For Talawa Admin, most of the rules for the code style have been enforced with ESLint, but this document serves to provide an overview of the Code style used in Talawa Admin and the Rationale behind it.
The code style must be strictly adhered to, to ensure that there is consistency throughout the contributions made to Talawa-Admin
code style should not be changed and must be followed.
- Tech Stack
- Component Structure
- Code Style and Naming Conventions
- Test and Code Linting
- Folder/Directory Structure
- Imports
- Customising Bootstrap
CSS module
React bootstrap
Material UI
Jest & Enzyme for testing
Components should be strictly functional components
Should make use of React hooks where appropriate
All React components must be written in PascalCase, with their file names, and associated CSS modules being written in PascalCase
All other files may follow the camelCase naming convention
All the Return fragment should be closed in empty tag
Use of custom classes directly are refrained, use of modular css is encouraged along with bootstrap classes
Wrong way ❌
<div className="myCustomClass">...</div>
<div className={`${styles.myCustomClass1} myCustomClass2`}>...</div> // No using personal custom classes directly, here you should not use myCustomClass2
.container{...} // No changing the property of already existing classes reserved by boostrap directly in css files
Correct ways ✅
<div className={styles.myCustomClass}>...</div> // Use custom class defined in modular css file
<div className={`${styles.myCustomClass} relative bg-danger`}>...</div> // Use classes already defined in Bootstrap
<div className={styles.myCustomClass + ' relative bg-danger' }>...</div> // Use classes already defined in Bootstrap
- All components should be either imported from React-Bootstrap library or Material UI library, components should not be written using plain Bootstrap classes and attributes without leveraging the React-Bootstrap library.
Example: Bootstrap Dropdown
Wrong way ❌
Using plain Bootstrap classes and attributes without leveraging the React-Bootstrap library should be refrained. While it may work for basic functionality, it doesn't fully integrate with React and may cause issues when dealing with more complex state management or component interactions.
<div class="dropdown">
<button class="btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
Dropdown button
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Action</a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Another action</a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Something else here</a></li>
Correct way ✅
It's recommended to use the React-Bootstrap library for seamless integration of Bootstrap components in a React application.
import Dropdown from 'react-bootstrap/Dropdown';
function BasicExample() {
return (
<Dropdown.Toggle variant="success" id="dropdown-basic">
Dropdown Button
<Dropdown.Item href="#/action-1">Action</Dropdown.Item>
<Dropdown.Item href="#/action-2">Another action</Dropdown.Item>
<Dropdown.Item href="#/action-3">Something else</Dropdown.Item>
export default BasicExample;
Unit tests must be written for all code submissions to the repository, the code submitted must also be linted ESLint and formatted with Prettier.
- This houses all of the static assets used in the project
- This houses all of the css files used in the projectimages
- This houses all of the images used in the projectscss
- This houses all of the scss files used in the projectcomponents -
All Sass files for componentscontent -
All Sass files for contentforms -
All Sass files for forms_talawa.scss
- Partial Sass file for Talawa_utilities.scss
- Partial Sass file for utilities_variables.scss
- Partial Sass file for variablesapp.scss
- Main Sass file for the app, imports all other partial Sass files
- The directory for base components that will be used in the various views/screens
- This houses all of the constants used in the project
- This houses all of the GraphQL queries and mutations used in the project
- This houses all of the views/screens to be navigated through in Talawa-Admin
- This houses all of the state management code for the project
- This holds the utility functions that do not fall into any of the other categories
Absolute imports have been set up for the project, so imports may be done directly from src
An example being
import Navbar from 'components/Navbar/Navbar';
Imports should be grouped in the following order:
- React imports
- Third party imports
- Local imports
If there is more than one import from a single library, they should be grouped together
Example - If there is single import from a library, both ways will work
import Row from 'react-bootstrap/Row';
// OR
import { Row } from 'react-bootstrap';
If there are multiple imports from a library, they should be grouped together
import { Row, Col, Container } from 'react-bootstrap';
Bootstrap v5.3.0 is used in the project. Follow this link to learn how to customise bootstrap.
File Structure
- where the {'{partialFile}'} are the following files- _accordion.scss
- _alert.scss
- _badge.scss
- _breadcrumb.scss
- _buttons.scss
- _card.scss
- _carousel.scss
- _close.scss
- _dropdown.scss
- _list-group.scss
- _modal.scss
- _nav.scss
- _navbar.scss
- _offcanvas.scss
- _pagination.scss
- _placeholder.scss
- _progress.scss
- _spinners.scss
- where the {'{partialFile}'} are the following files- _table.scss
- _typography.scss
- where the {'{partialFile}'} are the following files- _check-radios.scss
- _floating-label.scss
- _form-control.scss
- _input-group.scss
- _range.scss
- _select.scss
- _validation.scss
- The utility API is a Sass-based tool to generate utility classes. -
- This file contains all the Sass variables used in the project -
- This files contains all the partial Sass files imported into it
How to compile Sass file
is the main Sass file for the app, it imports all other partial Sass files.
According to naming convention the file name of the partial Sass files should start with an underscore _
and end with .scss
, these partial Sass files are not meant to be compiled directly, they are meant to be imported into another Sass file. Only the main Sass file src/assets/scss/app.scss
should be compiled.
The compiled CSS file is src/assets/css/app.css
and it is imported into src/index.tsx
To compile the Sass file once, run the following command in the terminal
node-sass src/assets/scss/app.scss src/assets/css/app.css
To watch the Sass file for changes and compile it automatically, run the following command in the terminal
node-sass src/assets/scss/app.scss src/assets/css/app.css --watch