position not reached | lat: 47.399269104, lon: 8.545572281, alt: 500.18, current pos_xy_d: 79.03, current pos_z_d: 0.25, best pos_xy_d: 12.14, best pos_z_d: 0.00, index: 2 | timeout(seconds): 60
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/case.py", line 329, in run
File "/tmp/jenkins/workspace/Firmware_PR-8879-TZVSC74FWKMSPBVCR36TYW7EI3BKRXFEVHOC22U6NPHOJJKPO6VQ/integrationtests/python_src/px4_it/mavros/mission_test.py", line 305, in test_mission
File "/tmp/jenkins/workspace/Firmware_PR-8879-TZVSC74FWKMSPBVCR36TYW7EI3BKRXFEVHOC22U6NPHOJJKPO6VQ/integrationtests/python_src/px4_it/mavros/mission_test.py", line 262, in reach_position
best_pos_z_d, index, timeout))
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/case.py", line 422, in assertTrue
raise self.failureException(msg)
[INFO] [1518534708.948427, 0.000000]: waiting for ROS services
[INFO] [1518534708.956442, 0.000000]: ROS services are up
[INFO] [1518534708.976851, 1.406000]: VTOL state changed from MAV_VTOL_STATE_UNDEFINED to MAV_VTOL_STATE_MC
[INFO] [1518534708.977293, 1.406000]: landed state changed from MAV_LANDED_STATE_UNDEFINED to MAV_LANDED_STATE_IN_AIR
[INFO] [1518534708.989575, 1.418000]: reading mission /tmp/jenkins/workspace/Firmware_PR-8879-TZVSC74FWKMSPBVCR36TYW7EI3BKRXFEVHOC22U6NPHOJJKPO6VQ/integrationtests/python_src/px4_it/mavros/vtol_old_3.txt
[INFO] [1518534708.990862, 1.420000]: waiting for subscribed topics to be ready
[INFO] [1518534709.364951, 1.796000]: landed state changed from MAV_LANDED_STATE_IN_AIR to MAV_LANDED_STATE_ON_GROUND
[INFO] [1518534709.866362, 2.296000]: connected changed from False to True
[INFO] [1518534709.866642, 2.296000]: mode changed from to MANUAL
[INFO] [1518534709.866882, 2.296000]: system_status changed from MAV_STATE_UNINIT to MAV_STATE_STANDBY
[INFO] [1518534720.893223, 13.302000]: mode changed from MANUAL to AUTO.LOITER
[INFO] [1518534725.017920, 17.420000]: simulation topics ready | seconds: 16.0 of 60
[INFO] [1518534725.018290, 17.420000]: waiting for landed state | state: MAV_LANDED_STATE_ON_GROUND, index: -1
[INFO] [1518534725.018464, 17.420000]: landed state confirmed | seconds: 0.0 of 10
[INFO] [1518534725.018610, 17.420000]: waiting for MAV_TYPE
[INFO] [1518534725.021564, 17.424000]: MAV_TYPE received | type: MAV_TYPE_VTOL_RESERVED2 | seconds: 0.0 of 10
[INFO] [1518534725.021893, 17.424000]: sending mission waypoints
[INFO] [1518534725.033055, 17.436000]: waypoints successfully transferred
[INFO] [1518534726.026688, 18.426000]: number of waypoints transferred: 3
[INFO] [1518534726.026970, 18.426000]: send waypoints success | seconds: 1.0 of 30
[INFO] [1518534726.027253, 18.426000]: ========================
[INFO] [1518534726.027462, 18.426000]: ===== topic values =====
[INFO] [1518534726.027646, 18.426000]: ========================
[INFO] [1518534726.028418, 18.426000]: altitude:
seq: 170
secs: 18
nsecs: 403106283
frame_id: "map"
monotonic: 491.09564209
amsl: 488.153625488
local: -0.0776000991464
relative: -0.111572265625
terrain: nan
bottom_clearance: nan
[INFO] [1518534726.028915, 18.428000]: ========================
[INFO] [1518534726.029473, 18.430000]: extended_state:
seq: 341
secs: 18
nsecs: 402000000
frame_id: ''
vtol_state: 3
landed_state: 1
[INFO] [1518534726.029706, 18.430000]: ========================
[INFO] [1518534726.030280, 18.430000]: global_position:
seq: 855
secs: 18
nsecs: 423509283
frame_id: "base_link"
status: 0
service: 1
latitude: 47.3977419
longitude: 8.5455939
altitude: 535.374915703
position_covariance: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
position_covariance_type: 1
[INFO] [1518534726.030550, 18.430000]: ========================
[INFO] [1518534726.030822, 18.430000]: home_position:
seq: 7
secs: 17
nsecs: 300000000
frame_id: ''
latitude: 47.3977418
longitude: 8.5455939
altitude: 535.485915657
x: 0.00697607640177
y: -0.0140532013029
z: 0.0339759550989
x: 0.999340553294
y: 0.0363111958661
z: 6.11919604925e-17
w: 2.22341948953e-18
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
[INFO] [1518534726.031124, 18.430000]: ========================
[INFO] [1518534726.031794, 18.432000]: local_position:
seq: 512
secs: 18
nsecs: 401509283
frame_id: "map"
x: 0.000214634143049
y: -0.00423682434484
z: -0.0776000991464
x: 0.0101923605216
y: -0.0142150954537
z: -0.0230127693428
w: -0.99958213903
[INFO] [1518534726.031954, 18.432000]: ========================
[INFO] [1518534726.032427, 18.432000]: mission_wp:
current_seq: 0
frame: 3
command: 16
is_current: True
autocontinue: True
param1: 15.0
param2: 0.0
param3: 0.0
param4: 0.0
x_lat: 47.3981576691
y_long: 8.54603363171
z_alt: 12.0
frame: 2
command: 3000
is_current: False
autocontinue: True
param1: 4.0
param2: 0.0
param3: 0.0
param4: 0.0
x_lat: 47.3980331421
y_long: 8.54578971863
z_alt: 12.0
frame: 3
command: 16
is_current: False
autocontinue: True
param1: 0.0
param2: 0.0
param3: 0.0
param4: 0.0
x_lat: 47.399269104
y_long: 8.54557228088
z_alt: 12.0
[INFO] [1518534726.032611, 18.432000]: ========================
[INFO] [1518534726.032972, 18.432000]: state:
seq: 17
secs: 18
nsecs: 302000000
frame_id: ''
connected: True
armed: False
guided: True
system_status: 3
[INFO] [1518534726.033532, 18.434000]: ========================
[INFO] [1518534726.033781, 18.434000]: setting FCU mode: AUTO.MISSION
[INFO] [1518534726.912746, 19.310000]: mode changed from AUTO.LOITER to AUTO.MISSION
[INFO] [1518534727.037202, 19.434000]: set mode success | seconds: 1.0 of 5
[INFO] [1518534727.037450, 19.434000]: setting FCU arm: True
[INFO] [1518534727.113365, 19.510000]: landed state changed from MAV_LANDED_STATE_ON_GROUND to MAV_LANDED_STATE_TAKEOFF
[INFO] [1518534727.915148, 20.310000]: armed state changed from False to True
[INFO] [1518534727.915627, 20.310000]: system_status changed from MAV_STATE_STANDBY to MAV_STATE_ACTIVE
[INFO] [1518534728.038451, 20.434000]: set arm success | seconds: 1.0 of 5
[INFO] [1518534728.038726, 20.434000]: run mission vtol_old_3.txt
[INFO] [1518534728.038992, 20.434000]: trying to reach waypoint | lat: 47.398157669, lon: 8.546033632, alt: 500.18, index: 0
[INFO] [1518534728.039827, 20.434000]: current distance to waypoint | pos_xy_d: 56.89, pos_z_d: 11.45, index: 0
[INFO] [1518534735.548833, 27.930000]: landed state changed from MAV_LANDED_STATE_TAKEOFF to MAV_LANDED_STATE_IN_AIR
[INFO] [1518534738.064866, 30.434000]: current distance to waypoint | pos_xy_d: 54.32, pos_z_d: 0.06, index: 0
[INFO] [1518534748.078965, 40.434000]: current distance to waypoint | pos_xy_d: 5.38, pos_z_d: 0.05, index: 0
[INFO] [1518534758.112689, 50.434000]: current distance to waypoint | pos_xy_d: 0.26, pos_z_d: 0.10, index: 0
[INFO] [1518534763.285713, 55.596000]: mission item reached: 0
[INFO] [1518534763.286138, 55.596000]: current mission waypoint sequence updated: 1
[INFO] [1518534763.623873, 55.934000]: position reached | pos_xy_d: 0.29, pos_z_d: 0.05, index: 0 | seconds: 35.5 of 60
[INFO] [1518534763.624493, 55.936000]: waiting for VTOL transition | transition: MAV_VTOL_STATE_FW, index: 1
[INFO] [1518534764.701652, 57.010000]: mission item reached: 1
[INFO] [1518534764.751511, 57.060000]: VTOL state changed from MAV_VTOL_STATE_MC to MAV_VTOL_STATE_TRANSITION_TO_FW
[INFO] [1518534769.257825, 61.550000]: current mission waypoint sequence updated: 2
[INFO] [1518534769.285072, 61.576000]: VTOL state changed from MAV_VTOL_STATE_TRANSITION_TO_FW to MAV_VTOL_STATE_FW
[INFO] [1518534769.343246, 61.636000]: transitioned | seconds: 5.7 of 60
[INFO] [1518534769.343584, 61.636000]: trying to reach waypoint | lat: 47.399269104, lon: 8.545572281, alt: 500.18, index: 2
[INFO] [1518534769.343767, 61.636000]: current distance to waypoint | pos_xy_d: 111.57, pos_z_d: 0.05, index: 2
[INFO] [1518534770.008998, 62.300000]: mission item reached: 2
[INFO] [1518534779.365462, 71.636000]: current distance to waypoint | pos_xy_d: 88.19, pos_z_d: 10.13, index: 2
[INFO] [1518534789.385214, 81.636000]: current distance to waypoint | pos_xy_d: 85.11, pos_z_d: 2.06, index: 2
[INFO] [1518534799.407367, 91.636000]: current distance to waypoint | pos_xy_d: 78.16, pos_z_d: 1.15, index: 2
[INFO] [1518534809.426535, 101.636000]: current distance to waypoint | pos_xy_d: 79.26, pos_z_d: 0.13, index: 2
[INFO] [1518534819.442307, 111.636000]: current distance to waypoint | pos_xy_d: 78.88, pos_z_d: 0.27, index: 2
[INFO] [1518534829.464660, 121.636000]: ========================
[INFO] [1518534829.464931, 121.636000]: ===== topic values =====
[INFO] [1518534829.465109, 121.636000]: ========================
[INFO] [1518534829.465614, 121.636000]: altitude:
seq: 1200
secs: 121
nsecs: 572075369
frame_id: "map"
monotonic: 503.235748291
amsl: 500.382354736
local: 12.1511106491
relative: 12.205078125
terrain: nan
bottom_clearance: nan
[INFO] [1518534829.465777, 121.636000]: ========================
[INFO] [1518534829.465951, 121.636000]: extended_state:
seq: 2402
secs: 121
nsecs: 622000000
frame_id: ''
vtol_state: 4
landed_state: 2
[INFO] [1518534829.466091, 121.636000]: ========================
[INFO] [1518534829.466449, 121.636000]: global_position:
seq: 6007
secs: 121
nsecs: 627903147
frame_id: "base_link"
status: 0
service: 1
latitude: 47.399767
longitude: 8.5448203
altitude: 547.597978491
position_covariance: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
position_covariance_type: 1
[INFO] [1518534829.466634, 121.636000]: ========================
[INFO] [1518534829.466909, 121.636000]: home_position:
seq: 59
secs: 121
nsecs: 472000000
frame_id: ''
latitude: 47.3977419
longitude: 8.5455939
altitude: 535.397915703
x: 0.000787011231296
y: -0.00954933278263
z: -0.05396970734
x: 0.999751105745
y: 0.0223107292872
z: 6.12170995797e-17
w: 1.36613816041e-18
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
[INFO] [1518534829.467180, 121.636000]: ========================
[INFO] [1518534829.467530, 121.636000]: local_position:
seq: 3603
secs: 121
nsecs: 603903147
frame_id: "map"
x: -58.5048751831
y: 224.8722229
z: 12.1474599838
x: -0.163120031098
y: -0.0615302789715
z: -0.376815563912
w: -0.90973401421
[INFO] [1518534829.467709, 121.636000]: ========================
[INFO] [1518534829.467990, 121.636000]: mission_wp:
current_seq: 2
frame: 3
command: 16
is_current: False
autocontinue: True
param1: 15.0
param2: 0.0
param3: 0.0
param4: 0.0
x_lat: 47.3981576691
y_long: 8.54603363171
z_alt: 12.0
frame: 2
command: 3000
is_current: False
autocontinue: True
param1: 4.0
param2: 0.0
param3: 0.0
param4: 0.0
x_lat: 47.3980331421
y_long: 8.54578971863
z_alt: 12.0
frame: 3
command: 16
is_current: True
autocontinue: True
param1: 0.0
param2: 0.0
param3: 0.0
param4: 0.0
x_lat: 47.399269104
y_long: 8.54557228088
z_alt: 12.0
[INFO] [1518534829.468133, 121.636000]: ========================
[INFO] [1518534829.468511, 121.636000]: state:
seq: 120
secs: 121
nsecs: 472000000
frame_id: ''
connected: True
armed: True
guided: True
system_status: 4
[INFO] [1518534829.468674, 121.636000]: ========================