Sessy Custom Component for Home Assistant.
Currently supported features:
- Firmware updates
- Dongle network status
- Dongle reboot
Power Status
System State
Output Power (W)
Power Setpoint (W)
Renewable Energy Meter
- Power (W)
- Current (A)
- Voltage (V)
Power Strategy
- Get and set strategy via select entity
Power Setpoint
- Get and set via number entity
- Min/max power
- Start/stop times
P1 Status
- Net power flow
- Per phase current, voltage, power (consumption/production)
- Active tariff
- Tariff energy meters (consumption/production)
NOM Coordinator controls
- Grid Target via number entity (X on the meter)
Network Status
- WiFi RSSI (dBm)
Firmware updates
- Net power flow
- Per phase current, voltage, power (consumption/production)
- NOM Coordinator controls
- Grid Target via number entity (X on the meter)