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and specify your languages and the name of the JSON file data should be fetched from. There are examples provided in the dist file. - Default settings can be viewed
a description of each settings:
A version number which will be shown in the bottom right corner of the SA map.
Which language to use when there is none specified as a URL param. (Must be one of the configured languages).
Allows the configuration of a different logo.
The mapbox api path. Example:
settings.mapTileAPI = "https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/example/lkjadsf893453kjjhfq1t50hb/tiles/256/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=someverylongtoken";
Used to render Jordan polygons onto the map but no longer does anything. These have since been removed and the settings needs to be extracted as well.
The ID for a google analytics account.
The email for general inquiries which is added to the bottom of the search page in the sidebar.
The full endpoint path which receives feedback data from the angular client. If you are using this JS client with the servicesadvisor-3.0
codebase the endpoint should be https://domain.com/feedback
A JS object keyed by fieldname. Keys with a false value will stop that field from rendering. The default value is true
with the exception of allowFeedback
allowFeedback: true,
referralRequiredFilter: false,
referralMethod: false,
referralNextSteps: false,
feedbackMechanism: false,
feedbackDelay: false
The default colors for the marker cluster library are not suitable as areas with more services show as red. This can be interpreted as a dangerous area. This setting exposes the cluster color for configuration.
settings.clusterColors.small = 'rgba(145, 205, 255, 0.6)';
settings.clusterColors.smallInner = 'rgba(108, 186, 252, 0.6)';
settings.clusterColors.medium = 'rgba(83, 159, 224, 0.6)';
settings.clusterColors.mediumInner = 'rgba(78, 150, 211, 0.6)';
settings.clusterColors.large = 'rgba(39, 139, 221, 0.6)';
settings.clusterColors.largeInner = 'rgba(35, 123, 196, 0.6)';
A JS object which is directly passed as settings to the http://fusejs.io/ library.