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Centrally managing NuGet packages and versions

Anand Gaurav edited this page Apr 20, 2018 · 14 revisions


Requirement Issue
Developers would like to control the packages and their versions that are allowed to be used across the team/product 6764


PackageReference requirements summary | Epic issue #6763

Who is the customer?

Enterprise customers with huge code-base spanning 100s of projects.


Developers would like to specify control the packages and their versions that are allowed to be used in their projects or solutions across the team/product

PH# Problem Hypothesis
PRS7 Developers cannot define an allowed list of packages that can be used in an application development across projects/solutions/repos
PRS8 Developers cannot restrict to use the same version of a given package across projects/solutions/repos
PRS9 Developers find it difficult to use a predetermined allowed version range of given package across projects/solutions/repos

With huge code bases, complex project structures with large set of packages to deal with, it becomes really hard for developers to keep consistency on the package and versions used across the projects/solutions. Developers need a way to control the packages they would like to use downstream from a repository level or a solution level. They would like to ensure that only specific versions can be used throughout their code base.


What is the evidence that behaves us to act? Evidence can be impassioned tweets or mails, mile long conversations in issues, rants on blogs, sweet sweet data from telemetry!!! If you can show pain, you can rally the troops.


Detailed explanation of the solution. The more pictures/code snippets based on the feature the merrier. Pictures keep folks awake when reading specs.


What's Being Worked On?

Check out the proposals in the accepted & proposed folders on the repository, and active PRs for proposals being discussed today.

Common Problems

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