What is NuGet? Get started Install NuGet client tools Install and use a package (dotnet CLI) Install and use a package (Visual Studio) Install and use a package (Visual Studio for Mac) Create and publish a NET Standard package (dotnet CLI) Create and publish a NET NuGet package (Visual Studio) Create and publish a NET Framework package (Visual Studio) Consume packages Overview and workflow Find and choose packages Install and manage packages Visual Studio Visual Studio for Mac dotnet CLI nuget.exe CLI Package Manager Console (PowerShell) Configure NuGet Package restore options Restore packages Troubleshooting Package source mapping Reinstall and update packages Manage global packages and cache folders Manage package trust boundaries Work with authenticated Feeds Work with source control systems Common NuGet configurations PackageDownload functionality Reference packages in your project PackageReference in project files Migrate packages.config to PackageReference packages.config Central Package Management Create packages Overview and workflow Create a package (dotnet CLI) Create a package (nuget.exe CLI) Create a package (MSBuild) Package authoring best practices Build a prerelease package Create a symbol package Support multiple target frameworks in your project file Advanced tasks Support multiple target frameworks Modify source code and config files Select assemblies referenced by projects Set package type Create a localized package .NET Packages containing native libraries Guides for specific content Create a UWP package (C++) Create a UWP package (C#) Create a native package Create UI controls as a NuGet package Create an analyzer as a NuGet package Create a package for Xamarin with Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 Create a package with COM interop assemblies Sign packages Sign a package Signed-package signatures and requirements Signed-package verification options Publish packages Publish to NuGet.org Publish a package API keys Publish to a private feed Overview Azure artifacts NuGet.Server Local feeds Concepts Package installation process Package versioning Dependency resolution Auditing package dependencies for security vulnerabilities Best practices for a secure software supply chain MSBuild .props and .targets Troubleshooting Installed Packages Reference .nuspec nuget.config file Target frameworks pack and restore as MSBuild targets dotnet CLI nuget.exe CLI reference add config delete help or ? init install list locals mirror pack push restore search setapikey sign sources spec update verify trusted-signers Environment variables Long path support PowerShell reference Add-BindingRedirect Find-Package Get-Package Get-Project Install-Package Open-PackagePage Sync-Package Uninstall-Package Update-Package NuGet Server API Overview Server Implementation Guide Resources Autocomplete Catalog Package content Package details URL Package metadata Push and delete Push symbol packages Report abuse URL Repository signatures Search Service index Vulnerability info How-to: query for all packages using the API Rate limits nuget.org protocols tools.json NuGet Client SDK Errors and Warnings NU1000 NU1001 NU1002 NU1003 NU1004 NU1005 NU1006 NU1007 NU1008 NU1009 NU1010 NU1011 NU1012 NU1014 NU1100 NU1101 NU1102 NU1103 NU1104 NU1105 NU1106 NU1107 NU1108 NU1109 NU1110 NU1201 NU1202 NU1203 NU1204 NU1211 NU1212 NU1213 NU1301 NU1302 NU1401 NU1402 NU1403 NU1500 NU1501 NU1502 NU1503 NU1504 NU1505 NU1506 NU1507 NU1508 NU1601 NU1602 NU1603 NU1604 NU1605 NU1608 NU1701 NU1702 NU1703 NU1900 NU1901 NU1902 NU1903 NU1904 NU1905 NU1801 NU1802 NU1803 NU3000 NU3001 NU3002 NU3003 NU3004 NU3005 NU3006 NU3007 NU3008 NU3009 NU3010 NU3011 NU3012 NU3013 NU3014 NU3015 NU3016 NU3017 NU3018 NU3019 NU3020 NU3021 NU3022 NU3023 NU3024 NU3025 NU3026 NU3027 NU3028 NU3029 NU3030 NU3031 NU3032 NU3033 NU3034 NU3035 NU3036 NU3037 NU3038 NU3040 NU3042 NU3043 NU5000 NU5001 NU5002 NU5003 NU5004 NU5005 NU5007 NU5008 NU5009 NU5010 NU5011 NU5012 NU5013 NU5014 NU5015 NU5016 NU5017 NU5018 NU5019 NU5020 NU5021 NU5022 NU5023 NU5024 NU5025 NU5026 NU5027 NU5028 NU5029 NU5030 NU5031 NU5032 NU5033 NU5034 NU5035 NU5036 NU5037 NU5042 NU5045 NU5046 NU5047 NU5048 NU5049 NU5100 NU5101 NU5102 NU5103 NU5104 NU5105 NU5106 NU5107 NU5108 NU5109 NU5110 NU5111 NU5112 NU5114 NU5115 NU5116 NU5117 NU5118 NU5119 NU5120 NU5121 NU5122 NU5123 NU5124 NU5125 NU5126 NU5127 NU5128 NU5129 NU5130 NU5131 NU5500 NU5501 Archived content project.json management format project.json and UWP project.json impact Extensibility Extensibility - NuGet plugins NuGet Cross Platform Plugins NuGet cross platform authentication plugin NuGet credential providers for Visual Studio nuget.exe credential providers Visual Studio extensibility NuGet API in Visual Studio Project system support Visual Studio templates Resources Policies Governance Ecosystem NuGet.org policies Release notes Known Issues NuGet 6.x NuGet 6.12 NuGet 6.11 NuGet 6.10 NuGet 6.9 NuGet 6.8 NuGet 6.7 NuGet 6.6 NuGet 6.5 NuGet 6.4 NuGet 6.3 NuGet 6.2 NuGet 6.1 NuGet 6.0 NuGet 5.x NuGet 5.11 NuGet 5.10 NuGet 5.9 NuGet 5.8 NuGet 5.7 NuGet 5.6 NuGet 5.5 NuGet 5.4 NuGet 5.3 NuGet 5.2 NuGet 5.1 NuGet 5.0 NuGet 4.x NuGet 4.9 RTM NuGet 4.8 RTM NuGet 4.7 RTM NuGet 4.6 RTM NuGet 4.5 RTM NuGet 4.4 RTM NuGet 4.3 RTM NuGet 4.0 RTM NuGet 4.0 RC NuGet 3.x NuGet 3.5 RTM NuGet 3.5 RC NuGet 3.5 Beta2 NuGet 3.5 Beta NuGet 3.4.4 NuGet 3.4.3 NuGet 3.4.2 NuGet 3.4.1 NuGet 3.4 NuGet 3.4 RC NuGet 3.3 NuGet 3.2.1 NuGet 3.2 NuGet 3.2 RC NuGet 3.1.1 NuGet 3.1 NuGet 3.0.0 NuGet 3.0 RC2 NuGet 3.0 RC NuGet 3.0 Beta NuGet 3.0 Preview NuGet 2.x NuGet 2.12 NuGet 2.12 RC NuGet 2.9 RC NuGet 2.8.7 NuGet 2.8.6 NuGet 2.8.5 NuGet 2.8.3 NuGet 2.8.2 NuGet 2.8.1 NuGet 2.8 NuGet 2.7.2 NuGet 2.7.1 NuGet 2.7 NuGet 2.6.1-for-WebMatrix NuGet 2.6 NuGet 2.5 NuGet 2.2.1 NuGet 2.2 NuGet 2.1 NuGet 2.0 NuGet 1.x NuGet 1.8 NuGet 1.7 NuGet 1.6 NuGet 1.5 NuGet 1.4 NuGet 1.3 NuGet 1.2 NuGet 1.1 FAQs Project format NuGet.org