Primitive views are not defined in terms of other views.
- Unary views: Views with a single displayable. (
) - Structural views: Views that take zero or more other views, and combines them into a view with some subset of their displayables.
, and the views used byViewBuilder
, such asTupleView
. - Container views: Views that take the displayables of another view and manage them by deciding
whether they should be displayed and how they should be laid out. (
) - Modifiers: Views that take one other view, and change the layout or look of all of its displayables individually.
(the views that modifiers such as
generate, which are of type ModifiedContent.)
As clients of the SwiftUI framework, we can only create composed views.
Composed views can have state, and can be seen as a function of this state to another view.
Composed views use primitive views in their body. Primitive views are the building blocks of any type of view.
is one of the lazy views in SwiftUI.
needs to know the size of a composed view without evaluating it for lazyness, but can it know?
Turns out, in many cases we can, just by knowing the type of the body of a composed view. For example, the size of a TupleView<(Text, Text, Button)>
is always 3, no matter the particular instance. So a composed view where the body is a TupleView<(Text, Text, Button)>
also always has size 3.
But you can't always know the size of a view just by its type. A _ConditionalView<EmptyView, Text>
can have sizes 0 or 1. If a composed view has a body of this type, and it is used in a lazy stack or a list, we still have to evaluate it to determine its size.
import SwiftUI
import PlaygroundSupport
var unLazyViewCallCount = 0
var lazyViewCallCount = 0
let totalItemCount = 20
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
HStack {
struct LazyListExample: View {
var body: some View {
List(0...totalItemCount, id: \.self) { index in
contentView(index: index)
.onAppear {
print("Lazy Item count: ", index + 1)
private func contentView(index: Int) -> some View {
let _ = { lazyViewCallCount += 1 }()
VStack {
Text("LazyText \(index)")
.frame(width: 100, height: 100, alignment: .center)
struct UnLazyListExample: View {
private let conditions: [Bool] = Array(repeating: true, count: totalItemCount)
var body: some View {
List(conditions.indices, id: \.self) { index in
conditionalView(if: conditions[index])
.onAppear {
print("UnLazyItem count: ", index + 1)
private func conditionalView(if condition: Bool) -> some View {
let _ = { unLazyViewCallCount += 1 }()
if condition {
Text("condition: true")
} else {
print("Type of ContentView.body: ", type(of: ContentView().body))
print("Type of LazyListExample.body: ", type(of: LazyListExample().body))
print("Type of UnLazyListExample.body: ", type(of: UnLazyListExample().body))
print("Total item count in ListView", totalItemCount)
print("_ConditionalView & OptionalView(unlazy) called \(unLazyViewCallCount) times.")
print("lazy called \(lazyViewCallCount) times.")