This document describes how to develop for che-theia using yarn linking instead of soure links
The simplest way to program che-theia is to develop against latest "next" tag of theia published to npmjs.
Check out the source code of che-theia
cd /projects git clone
Generate the che-theia assembly folder
cd che-theia che-theia generate
This will generate a theia application that will include the necessary theia and che-theia extensions
Build the project
This builds all parts of che-theia. You are now ready to run che-theia. For example, you can execute
yarn run start
inside theassembly
To build against a Theia version built from source, we need to clone the Theia repository and set up yarn linking to use that version in che-theia.
Clone Theia
cd /projects git clone git checkout <the branch you want to build against>
Build theia
cd /projects/theia yarn
Link into che-theia
cd /projects/che-theia che-theia link
This will
yarn link
all necessary modules from the Theia source into the node modules folder inside the che-theia project. At this time, it's a good idea to rebuild the che-theia project: -
Rebuild che-theia
rm yarn.lock yarn