Chad Fowler - Your most important skill: Empathy Takeaway: Listen to what you are hearing. Watch and wonder about other people. Know your enemies - try to understand people you have disputes with.
Dan Abel - How to Engage with your team (be a Well Rounded Technical Lead, part 1) Takeaway: Your job is to adjust to what the team needs. Ensure Safety - people need to feel safe and trust each other. Faciliate the technical discussions. Teams need a clear goal and direction to move forward as a group. Ensure the team doesn't silo - rotate people around jobs, collaborate heavily. Demonstrate how you want the team to behave - but also allow experienced teams to set their own contract.
Kylie Hunt - Pluralsight - Boost Productivity Through Employee Happiness 💲
Brendan Enrick and Steve Smith - Pluralsight - Pair Programming 💲
Stephen Haunts - Pluralsight - Conflict Resolution in the Workplace 💲
Roy Osherove - The Team Leader Manifesto [1:13:19]
Simon Sinek - If You Don't Understand People, You Don't Understand Business [30:40]
Kjell Ljøstad - How to build and be a part of a highly efficient team [43:35]
Jurgen Appelo - Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders 💲
Michael Lopp - Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager 💲
Patrick Lencioni - The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable 💲 Takeaway: Absence of trust - hesistate to offer help. Fear of conflict - no healthy conflict. Lack of commitment. Avoidance of accountability - encourages mediocrity. Inattention to results - personal success over team.
Daniel Pink - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us 💲
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