- You can now reindex the project with the command "reindexing project" (the project is reindexed by default when you open a new window of your project)
- Default keybinding for goto-backtrack changed to ctrl-shift-g (to not override windows/linux keybindings)
- Ability to change the key to press with "click" in package settings
- Multiple bug fixes
- Import use of a selected class outside completion by @fuelingtheweb (see #338) (shortcut : ctrl-alt-u)
- Support for
annotations (#318)
- Support for atom 1.13 (fix deprecations)
- Support completion and goto on drupal 6/7 functions
- Multiple bug fixes
- Function's return value type hint parsed (PHP7)
## 0.18.0
- Plugin configuration is now more interactive. If there's an error, you'll know it without doing the command
## 0.17.0
- [internal] String parameters are keep in autocomplete in order to be able to change the function return (needed for symfony2 support)
- Support for external services (see atom-symfony2) package
- Doc refactoring
## 0.15.0
- Fail message when saving are now just in developer console by default (you can change this in settings)
- A progress bar appears in status bar when there's a classes' indexing in progress
- Uses are now ordered. You can even have new line between them (see plugin settings)
- Annotations on class properties
- Support configuration checking on Windows
- Lot of code refactoring (many bug resolved, but perhaps some new :()
- Tooltips on classes, interfaces
- Constants provider
- Autocomplete from type hints in closures
- Custom tooltip management (does not rely on atom's one anymore)
- Support for {@inheritdoc} && {@inheritDoc} as the only one comment (symfony2 style)
- Bugfixes for non PHP projects
- Bugfixes on Docblock parser
- Bugfixes on Goto
- Major refactor in the code of the plugin itself
- Autocomplete in catch() {} #91
- Comments "@var $var Class" now supported for completion
## 0.9.0
- Many bugfixes and improvements for tooltips (from @hotoiledgoblinsack)
- Basic autocomplete on "new" keyword (e.g : $x = new \DateTime(); $x->{autocomplete} )
## 0.8.0
- Tooltips on methods and attributes
- Strikethrough style to deprecated methods
- Goto class properties
- Goto bugfixes
## 0.6.0
- Goto command on first level of methods, and classes (#42 by @CWDN)
- Fix namespace on the same line as PHP tag
## 0.5.0
- Support for Windows
- Completion on local variables
- Bug fixes
- Completion $this on multiline
- Bug fixes
- Completion on parent::
- Completion on self::
- Bug fixes
- Completion on classNames
- Completion on $this->
- Completion on static methods
- Namespace management