This document will explain the necessary steps to configure the oni-oa components.
data -> Database engine configuration python module
| engine.json -> Configuration file to setup db engine and node
reputation -> Reputation services python module
| fb -> Sub-module for Facebook ThreatExchange service
| gti -> GTI sub-module for McAfee GTI
| gti/gti_cat_codes.csv -> GTI category and family names
| reputation_config.json -> Configuration file for the reputation services module
iana -> Internet Assigned Numbers Authority codes translation python module
| dns-qclass.csv -> Iana DNS classes
| dns-qtype.csv -> Iana DNS types
| dns-rcode.csv -> Iana DNS rcodes
| http-rcode.csv -> Iana HTTP rcodes
| iana_config.json -> Configuration file for Iana module
nc -> Network Context python module
| nc_config.json -> Configuration file for Network Context module
geoloc -> Geolocation module
| geoloc -> Module to assign geolocation to every IP
###Data Data source module.
This module needs to be configured correctly to avoid errors during the oni-oa execution. Here you need to select the correct database engine to obtain the correct results while creating additional details files. Currently oni-oa is prepared to work with Impala, but you can always configure any other database engine and make the corresponding updates in the code.
You need to update the engine.json file accordingly:
"oa_data_engine":"<database engine>",
- : Whichever database engine you have installed and configured in your cluster to work with ONI. i.e. "Impala" or "Hive". For this key, the value you enter needs to match exactly with one of the following keys, where you'll need to add the corresponding node name.
- : The node name in your cluster where you have the database service running.
###Reputation Reputation check module.
This module is called during oni-oa execution to check the reputation for any given IP, DNS name or URI (depending on the pipeline). The reputation module makes use of two third-party services, McAfee GTI and Facebook ThreatExchange. Each of these services are represented by a sub-module in this project, McAfee GTI is implemented by sub-module gti and Facebook ThreatExchange by sub-module fb. For more information see Folder Structure section.
McAfee GTI client and credentials. McAfee GTI client is not included in this project. To get a copy of their rest client and credentials (server, user, password) get in touch with a McAfee® representative at [email protected]. If you are not interested on using McAfee GTI or you are not McAfee customer you can disable McAfee GTI reputation check.
Facebook API Key. To enable the Facebook ThreatExchange service, it is required to obtain first an API Key. To learn more about how to get an API Key go to Facebook Developers. If you are not interested on using Facebook ThreatExchange you can disable ThreatExchange reputation check.
Enable/Disable GTI service
It's possible to disable any of the reputation services mentioned above, all it takes is to remove the configuration for the undesired service in gti_config.json. To learn more about it, see the section below. To add a different reputation service, you can read all about it here
reputation_config.json: Stores a list of reputation services to call during oni-oa execution. Also it contains a list of columns to check reputation. gti_config.json looks like this:
{ "gti":{ "server" : "<server>", "user" : "<user>", "password" : "<password>", "ci" : "{\"ci\":{\"cliid\":\"<cliid>\", \"prn\":\"<prn>\", \"sdkv\":\"1.0\", \"pv\":\"1.0.0\", \"pev\":1, \"rid\":1, \"affid\":\"0\"},\"q\":[###QUERY###]}", "refclient" : "<refclient location>", "category_file":"<gti_cat_codes file location>" }, "fb":{ "app_id" : "<app_id>", "app_secret" : "<app_secret>" } }
gti: McAfee GTI service connection details. Please note that these values have to be provided by McAfee upon contracting the GTI service.
- server: string with McAfee GTI server.
- user: string with McAfee GTI user.
- password: string with McAfee GTI password.
- ci: request body for GTI service. This string parameter is formatted as json content, be careful with removing scape characters for single quotes and double quotes.
Do not remove, replace or modify the label ###QUERY###, it's a special placeholder and is required for to work.
prn: you can give a name to your Oni instance like "CompanyX-Oni" or you can just leave as is.
refclient: absolute path for restclient, which will be provided by McAfee upon contracting the GTI service. It should be the path where the restclient file is located without ending backslash i.e.
category_file: absolute path for the gti category and functional names catalog. This file is also provided by McAfee upon contracting the GTI service. This file should be a comma separated text file, including headers for the following columns:
- Category code: int
- Category name: string
- Functional group: string
fb: facebook ThreatExchange service connection details.
- app_id: App id to connect to ThreatExchange service.
- app_secret: App secret to connect to ThreatExchange service.
###IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority codes translation module.
- iana_config.json: Stores the location of codes translation files. By default, oni-oa iana module comes with 4 csv files with different code types for DNS and HTTP queries and usually they will be located in oa/components/iana/. These files can be moved to any preferred location.
In order to configure this module, replace each value with the absolute path for each IANA codes catalog, for example if IANA code files are in the default location, your configuration file should look like this:
"IANA": {
###Network Context (nc) Network Context module.
Before start working with network context module, it is required to have a comma separated network context file.
This file can be placed anywhere in the system running oni-oa, although we suggest you place it inside the context folder to keep uniformity. The following schema is expected:
- IP: string
- Description: String
Example:, NOT IN DNS, Machine name
nc_config.json: replace the value of network_context with the absolute path of networkcontext.csv file, the configuration file should look like this:
{ NC" : { "network_context_dns" : "/home/solution-user/oni-oa/context/networkcontext.csv" } }
###Geoloc Geolocation module.
This is an optional functionality you can enable / disable depending on your preferences.
To start using this module, you need to include a comma separated file containing the geolocation for most (or all) IPs.
To learn more about the expected schema for this file or where to find a full geolocation db, please refer
to the context documentation
Configuration Oni-oa is preconfigured to look for the geolocation file at the ~/context/ path.