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Vote Draw

Person8880 edited this page Apr 7, 2020 · 4 revisions


The vote draw plugin allows players to vote to end the current round as a draw.

This can be used as an alternative to surrendering when a game reaches a stalemate, allowing players on both teams to agree to end the game without a win or loss for either side.


The default config file should look something like this:

    "EnableAfterRoundStartMinutes": 20,
    "NotifyOnVote": true,
    "FractionNeededToPass": 0.9,
    "VoteSettings": {
        "AFKTimeInSeconds": 60,
        "ConsiderAFKPlayersInVotes": false
    "VoteTimeoutInSeconds": 60,
    "__Version": "1.0"

The file should be called “VoteDraw.json” and should be placed in the directory defined as your plugin config directory (default is config://shine/plugins).

Option Description
EnableAfterRoundStartMinutes How long after the start of a round (in minutes) before the vote is enabled.
NotifyOnVote Whether to display votes to all players.
FractionNeededToPass The fraction of the total players currently on playing teams needing to vote in order for the vote to pass.
VoteSettings Allows for controlling whether AFK players are considered in votes. Set ConsiderAFKPlayersInVotes to false to prevent AFK players from counting towards the total votes.
VoteTimeoutInSeconds After this many seconds with no votes, the vote count is reset to 0 if it never passed.


Command Chat Command Arguments Description
sh_votedraw !votedraw N/A Votes to end the current round as a draw.
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