- Yes. By uploading this dataset to OpenNeuro you have to agree to the following conditions: -
-- Yes! We recommend using the Open Brain Consent - - - Ultimate consent form - - . -
-- OpenNeuro does not accept datasets that have not been defaced for privacy considerations. Datasets found to not have been defaced will be deleted and the dataset owner is invited to reupload their dataset with the defaced images. The dataset owner will be notified by the OpenNeuro team if an infringement has been detected. The only exception is explicit approval from the study participant(s). -
-- We recommend using - - pydeface - - to deface your images. In the case that the dataset(s) is cited in publications, please notify the OpenNeuro team and we will direct the DOI and dataset links from the previous dataset to the new dataset. We suggest adding a note to the README of the reuploaded dataset to specify this change. -
-- For any questions or concerns please submit a support request or email support@openneuro.freshdesk.com -
-- When OpenNeuro first began accepting data, we hosted datasets that were dedicated to the public domain (CC0 or PDDL) or released under the CC-BY license. The idea of accepting CC-BY licenses was to reflect the academic norm of citing sources, but it fails to achieve that goal. In - - CC BY and data: Not always a good fit - - , it is argued: -
---- - - CC licenses are not sufficient for ensuring proper attribution in many cases because their restrictions — including attribution — do not apply to facts. - - -... -
-- - CC licenses' attribution requirements aren't necessary because scholars have very good reasons to provide attribution that has nothing to do with copyright - - [...] Data that comes from nowhere has little credibility. If someone wants to use data as persuasive evidence, they need to refer readers and reviewers back to its source: who it came from and how it was produced. -
- CC-BY places an ambiguous legal hurdle between researchers and data they are considering using, even if only intended to enforce standard academic practice. To reduce uncertainty for data consumers, all newly published datasets are released under CC0, as are new versions of previously released datasets. We do nonetheless want to encourage proper attribution of datasets hosted on OpenNeuro. Each version of a dataset is assigned a unique DOI, enabling researchers to cite the version of a dataset they analyzed. Additionally, all OpenNeuro datasets may include a - - "HowToAcknowledge" field - - , in which dataset providers may provide specific instructions for users for what they consider an appropriate citation. -