RunGet is a discord bot that posts recent verified runs from
You can invite the official hosted version from here
- Invite the bot to your server (or host it from source code)
- Make sure bot has permission to send messages and embeds
- Set the channel the bot will new runs in using /setchannel
- add the game(s) you want to see its/their runs using /addgame or /addgames
if you are in a server that the bot is in you could dm it and do step 4 directly!
- /addgame: adds the mentioned game into the gamelist
- /addgames: same as /addgame but it can add multiple games when they're seperated by |
- /deletegame: deletes mentioned game from gamelist
- /deletegames: same as /deletegame but it can delete multiple games when they're seperated by |
- /gamelist: sends the current server's gamelist in embed(s)
- /help: sends a list of commands with their usage
- /setchannel: sets the channel the bot will send new runs in (if no channel was provided it'll be set to the current channel)
- /invite: sends the bot's invite
- /source: sends the link to this repository
- when using /addgame command you should pass the id, the abbreviation or game name (case sensitive)
- when hosting the bot from source code rename
and replace yourtokenhere by your bot token and yourbotsidhere by your bot's id.
Special thanks to:
- slashinfty The owner of the repository this bot is built on, check out an archived version of it here
- daanolav#6416 for the idea of caching game name and cover for less requests
- kyra#6348 for hosting the official version of the bot
If you have any suggestions feel free to make an issue ;)