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Person8880 edited this page May 7, 2015 · 14 revisions


The pregame plugin provides a way to customise the pregame time. It offers three modes:

  1. The old mode where you set a fixed pregame length and once that time is up, the game starts. This does not require any commanders to start the game.

  2. In this mode, the game will wait until one team has a commander. Once they do, either the other team gets a commander and the game starts, or the "PreGameTime" duration passes with only one commander and the game starts. Unlike option 3, this mode starts the "PreGameTime" timer after one team has a commander.

  3. In this mode, once either both teams get a commander, or the "PreGameTime" duration has expired and one team has a commander, the game starts. Note that unlike option 2, this mode starts the "PreGameTime" timer immediately from the start of the map/end of the last round.

This plugin only works in Natural Selection 2. It will not load in NS2: Combat.


The default config looks something like this:

    "ShowCountdown": true,
    "PreGameTime": 45,
    "CountdownTime": 15,
    "RequireComs": 1,
    "AbortIfNoCom": false,
    "AllowAttackPreGame": true,
    "StartDelay": 0

The file should be called "PreGame.json" and should be placed in the directory defined as your plugin config directory (default is config://shine/plugins).

Option Description
RequireComs Defines the mode of operation. Set it to 0 to get the first mode described above. 1 is the second mode, 2 is the third mode.
ShowCountdown Determines whether to display a countdown on player's screens for when the round will start.
PreGameTime Determines how long in seconds the pregame should last. When "RequireComs" is 0, the pregame lasts exactly this long. When "RequireComs" is set to 1, this is how long the pregame will last once one team has a commander. When "RequireComs" is set to 2, this is how long to wait before dropping the starting requirement to 1 commander.
CountdownTime If you are using the plugin with "RequireComs" set to 1 or 2, then once two commanders are present, the game will start after this amount of time.
AbortIfNoCom If you are using "RequireComs" 1 or 2, then the countdown to start will be aborted if a commander leaves the chair and this is set to true.
AllowAttackPreGame If set to false, then attacking is denied for the entire pregame.
StartDelay If set to a time (in seconds) greater than 0, it will force the game to wait this long after a map change until a game can start.
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