- OLMIS-7954: Added fixes to improve performance on login page
- OLMIS-7991: Filtered out lots that not expired on Issue screeen
- OLMIS-7993: Added stock card cache after opening the bin card
- OIS-24: Adjusted all components styles to support RTL
New functionalities that are backwards-compatible:
- OLMIS-7987: Move Submit Requisitionless Orders functionalities from Angola to Core instance
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-7748: Fix filtering 'includeInactive' on the Physical Inventory page
- OLMIS-7776: Fix issues with saving lots on Physical Inventory page
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-7772: Fix issues with new Chrome popover functionality
mobile app
- OLMIS-7654: Create template page for program/facility selection - mobile app
- OLMIS-7655: Enable selecting program and facility on program/facility selection page - mobile app
- OLMIS-7656: Implement searching functionality in Stock on Hand - mobile app
- OLMIS-7657: Add table to mobile Stock on Hand page
- OLMIS-7658: Implement filter on mobile Stock on Hand page
- OLMIS-7660: Add Bin Card on mobile Stock on Hand page
New functionality that are backwards-compatible:
- OLMIS-7373: Add filtering by product code, name and lot code on Stock on Hand page
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-7579: Fixed issue with moving into next screen when current stock = 0 - mobile app
- OLMIS-7583: Fixed 'quantity field is incorrectly recalculated after the reason is removed' - mobile app
- OLMIS-7574: Fixed wrong stock card calculations by adding unaccounted quantity validation
- OLMIS-7581: Fixed wrong order of displaying products after adding a new one in Physical Inventory - mobile app
- OLMIS-7582: fixed getStockAdjustment function when there is no draft in Physical Inventory - mobile app
- OLMIS-7599: fixed refreshing the app - mobile app
- OLMIS-7593: fixed issue with saving the Unaccounted Quantity field in draft
- OLMIS-7608: Fixed wrong error displaying when making receives and updating physical inventory
- OLMIS-7594: Fixed issue with adding same lot codes for different products in one physical inventory draft
- OLMIS-7588: Physical Inventory validation for unaccounted quantity - mobile app
- OLMIS-7629: loading Physical Inventory performance improved
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-7387: Add pagination params to source-destination service to obtain all assignments
- OLMIS-7527: Fix products added in Physical Inventory has inactive status
- OLMIS-7464: Don't display "Deactivate" button for new products added to physical inventory
- OLMIS-7560: Don't activate already deactivated products after adding new item to inventory draft
- OLMIS-7558: Fix inactive lots validation on Physical Inventory page.
- OLMIS-7430: Add logic to filter all inactive and active items on physical inventory and stock on hand pages
- OLMIS-7434: Remove items from physical inventory
- OLMIS-7433: Add logic to show only active stock cards
- OLMIS-7471: Change terminology in button and messages from 'hide' to 'deactivate'
- OLMIS-7467: Move React base fields components to ui-components
- OLMIS-7463: Change filter on physical inventory for active/inactive items to checkbox
- OLMIS-7458: Add new lots in receive and physical inventory screens
New functionality that are backwards-compatible:
- OLMIS-7322: Add React main component for physical inventory mobile app.
- OLMIS-7380: Add main layout component for mobile physical inventory process.
- OLMIS-7379: Add page to choose program to start physical inventory.
- OLMIS-7382: Add page for products addition.
- OLMIS-7384: Add confirmation dialog to react mobile app
- OLMIS-7315: Fix navigation on mobile
- OLMIS-7381: Add react form for physical inventory.
- OLMIS-7383: Add possibility to delete physical inventory draft on mobile application
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-7291: Fixed issue with missing data after changing page on the Issue/Receive/Adjustment screen.
- OLMIS-7369: Fixed issue with orderables and valid sources not being persisted in state in Issue/Receive/Adjustment creation.
- OLMIS-7412: Fixed issue with clicking the previous button after changing mode from offline to online
- OLMIS-7298: Modified returned data because of added page and size parameters for /validSources and /validDestinations endpoints.
- OLMIS-7323: Make Physical Inventory list page responsive with standard breakpoints
- OLMIS-7318: Added the ability to hide unnecessary modules on mobile.
- OLMIS-7314: Update scss files to enable webpack build.
- OLMIS-7412: Add possibility to create draft offline on mobile app.
- OLMIS-7412: Improve program and lot formatting on mobile app.
New functionality that are backwards-compatible:
- OLMIS-7165: Added the ability to cache valid sources, valid reasons, valid destinations and stock card summaries in local storage.
- OLMIS-7176: Adjustment, Receive and Issue page should be available in offline mode.
- OLMIS-7164: Added ability to save Adjustments/Receive/Issue in local storage.
- OLMIS-7173: Added offline alert and notifications.
- OLMIS-7204: Made Stock on Hand screen available offline.
- OLMIS-7197: Refreshed pending offline events indicator after saving a new stock event.
- OLMIS-7198: Added the possibility to redirect to Pending Operations screen from pending offline events link.
- OLMIS-7181: Made Stock Card Summaries cache user-specific.
- OLMIS-7205: Synchronized offline events after logging and switching from offline to online.
- OLMIS-7221: Added saving of stock event synchronization errors in local storage.
- OLMIS-7207: Refreshed offline events indicator after sync error.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-7220: Added call to facilityProgramCacheService in the routes.
- OLMIS-7228: Added an alert error when reasons, sources, or destinations were not found in local storage.
- OLMIS-6813: Displaying products with SoH equal 0 on the Adjustments screen.
- OLMIS-7246: Fixed issue with missing pagination in Stock on Hand table.
- OLMIS-7259: Fixed issue with missing pagination in Stock on Hand table in offline mode.
- Updated dev-ui version to 9.0.2.
- Updated ui-components version to 7.2.5.
- Updated auth-ui version to 6.2.6.
- Updated ui-layout version to 5.1.9.
- Updated referencedata-ui version to 5.6.5.
New functionality that are backwards-compatible:
- OLMIS-6900: Added the ability to open localy saved drafts and valid reasons.
- OLMIS-6897: Added the ability to cache physical inventory drafts and valid reasons in local storage.
- OLMIS-6901: Added the ability to cache orderables, lots and orderableFulfills in local storage after going to the Physical Inventory page.
- OLMIS-6896: Added ability to display locally saved drafts in Physical Inventory.
- OLMIS-6898: Added auto-saving draft on Physical Inventory screen.
- OLMIS-6899: Updated physical inventory submit to display error message returned from backend.
- OLMIS-6920: Fixed issue with opening Physical Inventory with trade item products.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-6925: Reloaded the physical inventory list after changing offline / online state.
- OLMIS-6927: Added changing the draft status before entering the Physical Inventory draft page.
- OLMIS-6953: Improved performance of adding products to a Physical Inventory.
- OLMIS-6984: Fixed saving Physical Inventory to local storage in online mode.
- Updated ui-components version to 7.2.4.
- Updated auth-ui version to 6.2.5.
- Updated ui-layout version to 5.1.8.
- Updated referencedata-ui version to 5.6.4.
- Updated ui-components version to 7.2.3.
- Updated auth-ui version to 6.2.4.
- Updated ui-layout version to 5.1.7.
- Updated referencedata-ui version to 5.6.3.
- OLMIS-6724: Updated autosaving physical inventory to avoid calling backend on every page change.
- OLMIS-5406: Improved performance of Stock Management > Physical inventory screen.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-6511: Fixed displaying lot expiration date and stock card occurred date on stockmanagement screens.
- OLMIS-6132: Fixed pagination issue on Stock Card view screen.
- OLMIS-6747: Fixed filtering on the Unpack screen.
- OLMIS-6752: Fixed filtering date on stock management screens.
- OLMIS-6618: Added quantity validation for DEBIT reason.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-6299: Fixed "Add" button going beyond the Reason Add modal.
- OLMIS-6670: Fixed issue with making Physical Inventory when there is more than one page with products:
- Added autosaving of physical inventory on page change
- OLMIS-6556: Add support for limiting sources and destinations.
- OLMIS-6596: Reasons dropdown will no longer show on the Unpack kit screen.
- OLMIS-6113: Create UI for kit unpacking in stock management
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-6330: fixed trigerring reference-ui build.
- OLMIS-5409: Updated ui-components to version 7.0.0.
- OLMIS-3696: Added dependency and development dependency locking.
- OLMIS-5438: Categorize orderables under respective product category in physical inventory page
- OLMIS-5235: Reworked current user home facility caching to use loginService hook instead of a decorator.
Breaking changes:
- OLMIS-4623: Renamed admin-reason-modal module to admin-reason-add and made it a state
New functionality that are backwards-compatible:
- OLMIS-4623: Added the ability to add/select tags when creating new reason
- OLMIS-4622: Added the ability to edit reasons
- OLMIS-4788: Added text explanation for adding reason tags
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-4089: Programs not supported by the users home facility will no longer show on the Receive, Adjustment, Issue and Physical Inventory screens
- OLMIS-4757: Fixed URI too long error when trying to make an adjustment
- OLMIS-4933: Fixed submitting physical inventory when with today's date.
- OLMIS-4404: Stock on Hand View will no longer show empty summaries.
- OLMIS-5945: Fix updating adjustment reason failure.
- OLMIS-4742: Added Jenkinsfile.
- OLMIS-3193: Arrangement of menu items with logical flow
- OLMIS-4795: Updated dev-ui to version 8.
- OLMIS-4813: Updated datepickers to use the new syntax.
- OLMIS-4813: Updated ui-components to version 6.0.0.
New functionality that are backwards-compatible:
- OLMIS-3108: Updated to use dev-ui v7 transifex build process
- OLMIS-685: Added the ability to search valid reason assignment by reason type
- OLMIS-3876: Split fliter and navigation froms in Stock on Hand page
- OLMIS-3027: VVM status only shows when there are orderables with VVM status configured
- OLMIS-3921: Remove validations from the Physical Inventory view to allow for unaccounted quantities
- Added a visual indication of the unaccounted quantity so the user understands.
- On stock card view, changed "Reason" Overstock/Understock/Balance adjustment to "Physical Inventory".
- OLMIS-4118: Show display unit for Dispensable
- OLMIS-4143: Display labels inline.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-3562: Added missing facility-program-cache registration.
- OLMIS-3295: Updated stock event structure to match new stock management API
- OLMIS-3769: Added missed facilityId and programId to the stock event.
- OLMIS-3769: Fix Stock on Hand calculations for Physical Inventory adjustments on Stock Card view
- OLMIS-4142: Fixed stock adjustments did not allow adding more than one product
- OLMIS-4410: Adjusted the add reason modal to the new API
- OLMIS-4541: Made error behavior on the Adjustment screen consistent
New functionality that are backwards-compatible:
- OLMIS-2732: Print submitted physical inventory
- OLMIS-3246: Added 'show' field to reason assignments
- OLMIS-4097: Reworked facility-program select component to use cached rograms, minimal facilities and permission strings.
- Updated dev-ui version to 6.
- Released openlmis-stockmanagement-ui 1.0.0 as part of openlmis-ref-distro 3.2.0.
- This was the first stable release of openlmis-stockmanagement-ui.