Some use Docker with Colima, and might work, for me it did not. I use Podman on MacOS, it has a few advantages. It is a Red Hat product and for thiose using Red Hat Linux distros and Cloud products it's a natural thing to use Podman. I encountered several problems with Docker with Lima/Colima on my machine, I eventually ended up removing all the instances of the multiple VMs I configured and tried with Lima. The main problem for me was not being able to run testcontainers with docker - Lima, regardless of the VM configurations, docker socket mappings, env settings ( DOCKER_HOST , TESTCONTAINERS_DOCKER_SOCKET_OVERRIDE etc.). So I switched to Podman. And It works.
There are 2 options:
- Forwarding the port
- Using the Podman sock configured on the localhost.
I'm adding this option because I saw it in a few solutions proposed on various sources, alar with some caveats. I used it for a while but at some point some network configs prevented it from working. Still, here it is: i. get the podman sock on the podman VM :
`podman system info | grep sock`
it should be something of the sort: /run/user/${UID}/podman/podman.sock
. Alternatively, ssh into the podman machine. If only one machine installed use podman machine ssh
and manually get the UID with echo ${UID}
ii. To get the podman machine port use :
`podman system connection list --format=json | jq '.[0].URI' | sed -E 's|.+://.+@.+:([[:digit:]]+)/.+|\1|' `
is required. Alternatively run:
`podman system connection list`
to get the podman machine port in the URI.
iii. For convenience set an alias for the forwarding command. In this command the ssh key to the podman machine is required. Here it is with -i ~/.ssh/machine
but it might have a different name on your machine. It can be found in ~/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/applehv/
`alias podman-sock="rm -f /tmp/podman.sock && ssh -i ~/.ssh/machine -p $(podman system connection list --format=json | jq '.[0].URI' | sed -E 's|.+://.+@.+:([[:digit:]]+)/.+|\1|') -L'/tmp/podman.sock:/run/user/${UID}/podman/podman.sock' -N -v -v -v core@localhost"`
The multiple -v
are for the verbosity level, more v
s, more details. Feel free to remove them.
iv. Set the env vars that testcontainers use:
`export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///tmp/podman.sock`
The TESTCONTAINERS_RYUK_DISABLED tells testecontainer not to use the testcontainers/ryuk:version
which usually created problems. It is used to close running containers but sometimes it fails to execute, the containere are not closed and if the test container used uses a port, by not releasing the port with the container stop the new needed container cannot be created and...there you go with erroers.
This setup should work for both Java and Python testcontainers.
I did this set up by combining different sources an info and it is simpler, I find: Basically, there is one sock on localhost connected to the podman sock on the podman VM. The location can be seen runnig:
podman machine inspect --format '{{.ConnectionInfo.PodmanSocket.Path}}'
To this sock there are 2 soft links set, namelly the /var/run/docker.sock
- that is the soft link to ~/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/podman.sock
- which is the soft link to the localhost sock connected to the podman VM sock.
So, just set:
`export DOCKER_HOST=unix://$(podman machine inspect --format '{{.ConnectionInfo.PodmanSocket.Path}}')`
and you should be all set. :-)