Releases: OSGeo/gdal
Releases · OSGeo/gdal
GDAL 3.1.3
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.1.2
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.1.1
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.1.0
- Implement RFC 75: support for multidimensional arrays in MEM, VRT, netCDF, HDF4, HDF5 and GRIB drivers. Read/write for MEM and netCDF. Read/only for others. Add gdalmdiminfo and gdalmdimtranslate utilities.
- Implement RFC 76: add capability of writing vector drivers in Python
- New GDAL drivers:
- New OGR drivers:
- FlatGeoBuf: read-support and creation (#1742)
- MapML: read/write driver for experimental web spec
- Improved drivers:
- OAPIF driver (renamed from WFS3): updated to OGC API - Features 1.0 core spec
- GTiff: improve performance of internal overview creation
- GTiff: GeoTIFF 1.1 support
- Shapefile driver: add read/creation/update support for .shz and
- netCDF vector: read/write support for CF-1.8 Encoded Geometries (#1287)
- VICAR: multiple improvements and write support (#1855)
- DDS: add read support
- Other improvements:
- gdalwarp: accept output drivers with only CreateCopy() capabilities
- gdal_viewshed: new utility for viewshed algorithm
- Remove GFT driver now that the online service no longer exists (#2050)
- New Sphinx-based documentation
- Multiple security related fixes (ossfuzz)
- Continued code linting (cppcheck, CoverityScan, etc.)
- Compatibility with GDAL 3.0:
- C and C++ API: backward compatible changes
- C ABI: backward compatible changes
- C++ ABI: modified
- Functional changes: see MIGRATION_GUIDE.TXT
GDAL 3.0.4
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.0.3
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 2.4.4
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.0.2
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.0.1
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.0.0
- Implement RFC 73: Integration of PROJ6 for WKT2, late binding capabilities, time-support and unified CRS database. PROJ >= 6 is now a build requirement
- New GDAL drivers:
- DAAS: read driver for Airbus DS Intelligence Data As A Service
- TileDB: read/write driver for (#1402)
- New OGR drivers:
- MongoDBv3: read/write driver using libmongocxx v3.4.0 client (for MongoDB >= 4.0)
- Improved drivers:
- FITS: read/write support for scale, offset and CRS
- netCDF: read support for groups
- PDF: add a COMPOSITION_FILE creation option to generate a complex document
- PDS4: subdataset creation support, read/write table/vector support
- Support for minimal builds on Unix (#1250)
- Add a docker/ directory with Dockerfile for different configurations
- Continued code linting