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Not OK: perl v5.8.5 +MAINT23414 on cygwin-thread-multi-64int 1.5.12s(0.11642) (UNINSTALLED) #7573

p5pRT opened this issue Nov 1, 2004 · 16 comments


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p5pRT commented Nov 1, 2004

Migrated from (status was 'resolved')

Searchable as RT32272$

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p5pRT commented Nov 1, 2004

From @ysth

ext/Cwd/t/cwd.............................readdir(linktest/..)​: No such file or directory at ../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t line 151
# Failed test (../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t at line 151)
# ''
# doesn't match '(?-xism​:t/_ptrslt_/_path_/_to_/_a_/_dir_$)'
FAILED at test 21
t/io/tell.................................FAILED at test 28
ext/B/t/optree_specials...................# Failed at ./ line 249
# got 'BEGIN 1​:
# b <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1 ->(end)
# - <@​> lineseq KP ->b
# 1 <;> nextstate(B​::Concise -249​:306) v/2 ->2
# 3 <1> require sK/1 ->4
# 2 <$> const[PV ""] s/BARE ->3
# 4 <;> nextstate(B​::Concise -249​:306) v/2 ->5
# - <@​> lineseq K ->-
# 5 <;> nextstate(B​::Concise -249​:306) /2 ->6
# a <1> entersub[t1] KS*/TARG,2 ->b
# 6 <0> pushmark s ->7
# 7 <$> const[PV "strict"] sM ->8
# 8 <$> const[PV "refs"] sM ->9
# 9 <$> method_named[PVIV 1520340202] ->a
# BEGIN 2​:
# m <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1 ->(end)
# - <@​> lineseq KP ->m
# c <;> nextstate(B​::Concise -234​:329) v/2 ->d
# e <1> require sK/1 ->f
# d <$> const[PV ""] s/BARE ->e
# f <;> nextstate(B​::Concise -234​:329) v/2 ->g
# - <@​> lineseq K ->-
# g <;> nextstate(B​::Concise -234​:329) /2 ->h
# l <1> entersub[t1] KS*/TARG,2 ->m
# h <0-e syntax OK
# > pushmark s ->i
# i <$> const[PV "warnings"] sM ->j
# j <$> const[PV "qw"] sM ->k
# k <$> method_named[PVIV 1520340202] ->l
# BEGIN 3​:
# q <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1 ->(end)
# - <@​> lineseq KP ->q
# n <;> nextstate(main 2 -e​:1) v ->o
# p <1> postinc[t3] sK/1 ->q
# - <1> ex-rv2sv sKRM/1 ->p
# o <#> gvsv[*beg] s ->p
# '
# expected /(?ms-xi​:^(-e .*?)?(B​::Concise​::compile.*?)?
# BEGIN 1​:
# b <1> leavesub\[1 ref\] K/REFC,1 ->\(end\)
# - <\@​> lineseq KP ->b
# 1 <;> (?​:next|db)state(.*?) v/2 ->2
# 3 <1> require sK/1 ->4
# 2 <\$> const\[PV ".*?"\] s/BARE ->3
# 4 <;> (?​:next|db)state(.*?) v/2 ->5
# - <\@​> lineseq K ->-
# 5 <;> (?​:next|db)state(.*?) /2 ->6
# a <1> entersub\[t1\] KS\*/TARG,2 ->b
# 6 <0> pushmark s ->7
# 7 <\$> const\[PV ".*?"\] sM ->8
# 8 <\$> const\[PV ".*?"\] sM ->9
# 9 <\$> method_named\[PVIV 1520340202\] ->a
# BEGIN 2​:
# m <1> leavesub\[1 ref\] K/REFC,1 ->\(end\)
# - <\@​> lineseq KP ->m
# c <;> (?​:next|db)state(.*?) v/2 ->d
# e <1> require sK/1 ->f
# d <\$> const\[PV ".*?"\] s/BARE ->e
# f <;> (?​:next|db)state(.*?) v/2 ->g
# - <\@​> lineseq K ->-
# g <;> (?​:next|db)state(.*?) /2 ->h
# l <1> entersub\[t1\] KS\*/TARG,2 ->m
# h <0> pushmark s ->i
# i <\$> const\[PV ".*?"\] sM ->j
# j <\$> const\[PV ".*?"\] sM ->k
# k <\$> method_named\[PVIV 1520340202\] ->l
# BEGIN 3​:
# q <1> leavesub\[1 ref\] K/REFC,1 ->\(end\)
# - <\@​> lineseq KP ->q
# n <;> (?​:next|db)state(.*?) v ->o
# p <1> postinc\[t3\] sK/1 ->q
# - <1> ex-rv2sv sKRM/1 ->p
# o <\#> gvsv\[\*beg\] s ->p
# $)/
FAILED at test 2
Failed 3 test scripts out of 876, 99.66% okay.

The io/tell doesn't concern me; it's a questionable test, and goes away
with PERLIO=perlio (or -Uusefaststdio).

ext/Cwd/t/cwd turns out to happen with older perls with the Cwd from CPAN
but the test is disabled by default outside the core, which is strange
given that it is testing Cwd​::_perl_abs_path, and not anything in the
perl code. Anyway, _perl_abs_path desperately needs some commenting;
I don't understand what it's trying to do or why it's not working on
cygwin for this test.

ext/B/t/optree_specials seems to be expecting stderr/stdout to have a
particular order which isn't happening for me.

Perl Info


Site configuration information for perl v5.8.5:

Configured by sthoenna at Mon Nov  1 02:35:07 PST 2004.

Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 5 patch 23451) configuration:
    osname=cygwin, osvers=1.5.12s(0.11642), archname=cygwin-thread-multi-64int
    uname='cygwin_nt-5.1 dhx98431 1.5.12s(0.11642) 20041026 17:35:49 i686 unknown unknown cygwin '
    config_args='-de -Dusedevel -Dmksymlinks -Duse64bitint -Dusemultiplicity -Doptimize=-g -Dman3ext=3pm -Dusethreads'
    hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
    usethreads=define use5005threads=undef useithreads=define usemultiplicity=define
    useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
    use64bitint=define use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
    usemymalloc=y, bincompat5005=undef
    cc='gcc', ccflags ='-DPERL_USE_SAFE_PUTENV -DDEBUGGING -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include',
    cppflags='-DPERL_USE_SAFE_PUTENV -DDEBUGGING -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include'
    ccversion='', gccversion='3.4.1 (cygming special)', gccosandvers=''
    intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678
    d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
    ivtype='long long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8
    alignbytes=8, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
    ld='ld2', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib'
    libpth=/usr/local/lib /usr/lib /lib
    libs=-lgdbm -ldb -lcrypt -lgdbm_compat
    perllibs=-lcrypt -lgdbm_compat
    libc=/usr/lib/libc.a, so=dll, useshrplib=true, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
    dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=dll, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
    cccdlflags=' ', lddlflags=' -L/usr/local/lib'

Locally applied patches:

@INC for perl v5.8.5:

Environment for perl v5.8.5:
    CYGWIN=tty ntsec title server
    LANG (unset)
    LANGUAGE (unset)
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH (unset)
    LOGDIR (unset)
    PATH=/home/sthoenna/bleadperl/mp:.:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/bin:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Common Files/Adaptec Shared/System:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Rational/common:/usr/local:/etc:/usr/lib:/lib:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/libexec
    PERL_BADLANG (unset)

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p5pRT commented Nov 1, 2004

From @nwc10

Thanks for the report. Better to know about these things before a release
candidate than just after.

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 07​:50​:30PM -0000, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote​:

ext/Cwd/t/cwd.............................readdir(linktest/..)​: No such file or directory at ../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t line 151
# Failed test (../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t at line 151)
# ''
# doesn't match '(?-xism​:t/_ptrslt_/_path_/_to_/_a_/_dir_$)'
FAILED at test 21
t/io/tell.................................FAILED at test 28
ext/B/t/optree_specials...................# Failed at ./ line 249

The io/tell doesn't concern me; it's a questionable test, and goes away
with PERLIO=perlio (or -Uusefaststdio).

ext/Cwd/t/cwd turns out to happen with older perls with the Cwd from CPAN
but the test is disabled by default outside the core, which is strange
given that it is testing Cwd​::_perl_abs_path, and not anything in the
perl code. Anyway, _perl_abs_path desperately needs some commenting;
I don't understand what it's trying to do or why it's not working on
cygwin for this test.

Did cygwin fail with Cwd 2.21 (or whatever the most recent version you tried
with). I'm assuming that you rsync'd in the past day or so and this is Cwd
3.01 that's failing a test.

ext/B/t/optree_specials seems to be expecting stderr/stdout to have a
particular order which isn't happening for me.

This seems to be the same problem as is being described for VMS.

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p5pRT commented Nov 1, 2004

The RT System itself - Status changed from 'new' to 'open'

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p5pRT commented Nov 1, 2004

From @ysth

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 08​:13​:14PM +0000, Nicholas Clark wrote​:

Thanks for the report. Better to know about these things before a release
candidate than just after.

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 07​:50​:30PM -0000, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote​:

ext/Cwd/t/cwd.............................readdir(linktest/..)​: No such file or directory at ../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t line 151
# Failed test (../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t at line 151)
# ''
# doesn't match '(?-xism​:t/_ptrslt_/_path_/_to_/_a_/_dir_$)'
FAILED at test 21
t/io/tell.................................FAILED at test 28

ext/Cwd/t/cwd turns out to happen with older perls with the Cwd from CPAN

This was with perl5.8.4 and Cwd 2.21 testing with TEST_PERL_CWD_CODE set.
I didn't realize Cwd 3.01 was out.

but the test is disabled by default outside the core, which is strange
given that it is testing Cwd​::_perl_abs_path, and not anything in the
perl code. Anyway, _perl_abs_path desperately needs some commenting;
I don't understand what it's trying to do or why it's not working on
cygwin for this test.

Did cygwin fail with Cwd 2.21 (or whatever the most recent version you tried
with). I'm assuming that you rsync'd in the past day or so and this is Cwd
3.01 that's failing a test.

Apparently I rsynced just before you upgraded to 3.01. .patch is 23451, and lib/ says $VERSION = '2.21'. I'll try again.

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p5pRT commented Nov 1, 2004

From @ysth

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 12​:27​:41PM -0800, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote​:

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 08​:13​:14PM +0000, Nicholas Clark wrote​:

Thanks for the report. Better to know about these things before a release
candidate than just after.

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 07​:50​:30PM -0000, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote​:

ext/Cwd/t/cwd.............................readdir(linktest/..)​: No such file or directory at ../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t line 151
# Failed test (../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t at line 151)
# ''
# doesn't match '(?-xism​:t/_ptrslt_/_path_/_to_/_a_/_dir_$)'
FAILED at test 21
t/io/tell.................................FAILED at test 28

ext/Cwd/t/cwd turns out to happen with older perls with the Cwd from CPAN

This was with perl5.8.4 and Cwd 2.21 testing with TEST_PERL_CWD_CODE set.
I didn't realize Cwd 3.01 was out.

Or rather, I didn't realize PathTools existed :)

Same error with perl5.8.4 and PathTools 3.01.

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p5pRT commented Nov 1, 2004

From @nwc10

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 12​:31​:50PM -0800, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote​:

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 12​:27​:41PM -0800, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote​:

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 08​:13​:14PM +0000, Nicholas Clark wrote​:

Thanks for the report. Better to know about these things before a release
candidate than just after.

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 07​:50​:30PM -0000, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote​:

ext/Cwd/t/cwd.............................readdir(linktest/..)​: No such file or directory at ../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t line 151
# Failed test (../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t at line 151)
# ''
# doesn't match '(?-xism​:t/_ptrslt_/_path_/_to_/_a_/_dir_$)'
FAILED at test 21
t/io/tell.................................FAILED at test 28

ext/Cwd/t/cwd turns out to happen with older perls with the Cwd from CPAN

This was with perl5.8.4 and Cwd 2.21 testing with TEST_PERL_CWD_CODE set.
I didn't realize Cwd 3.01 was out.

Or rather, I didn't realize PathTools existed :)

I didn't until yesterday.

Same error with perl5.8.4 and PathTools 3.01.

This seems to be the same problem that Merijn found. It worked for him if
he made a symllink.


I don't know what this tells us.

Nicholas Clark

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p5pRT commented Nov 1, 2004

From @Tux

On Mon 01 Nov 2004 20​:50, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes (via RT) <perlbug-followup@​> wrote​:

# New Ticket Created by Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
# Please include the string​: [perl #32272]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
# <URL​: http​://​:80/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=32272 >

This is a build failure report for perl from sthoenna@​dhx98431.nonet,
generated with the help of perlbug 1.35 running under perl v5.8.5.

[Please enter your report here]

ext/Cwd/t/cwd.............................readdir(linktest/..)​: No such file or directory at ../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t line 151
# Failed test (../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t at line 151)
# ''
# doesn't match '(?-xism​:t/_ptrslt_/_path_/_to_/_a_/_dir_$)'

Isn't that the same I reported from blead?
It's different when running a manual as from a smoke or a make test_harness
The othe failure was on line #164 IIRC

This one went away if I symlinked cwt.t to perl_current/t

FAILED at test 21
t/io/tell.................................FAILED at test 28
ext/B/t/optree_specials...................# Failed at ./ line 249
# got 'BEGIN 1​:
# b <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1 ->(end)
# - <@​> lineseq KP ->b
# 1 <;> nextstate(B​::Concise -249​:306) v/2 ->2
# 3 <1> require sK/1 ->4
# 2 <$> const[PV ""] s/BARE ->3
# 4 <;> nextstate(B​::Concise -249​:306) v/2 ->5
# - <@​> lineseq K ->-
# 5 <;> nextstate(B​::Concise -249​:306) /2 ->6
# a <1> entersub[t1] KS*/TARG,2 ->b
# 6 <0> pushmark s ->7
# 7 <$> const[PV "strict"] sM ->8
# 8 <$> const[PV "refs"] sM ->9
# 9 <$> method_named[PVIV 1520340202] ->a
# BEGIN 2​:
# m <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1 ->(end)
# - <@​> lineseq KP ->m
# c <;> nextstate(B​::Concise -234​:329) v/2 ->d
# e <1> require sK/1 ->f
# d <$> const[PV ""] s/BARE ->e
# f <;> nextstate(B​::Concise -234​:329) v/2 ->g
# - <@​> lineseq K ->-
# g <;> nextstate(B​::Concise -234​:329) /2 ->h
# l <1> entersub[t1] KS*/TARG,2 ->m
# h <0-e syntax OK
# > pushmark s ->i
# i <$> const[PV "warnings"] sM ->j
# j <$> const[PV "qw"] sM ->k
# k <$> method_named[PVIV 1520340202] ->l
# BEGIN 3​:
# q <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1 ->(end)
# - <@​> lineseq KP ->q
# n <;> nextstate(main 2 -e​:1) v ->o
# p <1> postinc[t3] sK/1 ->q
# - <1> ex-rv2sv sKRM/1 ->p
# o <#> gvsv[*beg] s ->p
# '
# expected /(?ms-xi​:^(-e .*?)?(B​::Concise​::compile.*?)?
# BEGIN 1​:
# b <1> leavesub\[1 ref\] K/REFC,1 ->\(end\)
# - <\@​> lineseq KP ->b
# 1 <;> (?​:next|db)state(.*?) v/2 ->2
# 3 <1> require sK/1 ->4
# 2 <\$> const\[PV ".*?"\] s/BARE ->3
# 4 <;> (?​:next|db)state(.*?) v/2 ->5
# - <\@​> lineseq K ->-
# 5 <;> (?​:next|db)state(.*?) /2 ->6
# a <1> entersub\[t1\] KS\*/TARG,2 ->b
# 6 <0> pushmark s ->7
# 7 <\$> const\[PV ".*?"\] sM ->8
# 8 <\$> const\[PV ".*?"\] sM ->9
# 9 <\$> method_named\[PVIV 1520340202\] ->a
# BEGIN 2​:
# m <1> leavesub\[1 ref\] K/REFC,1 ->\(end\)
# - <\@​> lineseq KP ->m
# c <;> (?​:next|db)state(.*?) v/2 ->d
# e <1> require sK/1 ->f
# d <\$> const\[PV ".*?"\] s/BARE ->e
# f <;> (?​:next|db)state(.*?) v/2 ->g
# - <\@​> lineseq K ->-
# g <;> (?​:next|db)state(.*?) /2 ->h
# l <1> entersub\[t1\] KS\*/TARG,2 ->m
# h <0> pushmark s ->i
# i <\$> const\[PV ".*?"\] sM ->j
# j <\$> const\[PV ".*?"\] sM ->k
# k <\$> method_named\[PVIV 1520340202\] ->l
# BEGIN 3​:
# q <1> leavesub\[1 ref\] K/REFC,1 ->\(end\)
# - <\@​> lineseq KP ->q
# n <;> (?​:next|db)state(.*?) v ->o
# p <1> postinc\[t3\] sK/1 ->q
# - <1> ex-rv2sv sKRM/1 ->p
# o <\#> gvsv\[\*beg\] s ->p
# $)/
FAILED at test 2
Failed 3 test scripts out of 876, 99.66% okay.

The io/tell doesn't concern me; it's a questionable test, and goes away
with PERLIO=perlio (or -Uusefaststdio).

ext/Cwd/t/cwd turns out to happen with older perls with the Cwd from CPAN
but the test is disabled by default outside the core, which is strange
given that it is testing Cwd​::_perl_abs_path, and not anything in the
perl code. Anyway, _perl_abs_path desperately needs some commenting;
I don't understand what it's trying to do or why it's not working on
cygwin for this test.

ext/B/t/optree_specials seems to be expecting stderr/stdout to have a
particular order which isn't happening for me.

H.Merijn Brand Amsterdam Perl Mongers (http​://
using perl-5.6.1, 5.8.5, & 5.9.x, and 809 on HP-UX 10.20 & 11.00, 11i,
  AIX 4.3, AIX 5.2, SuSE 9.1, and Win2k. http​://
http​://​ perl-qa@​
send smoke reports to​: smokers-reports@​, QA​: http​://

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p5pRT commented Nov 1, 2004

From @ysth

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 11​:21​:27PM +0100, H.Merijn Brand wrote​:

On Mon 01 Nov 2004 20​:50, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote​:

ext/Cwd/t/cwd.............................readdir(linktest/..)​: No such file or directory at ../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t line 151
# Failed test (../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t at line 151)
# ''
# doesn't match '(?-xism​:t/_ptrslt_/_path_/_to_/_a_/_dir_$)'

Isn't that the same I reported from blead?

I see this report from July​:

Is there some other one?

It's different when running a manual as from a smoke or a make test_harness
The othe failure was on line #164 IIRC

This one went away if I symlinked cwt.t to perl_current/t

Can you be more specific?

Copy link

p5pRT commented Nov 2, 2004

From @Tux

On Mon 01 Nov 2004 23​:35, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes <sthoenna@​> wrote​:

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 11​:21​:27PM +0100, H.Merijn Brand wrote​:

On Mon 01 Nov 2004 20​:50, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote​:

ext/Cwd/t/cwd.............................readdir(linktest/..)​: No such file or directory at ../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t line 151
# Failed test (../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t at line 151)
# ''
# doesn't match '(?-xism​:t/_ptrslt_/_path_/_to_/_a_/_dir_$)'

Isn't that the same I reported from blead?

I see this report from July​:

Is there some other one?

It's different when running a manual as from a smoke or a make test_harness
The othe failure was on line #164 IIRC

This one went away if I symlinked cwt.t to perl_current/t

Can you be more specific?

On my other pc​:

../ext/Cwd/t/cwd............................ok 20/27readdir(linktest/..)​: No such file or directory at ../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t line 151
# Failed test (../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t at line 151)
# ''
# doesn't match '(?-xism​:t/_ptrslt_/_path_/_to_/_a_/_dir_$)'
../ext/Cwd/t/cwd............................ok 26/27# Looks like you failed 1 tests of 27.
  Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
DIED. FAILED test 21
  Failed 1/27 tests, 96.30% okay

Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed

../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t 1 256 27 1 3.70% 21

That was line 151. That was from make test_harness

Now a manual run ...

PC09​:/P/perl-current 506 $ perl -Ilib ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t
ok 1 - main->can(...)
ok 2 - chdir() not exported by default
ok 3 - nor abs_path()
ok 4 - nor fast_abs_path()
# native pwd = '/usr/bin/pwd.exe'
ok 5 - cwd()
ok 6 - getcwd()
ok 7 - fastcwd()
ok 8 - fastgetcwd()
ok 9
ok 10 - cwd()
ok 11
ok 12 - getcwd()
ok 13
ok 14 - fastcwd()
ok 15
ok 16 - fastgetcwd()
ok 17 - Cwd​::chdir() updates $ENV{PWD}
ok 18
ok 19
ok 20
cwd.t​: No such file or directory at ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t line 164
# Looks like you planned 24 tests but only ran 20.
# Looks like your test died just after 20.
PC09​:/P/perl-current 507 $

and then make the symlink and run again​:

PC09​:/P/perl-current 507 $ ln -s ../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t t/
PC09​:/P/perl-current 508 $ perl -Ilib ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t
ok 1 - main->can(...)
ok 2 - chdir() not exported by default
ok 3 - nor abs_path()
ok 4 - nor fast_abs_path()
# native pwd = '/usr/bin/pwd.exe'
ok 5 - cwd()
ok 6 - getcwd()
ok 7 - fastcwd()
ok 8 - fastgetcwd()
ok 9
ok 10 - cwd()
ok 11
ok 12 - getcwd()
ok 13
ok 14 - fastcwd()
ok 15
ok 16 - fastgetcwd()
ok 17 - Cwd​::chdir() updates $ENV{PWD}
ok 18
ok 19
ok 20
ok 21 - abs_path() can be invoked on a file
ok 22 - fast_abs_path() can be invoked on a file
ok 23 - abs_path() can be invoked on a file
ok 24 - fast_abs_path() can be invoked on a file
PC09​:/P/perl-current 509 $

which is what I posted in http​://

I'm so glad I can still reproduce it all :)

H.Merijn Brand Amsterdam Perl Mongers (http​://
using perl-5.6.1, 5.8.5, & 5.9.x, and 809 on HP-UX 10.20 & 11.00, 11i,
  AIX 4.3, AIX 5.2, SuSE 9.1, and Win2k. http​://
http​://​ perl-qa@​
send smoke reports to​: smokers-reports@​, QA​: http​://

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p5pRT commented Nov 2, 2004

From @ysth

On Tue, Nov 02, 2004 at 01​:44​:46AM +0100, "H.Merijn Brand" wrote​:

On Mon 01 Nov 2004 23​:35, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes <sthoenna@​> wrote​:

This one went away if I symlinked cwt.t to perl_current/t

Can you be more specific?

On my other pc​:

../ext/Cwd/t/cwd............................ok 20/27readdir(linktest/..)​: No such file or directory at ../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t line 151
# Failed test (../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t at line 151)
# ''
# doesn't match '(?-xism​:t/_ptrslt_/_path_/_to_/_a_/_dir_$)'
../ext/Cwd/t/cwd............................ok 26/27# Looks like you failed 1 tests of 27.
Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
DIED. FAILED test 21
Failed 1/27 tests, 96.30% okay

Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t 1 256 27 1 3.70% 21

That was line 151. That was from make test_harness

Now a manual run ...

This is all as expected. You aren't setting PERL_CORE, so it skips 3
of the tests, including the one failing for me, and expects cwd.t to
be in a different place.

PC09​:/P/perl-current 506 $ perl -Ilib ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t
ok 20
cwd.t​: No such file or directory at ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t line 164
# Looks like you planned 24 tests but only ran 20.
# Looks like your test died just after 20.
PC09​:/P/perl-current 507 $

and then make the symlink and run again​:

PC09​:/P/perl-current 507 $ ln -s ../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t t/
PC09​:/P/perl-current 508 $ perl -Ilib ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t
ok 24 - fast_abs_path() can be invoked on a file
PC09​:/P/perl-current 509 $

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p5pRT commented Nov 2, 2004

From @ysth

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 08​:45​:33PM +0000, Nicholas Clark wrote​:

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 12​:31​:50PM -0800, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote​:

Same error with perl5.8.4 and PathTools 3.01.

This seems to be the same problem that Merijn found. It worked for him if
he made a symllink.


I don't know what this tells us.

Ok, I think you at least can ignore this, Nicholas. The problem exists
in the Cwd included with perl5.8.5, but the test was added since then.

In any case, the failure is only for _perl_abs_path which won't ever
get used for abs_path on cygwin. (If Cwd's XS is loaded, the
Cwd​::abs_path from that will be used, otherwise (e.g. miniperl), for
cygwin, abs_path is aliased to Cwd​::fast_abs_path.)

BTW, I await with eager expectation the quote in the RC1 release
announcement. I haven't been able to extrapolate from the pattern
of 5.8.2 through 5.8.5​:

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p5pRT commented Nov 10, 2004

From @ysth

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 07​:50​:30PM -0000, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote​:

t/io/tell.................................FAILED at test 28

The io/tell doesn't concern me; it's a questionable test, and goes away
with PERLIO=perlio (or -Uusefaststdio).

Here's a patch to skip it. It isn't actually needed on blead (where
usefaststdio is undef), but is harmless there.

Inline Patch
--- perl/t/io/tell.t.orig	2003-08-30 12:56:58.000000000 -0700
+++ perl/t/io/tell.t	2004-11-09 17:24:51.044630400 -0800
@@ -148,7 +148,13 @@
 close $tst;
 open($tst,">>$written")  || die "Cannot open $written:$!";
+# This test makes a questionable assumption that the file pointer will
+# be at eof after opening a file but before seeking, reading, or writing.
+# Only known failure is on cygwin.
+my $skip = $^O eq "cygwin" && &PerlIO::get_layers($tst) eq 'stdio'
+    && ' # skip: file pointer not at eof';
 if (tell($tst) == 6)
-{ print "ok 28\n"; } else { print "not ok 28\n"; }
+{ print "ok 28$skip\n"; } else { print "not ok 28$skip\n"; }
 close $tst;
End of Patch.

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p5pRT commented Nov 10, 2004

From @rgs

Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote​:

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 07​:50​:30PM -0000, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote​:

t/io/tell.................................FAILED at test 28

The io/tell doesn't concern me; it's a questionable test, and goes away
with PERLIO=perlio (or -Uusefaststdio).

Here's a patch to skip it. It isn't actually needed on blead (where
usefaststdio is undef), but is harmless there.

--- perl/t/io/tell.t.orig 2003-08-30 12​:56​:58.000000000 -0700
+++ perl/t/io/tell.t 2004-11-09 17​:24​:51.044630400 -0800

Thanks, applied as #23491 to bleadperl.

@​@​ -148,7 +148,13 @​@​
close $tst;
open($tst,">>$written") || die "Cannot open w r i t t e n : !";

+# This test makes a questionable assumption that the file pointer will
+# be at eof after opening a file but before seeking, reading, or writing.
+# Only known failure is on cygwin.
+my s k i p = ^O eq "cygwin" && &PerlIO​::get_layers($tst) eq 'stdio'
+ && ' # skip​: file pointer not at eof';

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p5pRT commented Nov 10, 2004

@rgs - Status changed from 'open' to 'resolved'

@p5pRT p5pRT closed this as completed Nov 10, 2004
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p5pRT commented Nov 10, 2004

From @ysth

On Tue, Nov 09, 2004 at 05​:40​:13PM -0800, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes <sthoenna@​> wrote​:

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 07​:50​:30PM -0000, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote​:

t/io/tell.................................FAILED at test 28

The io/tell doesn't concern me; it's a questionable test, and goes away
with PERLIO=perlio (or -Uusefaststdio).

Here's a patch to skip it. It isn't actually needed on blead (where
usefaststdio is undef), but is harmless there.

Sorry, that was not the patch I meant to send; this one actually works​:

Inline Patch
--- perl/t/io/tell.t.orig	2003-08-30 12:56:58.000000000 -0700
+++ perl/t/io/tell.t	2004-11-10 01:09:05.819828800 -0800
@@ -148,7 +148,13 @@
 close $tst;
 open($tst,">>$written")  || die "Cannot open $written:$!";
+# This test makes a questionable assumption that the file pointer will
+# be at eof after opening a file but before seeking, reading, or writing.
+# Only known failure is on cygwin.
+my $todo = $^O eq "cygwin" && &PerlIO::get_layers($tst) eq 'stdio'
+    && ' # TODO: file pointer not at eof';
 if (tell($tst) == 6)
-{ print "ok 28\n"; } else { print "not ok 28\n"; }
+{ print "ok 28$todo\n"; } else { print "not ok 28$todo\n"; }
 close $tst;
End of Patch.

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p5pRT commented Nov 10, 2004

From @rgs

Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote​:

Sorry, that was not the patch I meant to send; this one actually works​:

OK, TODO and not SKIP, as you wish (applied as #23492.)

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