*************************** LATENT DIRICHLET ALLOCATION *************************** David M. Blei blei[at]cs.princeton.edu (C) Copyright 2006, David M. Blei (blei [at] cs [dot] princeton [dot] edu) This file is part of LDA-C. LDA-C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LDA-C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a C implementation of latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), a model of discrete data which is fully described in Blei et al. (2003) (http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~blei/papers/blei03a.pdf). LDA is a hierarchical probabilistic model of documents. Let \alpha be a scalar and \beta_{1:K} be K distributions of words (called "topics"). As implemented here, a K topic LDA model assumes the following generative process of an N word document: 1. \theta | \alpha ~ Dirichlet(\alpha, ..., \alpha) 2. for each word n = {1, ..., N}: a. Z_n | \theta ~ Mult(\theta) b. W_n | z_n, \beta ~ Mult(\beta_{z_n}) This code implements variational inference of \theta and z_{1:N} for a document, and estimation of the topics \beta_{1:K} and Dirichlet parameter \alpha. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS A. COMPILING B. TOPIC ESTIMATION 1. SETTINGS FILE 2. DATA FILE FORMAT C. INFERENCE D. PRINTING TOPICS E. QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, PROBLEMS, UPDATE ANNOUNCEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. COMPILING Type "make" in a shell. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B. TOPIC ESTIMATION Estimate the model by executing: lda est [alpha] [k] [settings] [#processes] [data] [random/seeded/*] [output directory] The term [random/seeded/*] > describes how the topics will be initialized. "Random" initializes each topic randomly; "seeded" initializes each topic to a distribution smoothed from a randomly chosen document; or, you can specify a model name to load a pre-existing model as the initial model (this is useful to continue EM from where it left off). To change the number of initial documents used, edit lda-estimate.c. The model (i.e., \alpha and \beta_{1:K}) and variational posterior Dirichlet parameters will be saved in the specified directory every ten iterations. Additionally, there will be a log file for the likelihood bound and convergence score at each iteration. The algorithm runs until that score is less than "em_convergence" (from the settings file) or "em_max_iter" iterations are reached. (To change the lag between saved models, edit lda-estimate.c.) The saved models are in two files: <iteration>.other contains alpha. <iteration>.beta contains the log of the topic distributions. Each line is a topic; in line k, each entry is log p(w | z=k) The variational posterior Dirichlets are in: <iteration>.gamma The # of processes argument is the numer of worker processes used by MPI. The settings file and data format are described below. 1. Settings file See settings.txt for a sample. See inf-settings.txt for an example of a settings file for inference. These are placeholder values; they should be experimented with. This is of the following form: var max iter [integer e.g., 10 or -1] var convergence [float e.g., 1e-8] em max iter [integer e.g., 100] em convergence [float e.g., 1e-5] alpha [fit/estimate] where the settings are [var max iter] The maximum number of iterations of coordinate ascent variational inference for a single document. A value of -1 indicates "full" variational inference, until the variational convergence criterion is met. [var convergence] The convergence criteria for variational inference. Stop if (score_old - score) / abs(score_old) is less than this value (or after the maximum number of iterations). Note that the score is the lower bound on the likelihood for a particular document. [em max iter] The maximum number of iterations of variational EM. [em convergence] The convergence criteria for varitional EM. Stop if (score_old - score) / abs(score_old) is less than this value (or after the maximum number of iterations). Note that "score" is the lower bound on the likelihood for the whole corpus. [alpha] If set to [fixed] then alpha does not change from iteration to iteration. If set to [estimate], then alpha is estimated along with the topic distributions. 2. Data format Under LDA, the words of each document are assumed exchangeable. Thus, each document is succinctly represented as a sparse vector of word counts. The data is a file where each line is of the form: [M] [term_1]:[count] [term_2]:[count] ... [term_N]:[count] where [M] is the number of unique terms in the document, and the [count] associated with each term is how many times that term appeared in the document. Note that [term_1] is an integer which indexes the term; it is not a string. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C. INFERENCE To perform inference on a different set of data (in the same format as for estimation), execute: lda inf [settings] [model] [data] [name] Variational inference is performed on the data using the model in [model].* (see above). Two files will be created : [name].gamma are the variational Dirichlet parameters for each document; [name].likelihood is the bound on the likelihood for each document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D. PRINTING TOPICS The Python script topics.py lets you print out the top N words from each topic in a .beta file. Usage is: python topics.py <beta file> <vocab file> <n words> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ E. QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, PROBLEMS, AND UPDATE ANNOUNCEMENTS Please join the topic-models mailing list, topic-models@lists.cs.princeton.edu. To join, go to http://lists.cs.princeton.edu and click on "topic-models."