🏗️ Work In Progress
This project simulates star constellations and uses a Graph Attention Network (GAT) to predict the rotational angles (u, v) of a robot's head from a graph of the captured image.
- Simulate star dataset:
- Simulate stars
- Convert stars into graph representations (stars as nodes, distances as edges)
- Convert stars into image samples
- Convert images into graph representations (stars as nodes, distances as edges)
- Implement GAT model:
- Predict the true position of stars and/or the camera angle ((u), (v)).
- Should we predict star positions and deduce the camera angle, or predict the camera angle directly?
make dummy_data # simulate dummy data (naive)
make clean # clean
# not implemented yet
make simulate_data # simulate stars positions => images of stars => graph of stars => prediction
make train # train the GAT