Portable Document Format (PDF) has been the de facto standard of information interchange since 2008. As a result, billions of electronic documents containing personal and private information (pay stubs, utility bills, travel visas, you name it) are daily transferred and stored in it.
We all have been in the situation when we need to:
- merge several PDF documents into a single one;
- cut out unwanted pages from a multi-page PDF document;
- split a PDF document into a group of documents;
Common ways to accomplish this might be:
use one of the online PDF tools
π: fast and easy, free up to the limit
π: risks of data leakage and collection, have to pay for extra features and traffic -
install proprietary software from well-trusted vendors
π: reliable and secure, customer and product support
π: high license price, hard to extend functionality for a specific use-case -
find a free alternative on the internet
π: 100% free, has exhaustive functionality
π: hard to verify source, risk of containing malicious code
This teeny-tiny tool was created with the idea to combine all the best aspects of the open-source development as well as spread the word of caution to take your data privacy seriously.