To install the Ostap package on the CERN SWAN service, you must perform the following steps:
- Run a local session in CERN SWAN
- Go to the terminal and clone the latest released version and build Ostap package
git clone ...
Full information on installing the Ostap package can be found
- Create in local session a shell file in which environment variables for Ostap will be set. The following environment variables must be defined in this file:
export OSTAPDIR=$CERNBOX_HOME/ostap/build
export PYTHONPATH=$OSTAPDIR/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
Exit to the start menu of the local session using the button "Change configuration" and in the field “Environment script” add the path to the file created in step 3.
For example: $CERNBOX_HOME/SWAN_projects/
- To use the Ostap package, you need to create a new file and select the Python 2 language.
- To verify the correct installation of the Ostap package on the CERN SWAN, you can use the following code:
import ROOT import ostap.fitting.models as Models RRV = ROOT.RooRealVar c1 = ROOT.TCanvas() gauss = Models.Gauss_pdf( 'Gauss' , xvar = ( 2.5 , 3.5 ) , mean = ( 3.100 , 2.50 , 3.50 ) , sigma = ( 0.015 , 0.010 , 0.025 ) ) qq = gauss.draw() qq.draw() c1.Draw()
The result of the correct operation of the program will be the following image