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How to build Huawei Ascend Deployment Environment

Based on the Paddle-Lite backend, FastDeploy supports model inference on Huawei's Ascend NPU. For more detailed information, please refer to: Paddle Lite Deployment Example.

This document describes how to compile C++ and Python FastDeploy source code under ARM/X86_64 Linux OS environment to generate prediction libraries for Huawei Sunrise NPU as the target hardware.

For more compilation options, please refer to the FastDeploy compilation options description

Huawei Ascend Environment Preparation

$ chmod +x *.run

$ ./ --full
$ ./ --full

$ reboot
# Check the driver information to confirm successful installation
$ npu-smi info

Compilation environment construction

Host environment requirements

  • os: ARM-Linux, X86_64-Linux
  • gcc, g++, git, make, wget, python, pip, python-dev, patchelf
  • cmake (version 3.10 or above recommended)

Using Docker development environment

In order to ensure consistency with the FastDeploy verified build environment, it is recommended to use the Docker development environment for configuration.

On aarch64 platform,

# Download Dockerfile
$ wget
# Create docker images
$ docker build --network=host -f Ascend_ubuntu18.04_aarch64_5.1.rc2.Dockerfile -t paddlelite/ascend_aarch64:cann_5.1.rc2 .
# Create container
$ docker run -itd --privileged --name=ascend-aarch64 --net=host -v $PWD:/Work -w /Work --device=/dev/davinci0 --device=/dev/davinci_manager --device=/dev/hisi_hdc --device /dev/devmm_svm -v /usr/local/bin/npu-smi:/usr/local/bin/npu-smi  -v /usr/local/Ascend/driver/:/usr/local/Ascend/driver/ paddlelite/ascend_aarch64:cann_5.1.rc2 /bin/bash
# Enter the container
$ docker exec -it ascend-aarch64 /bin/bash
# Verify that the Ascend environment for the container is created successfully
$ npu-smi info

On X86_64 platform,

# Download Dockerfile
$ wget
# Create docker images
$ docker build --network=host -f Ascend_ubuntu18.04_x86_5.1.rc1.alpha001.Dockerfile -t paddlelite/ascend_x86:cann_5.1.rc1.alpha001 .
# Create container
$ docker run -itd --privileged --name=ascend-x86 --net=host -v $PWD:/Work -w /Work --device=/dev/davinci0 --device=/dev/davinci_manager --device=/dev/hisi_hdc --device /dev/devmm_svm -v /usr/local/bin/npu-smi:/usr/local/bin/npu-smi  -v /usr/local/Ascend/driver/:/usr/local/Ascend/driver/ paddlelite/ascend_x86:cann_5.1.1.alpha001 /bin/bash
# Enter the container
$ docker exec -it ascend-x86 /bin/bash
# Verify that the Ascend environment for the container is created successfully
$ npu-smi info

Once the above steps are successful, the user can start compiling FastDeploy directly from within docker.


C++ FastDeploy library compilation based on Paddle Lite

After setting up the compilation environment, the compilation command is as follows.

# Download the latest source code
git clone
cd FastDeploy  
mkdir build && cd build

# CMake configuration with Ascend
      -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=fastdeploy-ascend \

# Build FastDeploy Ascend C++ SDK
make -j8
make install

When the compilation is complete, the fastdeploy-ascend directory is created in the current build directory, indicating that the FastDeploy library has been compiled.

Compiling Python FastDeploy Libraries Based on Paddle Lite

# Download the latest source code
git clone
cd FastDeploy/python

python build
python bdist_wheel

#After the compilation is complete, please install the whl package in the dist folder of the current directory.

Enable FlyCV for Ascend deployment

FlyCV is a high performance computer image processing library, providing better performance than other image processing libraries, especially in the ARM architecture. FastDeploy is now integrated with FlyCV, allowing users to use FlyCV on supported hardware platforms to accelerate model end-to-end inference performance. In end-to-end model inference, the pre-processing and post-processing phases are CPU computation, we recommend using FlyCV for end-to-end inference performance acceleration when you are using ARM CPU + Ascend hardware platform. See Enable FlyCV documentation for details.

Deployment demo reference

Model C++ Example Python Example
PaddleClas Ascend NPU C++ Example Ascend NPU Python Example
PaddleDetection Ascend NPU C++ Example Ascend NPU Python Example
PaddleSeg Ascend NPU C++ Example Ascend NPU Python Example
PaddleOCR Ascend NPU C++ Example Ascend NPU Python Example
Yolov5 Ascend NPU C++ Example Ascend NPU Python Example
Yolov6 Ascend NPU C++ Example Ascend NPU Python Example
Yolov7 Ascend NPU C++ Example Ascend NPU Python Example