If you make use of this code please cite this paper.
Requirements: in addition to the usual anaconda stuff, FishLSS
requires pyFFTW, velocileptors and CLASS, which can be installed by running
pip install pyFFTW
pip install -v git+https://github.com/sfschen/velocileptors
git clone https://github.com/lesgourg/class_public
cd class_public
make clean
To forecast sensitivity to Early Dark Energy one can optionally install CLASS_EDE instead of the vanilla CLASS
(and similarly for any other modified version of CLASS
Installation: FishLSS
is now pip-installable! Just run
pip install -v git+https://github.com/NoahSailer/FishLSS
What is FishLSS
good for?
Fisher forecasting codes compute the Fisher information matrix for a set of observables and model parameters. FishLSS
is set up to model the following observables:
the redshift-space power spectrum of any biased tracer of the CDM+baryon field
the post-reconstruction galaxy power spectrum
the projected cross-correlation of galaxies with the CMB lensing convergence, the projected galaxy power spectrum, and the CMB lensing convergence power spectrum
With the exception of the CMB lensing convergence power spectrum, which is modeled with HaloFit
, all of these observables are modeled self-consistently using 1-loop Lagrangian perturbation theory (i.e. velocileptors
can compute the derivatives, and hence the Fisher information from the observables listed above, with respect to the following sets of parameters:
any standard
input, or any extra parameters introduced by a modified version ofCLASS
(e.g. the maximum amplitude of Early Dark Energy when runningCLASS_EDE
) -
bias parameters (
b, b1, b2
), counterterms (alpha0, alpha2, alpha4
) and stochastic contributions (N, N2, N4
) -
the fixed-template BAO parameters (
alpha_parallel, alpha_perp
) -
(linear) primordial features (
A_lin, A_log
) -
local primordial non-Gaussianity through its effect on scale dependent bias (
Quickstart example: below is a code snippet which creates forecasting object, calculate derivatives of the redshift-space galaxy power spectrum, and generate a Fisher matrix. See notebooks/
for more detailed examples.
# import dependencies
import numpy as np
from classy import Class
from FishLSS.fisherForecast import fisherForecast
from FishLSS.experiment import experiment
# create CLASS object
params = {'output': 'mPk lCl','P_k_max_h/Mpc': 40.,'non linear':'halofit',
'z_pk': '0.0,10','A_s': 2.10732e-9,'n_s': 0.96824,
'alpha_s': 0.,'h': 0.6770, 'N_ur': 1.0196,
'N_ncdm': 2,'m_ncdm': '0.01,0.05','tau_reio': 0.0568,
'omega_b': 0.02247,'omega_cdm': 0.11923,'Omega_k': 0.}
cosmo = Class()
# Define an experiment. This one observes LBGs (i.e. an idealized MegaMapper survey)
# from 2 < z < 5, and we split the sample into three z-bins
exp = experiment(zmin=2., zmax=5., nbins=3, fsky=0.34, LBG=True)
# Create the forecast object.
bd = '/path/to/where/you/want/to/store/derivatives/'
fishcast = fisherForecast(experiment=exp,cosmo=cosmo,name='Example',basedir=bd)
# derivatives stored in bd + 'output/Example/'
# Specify which derivatives to compute
basis = np.array(['h','log(A_s)','n_s','omega_cdm','b','b_2'])
fishcast.free_params = basis
# Derivatives of P(k,mu), automatically saves to output/Example/derivatives
# Compute (small) Fisher matrix with kmax = knl (k_{non-linear})
fisher_basis = np.array(['h','n_s','b'])
globe = 2 # the number of redshift-independent parameters
F = fishcast.gen_fisher(fisher_basis, globe, kmax_knl = 1)
# F is a (2 + 1*3) x (2 + 1*3) matrix in the basis {h,n_s,b(z1),b(z2),b(z3)}