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483 lines (377 loc) · 12.5 KB

Data Mesh Proof of Concept

A. Prerequisites

  1. Suggested configuration
  • Ubuntu 22.04-LTS
  • 32 GB RAM (for all clusters)
  1. Get this repository
    git clone
  1. Install Docker Engine

Install docker


Make sure that it is running

    docker system info

Test if you can pull and run a hell-world image


B. Setup Kafka cluster

  1. Prepare folders for data, logs, and test files
  1. Start the cluster
  1. (Optional) Stop the cluster
  1. (Optional) Restart the cluster (once it has already been set up)
  1. (Optional) Remove the cluster

Note: sometime the connect plugins are not propertly installed. You might need to check connect logs.

    docker compose -f docker-compose-kafka.yml logs connect -f

scan for

    connect  | Unable to find a component 
    connect  |  
    connect  | Error: Component not found, specify either valid name from Confluent Hub in format: <owner>/<name>:<version:latest> or path to a local file 

and then install them manually (for example for the neo4j plugin)

    docker exec -it connect bash
    confluent-hub install --no-prompt neo4j/kafka-connect-neo4j:5.0.2

C. US Covid Daily dataset, Airports & Counties & Airport-to-Airport Passenger Traffic master datasets

Ensure that jq is installed. sudo apt install jq on Ubuntu and brew install jq on Mac OS.

  1. Setup the connectors and topics to read csv data files

Check if the data points are there (press Ctrl+C to quit)

    ./scripts/kafka/ topic_airports
    ./scripts/kafka/ topic_counties
    ./scripts/kafka/ topic_arttoarp
    ./scripts/kafka/ topic_dailyc19
  1. Reviewing Kafka topics

Navigate to http://localhost:9021, select Topics, then select any of topic_airports, topic_arptoarp, topic_counties, topic_daily19.

Select Messages, then on offset (next to Jump to offset) select 0 to start seeing messages from the beginning (of the messages in the topic).

  1. Setting up PostgreSQL and Grafana
  1. Adding Kafka Streams

Open Kafka Control Center at http://localhost:9021, ksql, then use the Editor to create streams as follow.

Verify if the values of KEY_SCHEMA_ID is the same as the one in the topic_dailyc19 topic

Make sure that auto.offset.reset is set to Earliest in the editor.

    CREATE STREAM stream_dailyc19 (
        date VARCHAR,
        fips VARCHAR,
        county VARCHAR,
        state VARCHAR,
        cases BIGINT,
        deaths BIGINT
    ) WITH (
    CREATE STREAM california_covid
        ROWKEY, date, fips, county, cases, deaths
    WHERE state = 'California'
  1. Setting up JDBC connector to consume Kafka messages from topic_daily19 and review imported messages in PorgreSQL database
    docker exec -it postgres bash -c 'psql -U $POSTGRES_USER $POSTGRES_DB'
    SELECT * FROM topic_dailyc19 FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS ONLY;
  1. Configure Grafana to use PostgreSQL instance

Open browser at http://localhost:3000, then use admin/admin for login first time.

Create a data source by select Configuration on the left menu bar, select PostgreSQL, then postgres:5432, database postgres, username/password as postgres (for default). Disable TSL for now.

If the connection to Grafana fails (nothing show on the browser) then stop/restart might help

  1. Create dashboards in Grafana to view US Covid Daily data

Create a new dashboard with a panel to display first 10 rows in the database.. Selecting PostgreSQL as the data source, Table as view type, switch the Query Builder to Code (instead of Builder), and type

    SELECT NOW() AS time, * FROM topic_dailyc19 LIMIT 10;

Design another panel

    SUM(cases) AS cases, 
    100 *SUM(cases) / (SELECT SUM(cases) FROM topic_dailyc19 WHERE date = '2020-03-31') AS percent
    FROM topic_dailyc19
    WHERE date = '2020-03-31'
    GROUP BY state
    ORDER BY percent DESC;

Then the third panel, choosing Pie Chart

        NOW() AS time,
        state AS metric,
        SUM(cases) AS cases, 
        100 *SUM(cases) / (SELECT SUM(cases) FROM topic_dailyc19 WHERE date = '2020-03-31') AS percent
    FROM topic_dailyc19
    WHERE date = '2020-03-31'
    GROUP BY state
    ORDER BY percent DESC;

Then the third panel, choosing Pie Chart

        SUM(cases) AS cases,
        state as metric
    FROM topic_dailyc19
    WHERE date = '2020-03-31'
    GROUP BY state;

' And the final panel, choosing Bar Gauge

        SUM(cases) AS "cases",
    FROM topic_dailyc19
    WHERE state = 'Washington'
    GROUP BY date
    ORDER BY date ASC
    LIMIT 100;

The full config can be viewed in grafana.json.

D. Perform computations to find nearby airports for each county

  1. Setup a Spark master and three slaves
  1. Run the Spark app
  1. Push the results into the topic_ctytoarp

Check if the data points are there (press Ctrl+C to quit)

    ./scripts/kafka/ topic_ctytoarp

E. Neo4j for data science, access and visualization

  1. Setup a Neo4j and neodash
  1. Setup the database
  1. Connect to Kafka to receive all data

Import all nodes and relationships


Wait until complete (approx 3-4 mins, depending on hardware configuration, check on neo4j if 854114 nodes were imported)


Then run post processing,

  1. Open Neo4j browser

Open browser at http://localhost:7474, then use neo4j/phac2022 for login.

Example queries

250 days period

    MATCH (d:DailyC19) 
        WHERE d.fips = "53061" 
    RETURN DATE( AS date, d.cases AS cases, d.deaths AS deaths ORDER BY date SKIP 50 LIMIT 250

Air routes from Snohomish County

    MATCH (d1:County {county_fips: "53061"})-[r1:C2A]-(a1:Airport)-[r2:A2A]-(a2:Airport)-[r3:C2A]-(d2:County)
    RETURN d1, r1, a1, r2, a2, r3, d2

Snohomish & Los Angeles Counties

    MATCH (d1:DailyC19 {fips: "53061"})
    WHERE > "2020-03-31"
    WITH d1 MATCH (d2:DailyC19 {fips: "06037", date:})
    RETURN DATE( AS date, d1.cases, d1.deaths, d2.cases, d2.deaths LIMIT 90
  1. Preparing data for finding correlations

Sum up quarterly passenger traffic to make it annual

    CALL apoc.periodic.iterate("
        MATCH (a1:Airport)
        RETURN a1 ORDER BY a1.ident
        WITH a1
            MATCH (a1)-[r1:A2A]-(a2:Airport) 
                WHERE a1.ident < a2.ident
        WITH DISTINCT(a2) AS a2, SUM(r1.passengers)/COUNT(r1) AS passengers, a1
            MERGE (a1)-[r:A2A_PT]-(a2)
                SET r.passengers = passengers
        {batchSize:1, parallel:false}

Sum up passenger traffic per air route for each connected county pairs

    CALL apoc.periodic.iterate("
        MATCH (c1:County)
        RETURN c1 ORDER BY c1.county_fips
        WITH c1
            MATCH (c1)-[:C2A]-(a1:Airport)-[r1:A2A_PT]-(a2:Airport)-[:C2A]-(c2:County)
                WHERE a1 <> a2 AND c1 <> c2 AND NOT((c1)-[:C2C_PT]-(c2))
        WITH DISTINCT(c2) AS c2, SUM(r1.passengers) AS passengers, c1
        WITH c1, c2, passengers
            MERGE (c1)-[r:C2C_PT]-(c2)
                SET r.passengers = passengers
        WITH DISTINCT(c1) AS c1, SUM(passengers) AS passengers
        WITH c1, passengers
            SET c1.passengers = passengers
        {batchSize:1, parallel:false}

Setting valid date range (having Covid data) for each county

    MATCH (c:County)
    WITH c
        MATCH (d:DailyC19 {fips: c.county_fips})
    WITH c, AS date ORDER BY date ASC
    WITH DISTINCT(c) AS c, COLLECT(date) AS dates
    WITH c, HEAD(dates) AS min_date, HEAD(REVERSE(dates)) AS max_date
        SET c.min_date = min_date, c.max_date = max_date
    MATCH (c1:County)-[r:C2C_PT]-(c2:County)
    REMOVE r.sos

Compute correlation (based on sum of squares of dfference in cases as population percentage) of every connected county pairs.

    CALL apoc.periodic.iterate("
        MATCH (c1:County)-[r:C2C_PT]-(c2:County)
        WHERE c1.county_fips < c2.county_fips
        RETURN c1, r, c2,
            (CASE c1.min_date <= c2.min_date WHEN TRUE THEN c2.min_date ELSE c1.min_date END) AS min_date, 
            (CASE c1.max_date <= c2.max_date WHEN TRUE THEN c1.max_date ELSE c2.max_date END) AS max_date
        WITH c1, r, c2, min_date, max_date
        MATCH (d1:DailyC19 {fips: c1.county_fips})
            WHERE >= min_date AND <= max_date
        WITH c1, r, c2, d1 
            MATCH (d2:DailyC19 {fips: c2.county_fips, date:})
        WITH c1, r, c2, AS date, (d1.cases*100.0/c1.population)-(d2.cases*100.0/c2.population) AS diff
        WITH DISTINCT(c1) AS c1, r, c2, SQRT(SUM(diff*diff)/COUNT(diff)) AS sos
        WITH r, sos            
            WHERE sos <= 0.2
            SET r.sos = sos
        {batchSize:1000, parallel:true}
  1. Compute clusters
    MATCH (c:County)
    CALL gds.graph.drop('correlatedCounties');
    CALL gds.graph.project(
            C2C_PT: {
                orientation: 'UNDIRECTED'
            relationshipProperties: 'sos'
    CALL gds.louvain.write.estimate('correlatedCounties', { writeProperty: 'community' })
    YIELD nodeCount, relationshipCount, bytesMin, bytesMax, requiredMemory
    CALL gds.louvain.write('correlatedCounties', { writeProperty: 'community' })
    YIELD communityCount, modularity, modularities
    MATCH (c:County)
    WITH DISTINCT( AS community, COUNT(*) AS count
    RETURN community, count
    MATCH (c1:County)-[r1:C2A]-(a1:Airport)-[r2:A2A_PT]-(a2:Airport)-[r3:C2A]-(c2:County)
	    WHERE = AND c1.county_fips IN ["06037"]
    RETURN c1, r1, a1, r2, a2, r3, c2
    MATCH (c1:County {county_fips: "06037"})-[r:C2C_PT]-(c2:County)
        WHERE r.sos <= 0.2
    RETURN c2.county_fips, c2.county_ascii, c2.state_name, r.sos ORDER BY r.sos ASC
    MATCH (d1:DailyC19 {fips: "06037"}), (c1:County {county_fips: "06037"})
        WHERE >= "2020-04-01"
    WITH d1, c1
        MATCH (d2:DailyC19 {fips: "37119", date:}), (c2:County {county_fips: "37119"})
    WITH d1, c1, d2, c2
        MATCH (d3:DailyC19 {fips: "22103", date:}), (c3:County {county_fips: "22103"})
    WITH d1, c1, d2, c2, d3, c3
        MATCH (d4:DailyC19 {fips: "12071", date:}), (c4:County {county_fips: "12071"})
    WITH d1, c1, d2, c2, d3, c3, d4, c4
        MATCH (d5:DailyC19 {fips: "13121", date:}), (c5:County {county_fips: "13121"})
    RETURN DATE( AS date, 
        d1.cases*100.0/c1.population AS Los_Angeles_CA,
        d2.cases*100.0/c2.population AS Mecklenburg_NC,
        d3.cases*100.0/c3.population AS St_Tammany_LA,
        d4.cases*100.0/c4.population AS Lee_FL,
        d5.cases*100.0/c5.population AS Fulton_GA
        LIMIT 250
  1. Using Neodash

Open browser at http://localhost:5005, then connect to existing dashboard for preview.