This plugin enables Assertainty integration with Apache Spark, using the Kotlin Spark API.
It is parameterized in org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset
and org.apache.spark.sql.Column
val ds = // create dataset
ds.assert {
+Column("someColumn") // grouping column
+"someOtherColumn" // the Spark DSL adds this convenience function to the core DSL to specify grouping columns by String.
always(functions.length(Column("someIdColumn")) eq 15) // Because the plugin is parameterized in org.apache.spark.sql.Column, it can take full advantage of the methods available to that class.
ds.assertSeparateQueries { // Logically identical to assert, but under the hood it runs each assertion as its own call to RelationalGroupedDataset#agg()
minSum(Column("revenue"), 100_000) // we're making good money, eh?
minCount(100) // averaging $1000/sale is impressive
Spark, like the other plugins, defaults to generating a single combined query.
However, because of the likelihood of duplicate columns between assertions (count() in particular), all columns are aliased during the query building process.
To avoid this behavior, assertSeparateQueries
exists, in which each assertion gets its own aggregation call, at the cost of more iterations over the data and slower execution time.