This is a simple NPM package that serves as a client wrapper around the official Eternal Return: Black Survival api, see the official documentation for more information
- API_KEY = The Api Key provided to you by the official API
- API_VER = defaults to 1
It is suggested the above environment variables get configured through a package such as the dotenv package or through your favorite way to set environment variable. These two can alternatively be set in the constructor for the client.
This project is housed inside of a monorepo that contains my other ERBS work, monorepo stuff is using lerna
- First Class Typescript Support
- Wrappers for all current official methods
- Masteries, MetaData, and GameMode helpers
- Additional helper methods for pulling specific data from the api
import { ErBsClient, GameModes } from 'erbs-client';
const client = new ErBsClient('my-key', 'v1');
const sampleMethods = [
client.getPlayerNumber('myPlayerName'), // Search for a player number using the given player name
client.getCharacters(), // Merges multiple metadata calls to return all stats for all characters, no parameters
client.getTopPlayers(1, GameModes.Duos), // gets all top players for a given season and game mode
client.getTopSolos(), // shorthand for getTopPlayers(#, GameModes.Solos), same exists for squads and duos
client.getRankForPlayer(123456, 1, GameModes.Squads), // gets the rank of the selected player for the given season and mode
client.getGamesForPlayer(123456), // gets all games for the given player (pagination WIP)
client.getPlayerRecord(123456, 0) // gets all records for the given player for a given season
const results = await Promise.all(methods);
Check the typedocs above for more information or go through all the generated markdown here