Table of Contents:
Install it from npm package repository.
npm i @observertc/observer-js
Use it in your server side NodeJS app.
import { createObserver, ClientSample } from "@observertc/observer-js";
const observer = createObserver({
defaultServiceId: 'my-service-name',
defaultMediaUnitId: 'my-reporting-component',
const observedCall = observer.createObservedCall({
roomId: 'roomId',
callId: 'room-session-id',
const observedClient = observedCall.createObservedClient({
clientId: 'client-id',
mediaUnitId: 'media-unit-id',
const clientSample: ClientSample; // Receive your samples, for example, from a WebSocket
The above example do as follows:
- create an observer to evaluate samples from clients and sfus
- create a client source object to accept client samples
- add an evaluator process to evaluate ended calls
const monitor = observer.createCallSummaryMonitor('summary', (summary) => {
console.log('Call Summary', summary);
const monitor = observer.createTurnUsageMonitor('turn', (turn) => {
console.log('TURN', turn);
// at any point of time you can get the current state of the turn usage
console.log('Currently ', monitor.clients.size, 'clients are using TURN');
// you can get the incoming and outgoing bytes of the TURN server
console.log(`${YOUR_TURN_SERVER_ADDRESS} usage:`, monitor.getUsage(YOUR_TURN_SERVER_ADDRESS));
observer.on('newcall', (call) => {
call.on('update', () => {
console.log('Call Updated', call.callId);
call.on('newclient', (client) => {
client.on('update', () => {
console.log('Client Updated', client.clientId);
console.log(`The avaialble incoming bitrate for the client ${client.clientId} is: ${client.availableIncomingBitrate}`)