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Phenotype Simulator

brakitsch edited this page Dec 8, 2015 · 10 revisions

Phenotype Simulator

Our software package also includes the eQTL simulator we have used for the power simulations in our paper. In a nutshell, each gene is simulated as a linear function of all causal genes, the cis SNP, noise and hidden confounding factors. For more information, we refer to the supplement of our paper.

The simulator has a command line interface that is easily accessible:

./GNetLMM_simPheno --bfile bfile --pfile pfile


  • bfile is the basename of of the binary bed file (bfile.bed,bfile.bim,bfile.fam are required).
  • pfile is the basename of the phenotype file that is generated.The file pfile.matrix contains the gene expression values: each gene is saved in a row and each sample in a column. The file pfile.rows contains meta-information over the genes, pfile.cols meta-information over the samples. The file pfile.conf saves the hidden confounding factors, pfile.Aconf the mapping between the confounding factors and the genes, and pfile.Agene the gene-gene network, where A[i,j]=1 if gene j causes gene i.

By changing the following parameters different genetic architectures can be simulated and, in particular, the power experiments of our paper can be reproduced.

Option Default Datatype Explanation
--seed 0 int seed for random number generator
--networkDesign sparse string can either be star or sparse
--T 100 int number of simulated genes
--varSnp 0.1 float variance explained by the causal cis marker
--varNetwork 0.8 int variance jointly explained by the gene-gene and gene-confounder network
--alpha 1.0 float ratio between variance explained by the gene-gene network and the gene-confounder network
--nConfounder 3 int number of confounders
--confPerGene 1 float expected number of confounder per gene
--expN 5 float expected number of in- and out-going edges
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