From 13102c3ca3cbf30e3a68f66958b854b08177fd8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Dr. Peter Droste"
Date: Mon, 15 May 2023 14:52:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] QtJambi 6.5.1 pre-release issue #155
src/cpp/QtJambi/javainvalidate.cpp | 2 +-
src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/cppimplgenerator.cpp | 74 ++--
src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/cppimplgenerator.h | 4 +-
src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/javagenerator.cpp | 19 +-
.../typesystem/qml/QtMultimedia.qml | 417 +++++++-----------
5 files changed, 216 insertions(+), 300 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/cpp/QtJambi/javainvalidate.cpp b/src/cpp/QtJambi/javainvalidate.cpp
index b9758b5e..f62468ec 100644
--- a/src/cpp/QtJambi/javainvalidate.cpp
+++ b/src/cpp/QtJambi/javainvalidate.cpp
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ struct InvalidateNativeIDAfterUsePrivate : InvalidateAfterUsePrivate{
QtJambiExceptionInhibitor __exnHandler;
if(QSharedPointer link = m_link.toStrongRef()){
- if(link->isShell() && !link->isQObject()){
+ if(!link->isShell() && !link->isQObject()){
diff --git a/src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/cppimplgenerator.cpp b/src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/cppimplgenerator.cpp
index 732977f8..d56bfe88 100644
--- a/src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/cppimplgenerator.cpp
+++ b/src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/cppimplgenerator.cpp
@@ -10677,25 +10677,29 @@ void CppImplGenerator::writeTypeConversion(QTextStream &s, const MetaFunction *f
QString tsId = priGenerator->subDirectoryForClass(function->declaringClass(), PriGenerator::CppDirectory);
- if(javaToQtConverterInfos[tsId].contains(mangledTypeName)){
+ bool resetObjectAfterUse = function->resetObjectAfterUse(index);
+ QString _mangledTypeName = mangledTypeName;
+ if(resetObjectAfterUse)
+ _mangledTypeName += QLatin1String("_InvalidateAfterUse");
+ if(nativeToJavaConverterInfos[tsId].contains(_mangledTypeName)){
QString strg;
QTextStream stream(&strg);
stream << "#if " << type->typeEntry()->ppCondition()
<< Qt::endl
- << QString("bool javaToQtConverter_%1(JNIEnv*, QtJambiScope*, const void*, jvalue*, bool); // declared in %2").arg(mangledTypeName, javaToQtConverterInfos[tsId][mangledTypeName]->qualifiedCppName())
+ << QString("bool nativeToJavaConverter_%1(JNIEnv*, QtJambiScope*, const void*, jvalue*, bool); // declared in %2").arg(_mangledTypeName, nativeToJavaConverterInfos[tsId][_mangledTypeName]->qualifiedCppName())
<< Qt::endl << "#endif // " << type->typeEntry()->ppCondition() << Qt::endl;
- forwardDeclarations.insert(QString("bool javaToQtConverter_%1(JNIEnv*, QtJambiScope*, const void*, jvalue*, bool); // declared in %2").arg(mangledTypeName, javaToQtConverterInfos[tsId][mangledTypeName]->qualifiedCppName()));
+ forwardDeclarations.insert(QString("bool nativeToJavaConverter_%1(JNIEnv*, QtJambiScope*, const void*, jvalue*, bool); // declared in %2").arg(_mangledTypeName, nativeToJavaConverterInfos[tsId][_mangledTypeName]->qualifiedCppName()));
- s << INDENT << "&javaToQtConverter_" << mangledTypeName << "," << Qt::endl;
+ s << INDENT << "&nativeToJavaConverter_" << _mangledTypeName << "," << Qt::endl;
- QString qtToJavaConverter;
+ QString nativeToJavaConverter;
bool isCustomized = false;
- QTextStream s(&qtToJavaConverter);
+ QTextStream s(&nativeToJavaConverter);
s << INDENT << "Q_UNUSED(env)" << Qt::endl;
QString _in;
@@ -10767,7 +10771,7 @@ void CppImplGenerator::writeTypeConversion(QTextStream &s, const MetaFunction *f
bool checkedScope = false;
- if (function->resetObjectAfterUse(index)){
+ if (resetObjectAfterUse){
s << INDENT << "if(!scope)" << Qt::endl
<< INDENT << " return false;" << Qt::endl;
checkedScope = true;
@@ -10779,7 +10783,7 @@ void CppImplGenerator::writeTypeConversion(QTextStream &s, const MetaFunction *f
s << INDENT << "if(!scope)" << Qt::endl
<< INDENT << " return false;" << Qt::endl;
checkedScope = true;
- }else if(!function->resetObjectAfterUse(index)){
+ }else if(!resetObjectAfterUse){
s << INDENT << "Q_UNUSED(scope)" << Qt::endl;
@@ -10830,14 +10834,18 @@ void CppImplGenerator::writeTypeConversion(QTextStream &s, const MetaFunction *f
s << INDENT << "if(forceBoxedType)" << Qt::endl;
s << INDENT << " " << outBoxing << Qt::endl;
- if (function->resetObjectAfterUse(index)){
- isCustomized = true;
+ if (resetObjectAfterUse){
+ //isCustomized = true;
+ QString checkJavaOwnership;
+ if(type->isConstant() && type->getReferenceType()==MetaType::Reference){
+ checkJavaOwnership = ", false";
+ }
if (type->isContainer()){
- s << INDENT << "InvalidateContainerAfterUse* __invalidate_out_after_use = new InvalidateContainerAfterUse(env, out->l);" << Qt::endl;
+ s << INDENT << "InvalidateContainerAfterUse* __invalidate_out_after_use = new InvalidateContainerAfterUse(env, out->l" << checkJavaOwnership << ");" << Qt::endl;
}else if (type->isArray()){
- s << INDENT << "InvalidateArrayAfterUse* __invalidate_out_after_use = new InvalidateArrayAfterUse(env, out->l);" << Qt::endl;
+ s << INDENT << "InvalidateArrayAfterUse* __invalidate_out_after_use = new InvalidateArrayAfterUse(env, out->l" << checkJavaOwnership << ");" << Qt::endl;
- s << INDENT << "InvalidateAfterUse* __invalidate_out_after_use = new InvalidateAfterUse(env, out->l);" << Qt::endl;
+ s << INDENT << "InvalidateAfterUse* __invalidate_out_after_use = new InvalidateAfterUse(env, out->l" << checkJavaOwnership << ");" << Qt::endl;
s << INDENT << "scope->addDeletion(__invalidate_out_after_use);" << Qt::endl;
@@ -10849,7 +10857,7 @@ void CppImplGenerator::writeTypeConversion(QTextStream &s, const MetaFunction *f
s << " forceBoxedType";
s << ")->bool{";
- for(const QString& line : qtToJavaConverter.split("\n")){
+ for(const QString& line : nativeToJavaConverter.split("\n")){
s << Qt::endl;
@@ -10864,23 +10872,23 @@ void CppImplGenerator::writeTypeConversion(QTextStream &s, const MetaFunction *f
QTextStream stream(&strg);
stream << "#if " << type->typeEntry()->ppCondition()
<< Qt::endl
- << QString("bool javaToQtConverter_%1(JNIEnv*, QtJambiScope*, const void*, jvalue*, bool);").arg(mangledTypeName)
+ << QString("bool nativeToJavaConverter_%1(JNIEnv*, QtJambiScope*, const void*, jvalue*, bool);").arg(_mangledTypeName)
<< Qt::endl << "#endif // " << type->typeEntry()->ppCondition() << Qt::endl;
- forwardDeclarations.insert(QString("bool javaToQtConverter_%1(JNIEnv*, QtJambiScope*, const void*, jvalue*, bool);").arg(mangledTypeName));
+ forwardDeclarations.insert(QString("bool nativeToJavaConverter_%1(JNIEnv*, QtJambiScope*, const void*, jvalue*, bool);").arg(_mangledTypeName));
QString functionCode;
QTextStream s(&functionCode);
s << "#if " << type->typeEntry()->ppCondition() << Qt::endl;
- s << "bool javaToQtConverter_" << mangledTypeName << "(JNIEnv* env, QtJambiScope* scope, const void* in, jvalue* out, bool";
+ s << "bool nativeToJavaConverter_" << _mangledTypeName << "(JNIEnv* env, QtJambiScope* scope, const void* in, jvalue* out, bool";
if(type->typeEntry()->isPrimitive() && type->indirections().isEmpty()){
s << " forceBoxedType";
s << ") {";
- for(const QString& line : qtToJavaConverter.split("\n")){
+ for(const QString& line : nativeToJavaConverter.split("\n")){
s << Qt::endl;
@@ -10893,29 +10901,29 @@ void CppImplGenerator::writeTypeConversion(QTextStream &s, const MetaFunction *f
s << "#endif // " << type->typeEntry()->ppCondition() << Qt::endl;
converterFunctions << functionCode;
- s << INDENT << "&javaToQtConverter_" << mangledTypeName << "," << Qt::endl;
- javaToQtConverterInfos[tsId].insert(mangledTypeName, function->ownerClass());
+ s << INDENT << "&nativeToJavaConverter_" << _mangledTypeName << "," << Qt::endl;
+ nativeToJavaConverterInfos[tsId].insert(_mangledTypeName, function->ownerClass());
- if(qtToJavaConverterInfos[tsId].contains(mangledTypeName)){
+ if(javaToNativeConverterInfos[tsId].contains(mangledTypeName)){
- forwardDeclarations.insert(QString("bool qtToJavaConverter_%1(JNIEnv*, QtJambiScope*, const jvalue&, void* &, jValueType); // declared in %2").arg(mangledTypeName, qtToJavaConverterInfos[tsId][mangledTypeName]->qualifiedCppName()));
+ forwardDeclarations.insert(QString("bool javaToNativeConverter_%1(JNIEnv*, QtJambiScope*, const jvalue&, void* &, jValueType); // declared in %2").arg(mangledTypeName, javaToNativeConverterInfos[tsId][mangledTypeName]->qualifiedCppName()));
QString strg;
QTextStream stream(&strg);
stream << "#if " << type->typeEntry()->ppCondition()
<< Qt::endl
- << QString("bool qtToJavaConverter_%1(JNIEnv*, QtJambiScope*, const jvalue&, void* &, jValueType); // declared in %2").arg(mangledTypeName, qtToJavaConverterInfos[tsId][mangledTypeName]->qualifiedCppName())
+ << QString("bool javaToNativeConverter_%1(JNIEnv*, QtJambiScope*, const jvalue&, void* &, jValueType); // declared in %2").arg(mangledTypeName, javaToNativeConverterInfos[tsId][mangledTypeName]->qualifiedCppName())
<< Qt::endl << "#endif // " << type->typeEntry()->ppCondition() << Qt::endl;
- s << INDENT << "&qtToJavaConverter_" << mangledTypeName;
+ s << INDENT << "&javaToNativeConverter_" << mangledTypeName;
- QString javaToQtConverter;
+ QString javaToNativeConverter;
bool isCustomized = false;
- QTextStream s(&javaToQtConverter);
+ QTextStream s(&javaToNativeConverter);
s << INDENT << "Q_UNUSED(env)" << Qt::endl;
QString javaIn = QLatin1String("in.l");
@@ -11024,7 +11032,7 @@ void CppImplGenerator::writeTypeConversion(QTextStream &s, const MetaFunction *f
s << ") -> bool {";
- for(const QString& line : javaToQtConverter.split("\n")){
+ for(const QString& line : javaToNativeConverter.split("\n")){
s << Qt::endl;
@@ -11036,13 +11044,13 @@ void CppImplGenerator::writeTypeConversion(QTextStream &s, const MetaFunction *f
s << Qt::endl << INDENT << "}";
- forwardDeclarations.insert(QString("bool qtToJavaConverter_%1(JNIEnv*, QtJambiScope*, const jvalue&, void* &, jValueType);").arg(mangledTypeName));
+ forwardDeclarations.insert(QString("bool javaToNativeConverter_%1(JNIEnv*, QtJambiScope*, const jvalue&, void* &, jValueType);").arg(mangledTypeName));
QString strg;
QTextStream stream(&strg);
stream << "#if " << type->typeEntry()->ppCondition()
<< Qt::endl
- << QString("bool qtToJavaConverter_%1(JNIEnv*, QtJambiScope*, const jvalue&, void* &, jValueType);").arg(mangledTypeName)
+ << QString("bool javaToNativeConverter_%1(JNIEnv*, QtJambiScope*, const jvalue&, void* &, jValueType);").arg(mangledTypeName)
<< Qt::endl << "#endif // " << type->typeEntry()->ppCondition() << Qt::endl;
@@ -11051,12 +11059,12 @@ void CppImplGenerator::writeTypeConversion(QTextStream &s, const MetaFunction *f
QTextStream s(&functionCode);
s << "#if " << type->typeEntry()->ppCondition() << Qt::endl;
- s << "bool qtToJavaConverter_" << mangledTypeName << "(JNIEnv* env, QtJambiScope* scope, const jvalue& in, void* &out, jValueType";
+ s << "bool javaToNativeConverter_" << mangledTypeName << "(JNIEnv* env, QtJambiScope* scope, const jvalue& in, void* &out, jValueType";
if(type->typeEntry()->isPrimitive() && type->indirections().isEmpty()){
s << " valueType";
s << ") {";
- for(const QString& line : javaToQtConverter.split("\n")){
+ for(const QString& line : javaToNativeConverter.split("\n")){
s << Qt::endl;
@@ -11069,8 +11077,8 @@ void CppImplGenerator::writeTypeConversion(QTextStream &s, const MetaFunction *f
s << "#endif //" << type->typeEntry()->ppCondition() << Qt::endl;
converterFunctions << functionCode;
- s << INDENT << "&qtToJavaConverter_" << mangledTypeName;
- qtToJavaConverterInfos[tsId].insert(mangledTypeName, function->ownerClass());
+ s << INDENT << "&javaToNativeConverter_" << mangledTypeName;
+ javaToNativeConverterInfos[tsId].insert(mangledTypeName, function->ownerClass());
diff --git a/src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/cppimplgenerator.h b/src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/cppimplgenerator.h
index bda5a318..48458fff 100644
--- a/src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/cppimplgenerator.h
+++ b/src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/cppimplgenerator.h
@@ -254,8 +254,8 @@ class CppImplGenerator : public CppGenerator {
QByteArray callXxxMethod(const QString &name) const;
QByteArray callXxxMethod(const MetaType *java_type) const;
- QMap> javaToQtConverterInfos;
- QMap> qtToJavaConverterInfos;
+ QMap> nativeToJavaConverterInfos;
+ QMap> javaToNativeConverterInfos;
diff --git a/src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/javagenerator.cpp b/src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/javagenerator.cpp
index ef80ef5c..ca9aa4fd 100644
--- a/src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/javagenerator.cpp
+++ b/src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/javagenerator.cpp
@@ -268,6 +268,9 @@ void JavaGenerator::writeFieldAccessors(QTextStream &s, const MetaField *field,
.replace("*/", "*/")
<< "
" << Qt::endl;
+// if(hasCodeInjections(field, {CodeSnip::Comment})){
+// writeInjectedCode(commentStream, field, CodeSnip::Comment);
+// }
if(field->getter()->isDeprecated() && !field->getter()->deprecatedComment().isEmpty()){
commentStream << Qt::endl;
@@ -2530,7 +2533,12 @@ void JavaGenerator::writeInjectedCode(QTextStream &s, const MetaFunction *java_f
code = code.replace("%this", "this");
QStringList lines = code.split("\n");
- printExtraCode(lines, s);
+ if(position==CodeSnip::Comment){
+ printExtraCode(lines, s);
+ }else{
+ printExtraCode(lines, s);
+ }
@@ -3052,6 +3060,9 @@ void JavaGenerator::writeSignal(QTextStream &s, const MetaFunction *java_functio
.replace("*/", "*/")
<< "" << Qt::endl;
+ if(hasCodeInjections(java_function, {CodeSnip::Comment})){
+ writeInjectedCode(commentStream, java_function, CodeSnip::Comment);
+ }
if(java_function->isDeprecated() && !java_function->deprecatedComment().isEmpty()){
commentStream << Qt::endl;
@@ -3458,6 +3469,9 @@ void JavaGenerator::writeMultiSignal(QTextStream &s, const MetaFunctionList& sig
commentStream << Qt::endl;
+ if(hasCodeInjections(java_function, {CodeSnip::Comment})){
+ writeInjectedCode(commentStream, java_function, CodeSnip::Comment);
+ }
if(java_function->isDeprecated() && !java_function->deprecatedComment().isEmpty()){
writeDeprecatedComment(commentStream, java_function);
@@ -4098,6 +4112,9 @@ void JavaGenerator::writeFunction(QTextStream &s, const MetaFunction *java_funct
+ if(hasCodeInjections(java_function, {CodeSnip::Comment})){
+ writeInjectedCode(commentStream, java_function, CodeSnip::Comment);
+ }
if(java_function->isDeprecated() && !java_function->deprecatedComment().isEmpty()){
commentStream << Qt::endl;
diff --git a/src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/typesystem/qml/QtMultimedia.qml b/src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/typesystem/qml/QtMultimedia.qml
index 8420fbf4..71dc995d 100644
--- a/src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/typesystem/qml/QtMultimedia.qml
+++ b/src/cpp/QtJambiGenerator/typesystem/qml/QtMultimedia.qml
@@ -55,18 +55,6 @@ TypeSystem{
since: 6
- Rejection{
- className: "QVideoFrame"
- functionName: "videoBuffer"
- since: 6
- }
- Rejection{
- className: "QCamera"
- functionName: "platformCamera"
- since: [6, 3]
- }
className: "QImageCapture"
functionName: "platformImageCapture"
@@ -115,78 +103,33 @@ TypeSystem{
fileName: "qaudio.h"
location: Include.Global
+ EnumType{
+ name: "Error"
+ }
+ EnumType{
+ name: "Mode"
+ }
+ EnumType{
+ name: "State"
+ }
+ EnumType{
+ name: "Role"
+ }
+ EnumType{
+ name: "VolumeScale"
+ }
name: "QMultimedia"
- until: 5
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QAudio::Error"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QAudio::Mode"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QAudio::State"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QAudio::Role"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QAudio::VolumeScale"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QMultimedia::AvailabilityStatus"
- until: 5
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QMultimedia::EncodingMode"
- until: 5
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QMultimedia::EncodingQuality"
- until: 5
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QMultimedia::SupportEstimate"
- until: 5
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QVideoFrame::FieldType"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QVideoFrame::PixelFormat"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QVideoFrame::RotationAngle"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QAbstractVideoBuffer::HandleType"
- until: 5
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QAbstractVideoBuffer::MapMode"
- until: 5
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QAbstractVideoSurface::Error"
+ EnumType{name: "AvailabilityStatus"}
+ EnumType{name: "EncodingMode"}
+ EnumType{name: "EncodingQuality"}
+ EnumType{name: "SupportEstimate"}
until: 5
@@ -208,62 +151,6 @@ TypeSystem{
name: "QAudioDecoder::State"
- EnumType{
- name: "QCamera::CaptureMode"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QCamera::Error"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QCamera::LockChangeReason"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QCamera::LockStatus"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QCamera::LockType"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QCamera::State"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QCamera::Status"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QCamera::Position"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QCamera::ExposureMode"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QCamera::Feature"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QCamera::FlashMode"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QCamera::FocusMode"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QCamera::WhiteBalanceMode"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QCamera::TorchMode"
- }
name: "QCameraExposure::ExposureMode"
until: 5
@@ -437,14 +324,6 @@ TypeSystem{
until: 5
- EnumType{
- name: "QVideoFrame::HandleType"
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QVideoFrame::MapMode"
- }
name: "QSound::Loop"
until: 5
@@ -463,18 +342,38 @@ TypeSystem{
until: 5
- EnumType{
- name: "QVideoFrame::PaintOptions::PaintFlag"
- since: [6, 2]
- }
- ValueType{
- name: "QVideoFrame::PaintOptions"
- since: [6, 2]
- }
name: "QVideoFrame"
+ EnumType{
+ name: "HandleType"
+ }
+ EnumType{
+ name: "MapMode"
+ }
+ Rejection{
+ functionName: "videoBuffer"
+ since: 6
+ }
+ EnumType{
+ name: "FieldType"
+ }
+ EnumType{
+ name: "PixelFormat"
+ }
+ EnumType{
+ name: "RotationAngle"
+ }
+ ValueType{
+ name: "PaintOptions"
+ EnumType{name: "PaintFlag"}
+ since: [6, 2]
+ }
signature: "operator=(const QVideoFrame &)"
@@ -623,6 +522,8 @@ TypeSystem{
name: "QAbstractVideoBuffer"
+ EnumType{name: "HandleType"}
+ EnumType{name: "MapMode"}
fileName: "utils_p.h"
@@ -1044,12 +945,9 @@ TypeSystem{
name: "QCameraViewfinderSettings"
- ValueType{
- name: "QCamera::FrameRateRange"
- }
name: "QAbstractVideoSurface"
+ EnumType{name: "Error"}
until: 5
@@ -1223,6 +1121,25 @@ TypeSystem{
name: "QCamera"
+ Rejection{
+ functionName: "platformCamera"
+ since: [6, 3]
+ }
+ EnumType{name: "CaptureMode"}
+ EnumType{name: "Error"}
+ EnumType{name: "LockChangeReason"}
+ EnumType{name: "LockStatus"}
+ EnumType{name: "LockType"}
+ EnumType{name: "State"}
+ EnumType{name: "Status"}
+ EnumType{name: "Position"}
+ EnumType{name: "ExposureMode"}
+ EnumType{name: "Feature"}
+ EnumType{name: "FlashMode"}
+ EnumType{name: "FocusMode"}
+ EnumType{name: "WhiteBalanceMode"}
+ EnumType{name: "TorchMode"}
+ ValueType{name: "FrameRateRange"}
signature: "setViewfinder(QAbstractVideoSurface*)"
@@ -2436,18 +2353,11 @@ TypeSystem{
name: "QMediaServiceDefaultDeviceInterface"
- EnumType{
- name: "QAudioDevice::Mode"
- since: [6, 2]
- }
name: "QCameraFormat"
- since: [6, 2]
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QCameraDevice::Position"
+ EnumType{
+ name: "Position"
+ }
since: [6, 2]
@@ -2458,6 +2368,7 @@ TypeSystem{
name: "QAudioDevice"
+ EnumType{name: "Mode"}
since: [6, 2]
@@ -2478,40 +2389,26 @@ TypeSystem{
read: false
write: false
- since: [6, 2]
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QMediaFormat::FileFormat"
- RejectEnumValue{
- name: "LastFileFormat"
+ EnumType{
+ name: "FileFormat"
+ RejectEnumValue{
+ name: "LastFileFormat"
+ }
- since: [6, 2]
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QMediaFormat::AudioCodec"
- RejectEnumValue{
- name: "LastAudioCodec"
+ EnumType{
+ name: "AudioCodec"
+ RejectEnumValue{
+ name: "LastAudioCodec"
+ }
- since: [6, 2]
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QMediaFormat::VideoCodec"
- RejectEnumValue{
- name: "LastVideoCodec"
+ EnumType{
+ name: "VideoCodec"
+ RejectEnumValue{
+ name: "LastVideoCodec"
+ }
- since: [6, 2]
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QMediaFormat::ConversionMode"
- since: [6, 2]
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QMediaFormat::ResolveFlags"
+ EnumType{name: "ConversionMode"}
+ EnumType{name: "ResolveFlags"}
since: [6, 2]
@@ -2525,26 +2422,34 @@ TypeSystem{
since: [6, 2]
- EnumType{
- name: "QImageCapture::Error"
- since: [6, 2]
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QImageCapture::Quality"
- since: [6, 2]
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QImageCapture::FileFormat"
- RejectEnumValue{
- name: "LastFileFormat"
- }
- since: [6, 2]
- }
name: "QImageCapture"
+ EnumType{
+ name: "Error"
+ }
+ EnumType{
+ name: "Quality"
+ }
+ EnumType{
+ name: "FileFormat"
+ RejectEnumValue{
+ name: "LastFileFormat"
+ }
+ }
+ ModifyFunction{
+ signature: "imageAvailable(int,QVideoFrame)"
+ ModifyArgument{
+ index: 2
+ invalidateAfterUse: true
+ }
+ InjectCode{
+ target: CodeClass.Java
+ position: Position.Comment
+ Text{
+ content: "Make sure to dispose frame object at the end of the slot!
+ }
+ }
+ }
since: [6, 2]
@@ -2560,11 +2465,7 @@ TypeSystem{
- since: [6, 5]
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QScreenCapture::Error"
+ EnumType{name: "Error"}
since: [6, 5]
@@ -2656,6 +2557,20 @@ TypeSystem{
name: "QVideoSink"
+ ModifyFunction{
+ signature: "videoFrameChanged(QVideoFrame)const"
+ ModifyArgument{
+ index: 1
+ invalidateAfterUse: true
+ }
+ InjectCode{
+ target: CodeClass.Java
+ position: Position.Comment
+ Text{
+ content: "Make sure to dispose frame object at the end of the slot!
+ }
+ }
+ }
since: [6, 2]
@@ -2672,17 +2587,8 @@ TypeSystem{
- since: [6, 2]
- }
- Rejection{
- className: "QWaveDecoder::chunk"
- since: [6, 2]
- }
- Rejection{
- className: "QWaveDecoder"
- functionName: "peekChunk"
+ Rejection{className: "chunk"}
+ Rejection{functionName: "peekChunk"}
since: [6, 2]
@@ -2701,39 +2607,24 @@ TypeSystem{
name: "QVideoFrameFormat"
+ EnumType{name: "PixelFormat"}
+ EnumType{name: "Direction"}
+ EnumType{name: "YCbCrColorSpace"}
+ EnumType{
+ name: "ColorTransfer"
+ since: [6, 4]
+ }
+ EnumType{
+ name: "ColorRange"
+ since: [6, 4]
+ }
+ EnumType{
+ name: "ColorSpace"
+ since: [6, 4]
+ }
since: [6, 2]
- EnumType{
- name: "QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat"
- since: [6, 2]
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QVideoFrameFormat::Direction"
- since: [6, 2]
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QVideoFrameFormat::YCbCrColorSpace"
- since: [6, 2]
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QVideoFrameFormat::ColorTransfer"
- since: [6, 4]
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QVideoFrameFormat::ColorRange"
- since: [6, 4]
- }
- EnumType{
- name: "QVideoFrameFormat::ColorSpace"
- since: [6, 4]
- }
SuppressedWarning{text: "WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QAudioBuffer::QAudioBuffer', unmatched parameter type 'QAbstractAudioBuffer*'"}
SuppressedWarning{text: "WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QMediaService::requestControl', unmatched return type 'T'"}
SuppressedWarning{text: "WARNING(JavaGenerator) :: No ==/!= operator found for value type QAudioBuffer."}