Before you apply to add your device into our list of official devices, you should know a few things:
Any failure in following the instructions given below will make you unfit for the maintainership. No questions asked.
1 - You must own the device. Blind or untested builds aren't allowed. Devices that have minimal hardware difference from yours are allowed to be maintained, as long as you maintain your own device too, and get the builds for the similar device tested as required.
2 - You must create and maintain an unofficial build for some amount of time, (Don't instantly make a build and apply. That'll mean an instant rejection), make sure that the build is stable for daily usage before applying. The context of stability may differ for different devices, so explain regarding any exceptions.
3 - You must have your device sources available publicly with proper authorship for each commit. A coherent commit history that shows changes in the proper manner demonstrating your knowledge of git must be present.
4 - You must show the real device sources being used. Failure to do this will result in an immediate termination of your application.
5 - You must have a decent knowledge of how to use gerrit. A short guide to help you is available here
6 - Your device must be in accordance with the Device Requirements
After applying and once your application is acknowledged, you will receive a message from a member of the administration on the Github issue/application regarding the acceptance or rejection of the application.