additionalEnumTypeAnnotations |
Additional annotations for enum type(class level annotations) |
null |
additionalModelTypeAnnotations |
Additional annotations for model type(class level annotations). List separated by semicolon(;) or new line (Linux or Windows) |
null |
additionalOneOfTypeAnnotations |
Additional annotations for oneOf interfaces(class level annotations). List separated by semicolon(;) or new line (Linux or Windows) |
null |
allowUnicodeIdentifiers |
boolean, toggles whether unicode identifiers are allowed in names or not, default is false |
false |
apiPackage |
package for generated api classes |
org.openapitools.client.api |
artifactDescription |
artifact description in generated pom.xml |
OpenAPI Java |
artifactId |
artifactId in generated pom.xml. This also becomes part of the generated library's filename |
openapi-java-client |
artifactUrl |
artifact URL in generated pom.xml |
| |
artifactVersion |
artifact version in generated pom.xml. This also becomes part of the generated library's filename. If not provided, uses the version from the OpenAPI specification file. If that's also not present, uses the default value of the artifactVersion option. |
1.0.0 |
bigDecimalAsString |
Treat BigDecimal values as Strings to avoid precision loss. |
false |
booleanGetterPrefix |
Set booleanGetterPrefix |
get |
camelCaseDollarSign |
Fix camelCase when starting with $ sign. when true : $Value when false : $value |
false |
configKey |
Config key in @RegisterRestClient. Default to none. |
null |
containerDefaultToNull |
Set containers (array, set, map) default to null |
false |
dateLibrary |
Option. Date library to use |
- joda
- Joda (for legacy app only)
- legacy
- Legacy java.util.Date
- java8-localdatetime
- Java 8 using LocalDateTime (for legacy app only)
- java8
- Java 8 native JSR310 (preferred for jdk 1.8+)
java8 |
disallowAdditionalPropertiesIfNotPresent |
If false, the 'additionalProperties' implementation (set to true by default) is compliant with the OAS and JSON schema specifications. If true (default), keep the old (incorrect) behaviour that 'additionalProperties' is set to false by default. |
- false
- The 'additionalProperties' implementation is compliant with the OAS and JSON schema specifications.
- true
- Keep the old (incorrect) behaviour that 'additionalProperties' is set to false by default.
true |
discriminatorCaseSensitive |
Whether the discriminator value lookup should be case-sensitive or not. This option only works for Java API client |
true |
ensureUniqueParams |
Whether to ensure parameter names are unique in an operation (rename parameters that are not). |
true |
enumPropertyNaming |
Naming convention for enum properties: 'MACRO_CASE' and 'legacy' |
enumUnknownDefaultCase |
If the server adds new enum cases, that are unknown by an old spec/client, the client will fail to parse the network response.With this option enabled, each enum will have a new case, 'unknown_default_open_api', so that when the server sends an enum case that is not known by the client/spec, they can safely fallback to this case. |
- false
- No changes to the enum's are made, this is the default option.
- true
- With this option enabled, each enum will have a new case, 'unknown_default_open_api', so that when the enum case sent by the server is not known by the client/spec, can safely be decoded to this case.
false |
fullProject |
If set to true, it will generate all files; if set to false, it will only generate API files. If unspecified, the behavior depends on whether a project exists or not: if it does not, same as true; if it does, same as false. Note that test files are never overwritten. |
generateBuilders |
Whether to generate builders for models |
false |
generateConstructorWithAllArgs |
whether to generate a constructor for all arguments |
false |
groupId |
groupId in generated pom.xml |
org.openapitools |
helidonVersion |
Helidon complete version identifier or major version number. The specified exact Helidon release or, if specified as a major version the latest release of that major version, is used in the generated code. |
Highest released version. |
hideGenerationTimestamp |
Hides the generation timestamp when files are generated. |
false |
ignoreAnyOfInEnum |
Ignore anyOf keyword in enum |
false |
implicitHeaders |
Skip header parameters in the generated API methods using @ApiImplicitParams annotation. |
false |
implicitHeadersRegex |
Skip header parameters that matches given regex in the generated API methods using @ApiImplicitParams annotation. Note: this parameter is ignored when implicitHeaders=true |
null |
invokerPackage |
root package for generated code |
org.openapitools.client |
legacyDiscriminatorBehavior |
Set to false for generators with better support for discriminators. (Python, Java, Go, PowerShell, C# have this enabled by default). |
- true
- The mapping in the discriminator includes descendent schemas that allOf inherit from self and the discriminator mapping schemas in the OAS document.
- false
- The mapping in the discriminator includes any descendent schemas that allOf inherit from self, any oneOf schemas, any anyOf schemas, any x-discriminator-values, and the discriminator mapping schemas in the OAS document AND Codegen validates that oneOf and anyOf schemas contain the required discriminator and throws an error if the discriminator is missing.
true |
library |
library template (sub-template) to use |
- mp
- Helidon MP Client
- se
- Helidon SE Client
mp |
licenseName |
The name of the license |
Unlicense |
licenseUrl |
The URL of the license |
| |
modelPackage |
package for generated models |
org.openapitools.client.model |
openApiNullable |
Enable OpenAPI Jackson Nullable library. Not supported by microprofile library. |
true |
prependFormOrBodyParameters |
Add form or body parameters to the beginning of the parameter list. |
false |
rootJavaEEPackage |
Root package name for Java EE |
Helidon 2.x and earlier: javax; Helidon 3.x and later: jakarta |
serializableModel |
boolean - toggle "implements Serializable" for generated models |
false |
serializationLibrary |
Serialization library, defaults to Jackson |
- jsonb
- Use JSON-B as serialization library
- jackson
- Use Jackson as serialization library
null |
snapshotVersion |
Uses a SNAPSHOT version. |
- true
- Use a SnapShot Version
- false
- Use a Release Version
null |
sortModelPropertiesByRequiredFlag |
Sort model properties to place required parameters before optional parameters. |
true |
sortParamsByRequiredFlag |
Sort method arguments to place required parameters before optional parameters. |
true |
sourceFolder |
source folder for generated code |
src/main/java |
testOutput |
Set output folder for models and APIs tests |
${}/generated-test-sources/openapi |
useJakartaEe |
whether to use Jakarta EE namespace instead of javax |
false |
useOneOfInterfaces |
whether to use a java interface to describe a set of oneOf options, where each option is a class that implements the interface |
false |
withXml |
whether to include support for application/xml content type and include XML annotations in the model (works with libraries that provide support for JSON and XML) |
false |
x-helidon-groupBy |
Selects how to group operations into APIs |
- tags
- Use the 'tags' settings on each operation
- first-path-segment
- Use the first segment of the path
tags |
x-helidon-useOptional |
Wrap optional parameters in an Optional (Helidon 4 and later) |
true |