GridFS is a specification for storing and retrieving files that exceed the BSON-document size limit of 16 MB by dividing a single document into parts. Perfect-GridFS provides two different classes to access MongoDB GridFS:
- GridFS: list(), search(), delete(), upload(), download() and drop()
- GridFile: provides file info, download() and dedicated large file operations such as tell() / seek(), partially read()/write(), and download()
Please NOTE that a special BUG must be fixed on mongoc-library before compiling this module. Please use mongo-c-driver 1.7.1+ versions. More Infomation about mongoc BSON-API file property setting issue
Accessing a GridFS object in a Perfect MongoDB context is simple. First, make sure that a mongo client is already available, then call gridFS()
method with database name and a prefix string as an option. Check the example code below:
// suppose let client = try MongoClient(uri: "mongodb://...")
let gridfs = try client.gridfs(database: "test")
or get the gripfs handle with an optional prefix:
let gridfs = try client.gridfs(database: "test", prefix: "clip")
GridFS has methods listed below:
- list(optional filter): show all / parts of files on the server
- drop(): drop all files and the gridfs system from the database
- search(filename): search a file on the server
- delete(filename): delete a file from the server
- upload(from, to, contentType, md5, metaData, aliases): upload a local file to server
- download(from, to): download a remote to local path
- close(): close gridfs handle
returns an array of GridFile objects with an optional BSON type parameter called filter
, which can narrow down the list result by setting up a proper query.
func list(filter: BSON? = nil) throws -> [GridFile]
By default, list()
doesn't require any parameters but actually will perform a listing in alphabetic order by setting a bson query with a key $order
let list = try gridfs.list()
print("\(list.count) file(s) found")
Method drop()
Requests that an entire GridFS be dropped, including all files associated with it.
try gridfs.drop()
To search for a file on server and get information or content back, use search()
method. It will return a GridFile
object which will be discussed later in this article. If failed, it will throw a MongoClientError:
let f = try "")
Call method delete()
to remove a file on server. If failed, it will throw a MongoClientError:
try gridfs.delete(name: "")
Specify a local file path and its expected remote file name to upload with properties:
let gridfile = try gridfs.upload(from: "/path/to/local.file", to: "name.on.server.type", contentType: "primaryType/subType", md5: "MD5 string", metaData: BSON(json: "meta data in a json string"), aliases: BSON(json: "aliases in a json string")
- from: a required string stands for the local path of file to upload
- to: a required string stands for the destinated file name on the remote server
- contentType: an optional string stands for the file type. Default value is
- md5: an optional string stands for the MD5 hash of the file to upload. NOTE Perfect COpenSSL and Perfect COpenSSL Linux Edition provide MD5 caculation API
- metaData: an optional BSON stands for the meta data of the file to upload.
- aliases: an optional BSON stands for the aliases of the file to upload.
Specify a local path to download a file existing on server or throws a MongoClientError if failed:
do {
let bytes = try "name.on.server", to: "/local/path/")
print("\(bytes) downloaded")
}catch(let err) {
print("Unexpected \(err) in downloading")
Practically, Swift's garbage collection mechanism will automatically release the GridFS
/ GridFile
objects and related resources, however, users can also call defer closing manually if preferred:
defer {
}//end defer
Method search()
and list()
return GridFile
and [GridFile]
array correspondingly. GridFile is for dealing with file information and more complicated file operations such as file cursor and partially read / write, as described below:
- id: oid string property of GridFile.
- md5: md5 string property of GridFile.
- aliases: a BSON property which represents the aliases of the GridFile.
- contentType: string property of GridFile.
- length: length of the GridFile, an Int64 number.
- uploadDate: Int64 unix epoch time stamp of the GridFile.
- fileName: file name stored in the remote server.
- metaData: a BSON type property of GridFile to hold the meta data.
Besides above properties, GridFile
also has a few available methods as below:
- download(): directly download the whole file
- tell(): a UInt64 position of current gridfile instance's cursor is pointing at
- seek(cursor, optional whence): move the file cursor to objective position referring to whence it goes
- paritallyRead(amount, optional timeout): read a part of the file from the current file cursor position and return it in a binary buffer [UInt8]
- partiallyWrite(bytes, optional timeout): write a buffer to the current file cursor position
- close(): close the GridFile instance handle
Method download()
of GridFile class is the lower base of
, which actually calls
internally. If there is an available GridFile handler, simply apply the local path for downloading:
do {
let bytes = try "/local/path/") print("Totally \(bytes) downloaded.")
}catch(let err) {
print("Unexpected \(err) in downloading")
Method tell()
will return a UInt64
integer to represent the current cursor position of GridFile
let position = gridfile.tell()
print(“current position is \(position)”)
Use seek()
to move the current GridFile cursor to a new position, with an optional supporting parameter to indication whence the cursor will offset to, i.e., .begin
as default for calculate offset from beginning of the file, .current
for an offset from current position, and .end
represents an offset from the every end of GridFile
enum Whence {
// offset from starting point of file
case begin
// offset from current file cursor
case current
// offset from the last byte of the file
case end
}//end whence
func seek(cursor: Int64, whence:Whence = .begin) throws
For example, the following code demonstrates how to move the file cursor to 1MB from the starting point:
To deal with large files, GridFile provides partially read() / write() methods:
func partiallyRead(amount: UInt32, timeout:UInt32 = 0) throws -> [UInt8]
Parameter amount
is the bytes count to read, and the timeout
value represents the milliseconds to wait for reading. If failed to read, it would throw a MongoClientError
. Please seek()
and is subjected to changed after every paritallyRead()
or partiallyWrite()
. The following example demonstrates how it works:
let file = try"a.large.file")
let cursor = file?.tell()
print("if no operations before, the cursor should be zero, now it is \(cursor)")
let oneMegaByte = 1048576
// move the cursor to 100MB position from the file starting point
try file?.seek(cursor: Int64(oneMegaByte * 100))
// then read 1MB bytes into a [UInt8] buffer
let bytes = try file?.partiallyRead(amount: UInt32(oneMegaByte))
Method partiallyWrite()
performs an opposite operation against to partiallyRead()
. If failed to write, it would throw a MongoClientError
. :
public func partiallyWrite(bytes:[UInt8], timeout:UInt32 = 0) throws -> Int
The first parameter bytes
is the buffer to write, with a second optional parameter of timeout in milliseconds to wait for writing. If ignored, the writing operation would immediately return. seek()
and is subjected to changed after every paritallyRead()
or partiallyWrite()
// move the file cursor to an offset of 1k from end of file
try file?.seek(cursor: 1024, whence: .end)
let buffer:[UInt8] = [1,2,3,4,5]
// write the array to the current position
let totalWritten = try file?.partially(bytes: buffer)
If succeed, the above code would write five different bytes at the 1k point from end of the file.
Practically, Swift's garbage collection mechanism will automatically release the GridFS
/ GridFile
objects and related resources, however, users can also call defer closing manually if preferred:
defer {
}//end defer
Since large file uploads / downloads are usually time consuming, try using Threading.dispatch {}
to avoid blocking the main thread, or use partially read()/write() incrementally. For more information, see Perfect Threading