a list of items by a Lambdaj argument specified by getKeyArgument(). The lists will be kept in order by specifying Ordering for keys and values in getKeyOrdering() and getValueOrdering(), correspondingly.
  • JoiningPropertyModel - joins a list by using the property expression and ordering them naturally. E.g., List&lt;String> { "abc", "d", "ef" } could be joined by length to "1, 2, 3"
  • ListingStringResourceModel - joins a list by internally wrapping StringResourceModels. E.g., properties: stringLength=len: ${length}, Java: new ListingStringResourceModel&lt;String>("stringLength", Model.ofList(Arrays.asList("abc", "d", "ef"))) => "len: 3, len: 1, len: 2"
  • MapEntryModel - a dynamic map entry accessor model
  • NullWrapperModel(IModel first, IModel second) - returns second.getObject() if first.getObject() is null
  • StringFormatModel - works like String.format(..)


  • VisibilityNullBehavior Factories for Behaviors which sets the Component's visibility based on the default model's or some other components model object. Used to reduce boiler-plate code with typical scenarios of components needing to be hidden or visible based on nullity of certain model object.
  • ErrorFieldBehavior - Adds red borders to any components with validation errors (Since 1.1)


  • WicketAjaxTimeoutFilter - refreshes the page on ajax request after session has expired. Works with Wicket 6.


  • AjaxUtil - helpers for common Wicket ajax tasks: add(target, Component...), add(Component...), getTarget()


  • AnnotationEventDispatcher - scans instantiated components for OnEvent annotated methods and dispatches events based on payload type.


  • CheckedValidator - validates that a checkbox is checked (Since 1.1)
  • MatchingValidator - validates that the value matches a given Hamcrest matcher (Since 1.1)
  • PhoneNumberValidator - validates that the String value contains only 0-9+-() (Since 1.1)