This tutorial is divided in 2 parts, which is divided in how many files you have to touch.
To translate this website you will have to follow these instructions
- Open translationdata.json
- Copy the english translation (from lines 2 to 27 without the comma ",")
- Add a comma to the end of the last translation (to this: "}")
- Paste what you have copied
- Translate everything, the title should be the acronym of the language
Doubts? see the Translationdata.json example at the bottom of this page
- Open settings.html
- At about line 20, you will find a select html element.
Copy/paste one of theoption
elements and adjust it to fit your language.
Make sure to use the same acronym you used when edting translationdata.json
- Open index.html
- At about line 36, you will find a select html element.
Copy/paste one of the
elements and adjust it to fit your language. Make sure to use the same acronym you used when editing translationdata.json
The end of your file should look likes this:
"previous language acronym": {
"key": "value"
"language translating acronym": {
"key": "value"