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File metadata and controls

443 lines (340 loc) · 13.8 KB

How to email people when an event occurs

There are three aspects to this

  1. Sending an email in real-time as an event occurs
  2. Batching events (either periodically or via a CRON)
  3. Managing state (state machine management)

For example...

  • Send an email straight away if the event is today, otherwise, send them at 7 am every morning and mark the emails as sent.
  • Poll every 15min to send any emails that were missed due to an outage (by checking state)

Example logic driver

require "placeos-driver/interface/mailer"

class DeskBookingNotification < PlaceOS::Driver
  descriptive_name "Desk Booking Approval"
  generic_name :BookingApproval

    timezone:         "Australia/Sydney",
    date_time_format: "%c",
    time_format:      "%l:%M%p",
    date_format:      "%A, %-d %B",
    booking_type:     "desk",
    buildings: ["zone-123", "zone-456"],

  # this ensures these variables are not nilable
  @time_zone : Time::Location = Time::Location.load("Australia/Sydney")
  @date_time_format : String = "%c"
  @time_format : String = "%l:%M%p"
  @date_format : String = "%A, %-d %B"
  @booking_type : String = "desk"
  @buildings : Array(String) = [] of String

  def on_update
    # Update the instance variables based on the settings
    time_zone = setting?(String, :calendar_time_zone).presence || "Australia/Sydney"
    @time_zone = Time::Location.load(time_zone)
    @date_time_format = setting?(String, :date_time_format) || "%c"
    @time_format = setting?(String, :time_format) || "%l:%M%p"
    @date_format = setting?(String, :date_format) || "%A, %-d %B"
    @booking_type = setting?(String, :booking_type).presence || "desk"
    @buildings = setting?(Array(String), :buildings) || [] of String

    # configure any schedules here
    schedule.every(5.minutes) { poll_bookings }
    schedule.cron("30 7 * * *", @time_zone) { poll_bookings }

  def on_load
    # Some form of asset booking has occurred (such as a desk booking)
    monitor("staff/booking/changed") { |_subscription, payload| check_booking(payload) }


  # Get a reference to a module that can be used to send emails
  def mailer

  # Access another module in the system
  accessor staff_api : StaffAPI_1

  protected def check_booking(payload : String)
    logger.debug { "received booking event payload: #{payload}" }
    booking_details = Booking.from_json payload

  # ensure we don't have two fibers processing this at once
  # (technically the driver is thread-safe, but it is concurrent)
  @check_bookings_mutex =

  def poll_bookings(months_from_now : Int32 = 2)
    # Clean up old debounce data
    expired = 5.minutes.ago.to_unix
    @debounce.reject! { |_, (_event, entered)| expired > entered }

    now = Time.utc.to_unix
    later = months_from_now.months.from_now.to_unix

    @check_bookings_mutex.synchronize do
      @buildings.each do |building_zone|
        # bookings that haven't been approved
        bookings = staff_api.query_bookings(
          type: @booking_type,
          period_start: now,
          period_end: later,
          zones: [building_zone],
          approved: false,
          rejected: false,
          created_before: 2.minutes.ago.to_unix

        # bookings that have been approved
        bookings = bookings + staff_api.query_bookings(
          type: @booking_type,
          period_start: now,
          period_end: later,
          zones: [building_zone],
          approved: true,
          rejected: false,
          created_before: 2.minutes.ago.to_unix

        # Convert to nice objects
        bookings = Array(Booking).from_json(bookings.to_json)

        logger.debug { "checking #{bookings.size} requested bookings in #{building_zone}" }
        bookings.each { |booking_details| process_booking(booking_details) }

  # Booking id => event action, timestamp
  @debounce = {} of Int64 => {String?, Int64}
  @bookings_checked = 0_u64

  # See the booking model at the end of this document
  protected def process_booking(booking_details : Booking)
    # Ignore when a bookings state is updated
    return if {"process_state", "metadata_changed"}.includes?(booking_details.action)

    # Ignore the same event in a short period of time
    previous = @debounce[]?
    return if previous && previous[0] == booking_details.action
    @debounce[] = {booking_details.action, Time.utc.to_unix}

    # timezone, if different from the default
    timezone = booking_details.timezone.presence ||
    location = Time::Location.load(timezone)

    # date and time (Tue Apr 5 10:26:19 2016)
    starting = Time.unix(booking_details.booking_start).in(location)
    ending = Time.unix(booking_details.booking_end).in(location)

    # Ignore changes to meetings that have already ended
    return if Time.utc > ending

    building_zone, building_name = get_building_details(booking_details.zones)

    # These are the available keys for use in the templates
    args = {
      start_time:     starting.to_s(@time_format),
      start_date:     starting.to_s(@date_format),
      start_datetime: starting.to_s(@date_time_format),
      end_time:       ending.to_s(@time_format),
      end_date:       ending.to_s(@date_format),
      end_datetime:   ending.to_s(@date_time_format),
      starting_unix:  booking_details.booking_start,

      desk_id:    booking_details.asset_id,
      user_id:    booking_details.user_id,
      user_email: booking_details.user_email,
      user_name:  booking_details.user_name,
      reason:     booking_details.title,

      level_zone:    booking_details.zones.reject { |z| z == building_zone }.first?,
      building_zone: building_zone,
      building_name: building_name,
      support_email: support_email,

      approver_name:  booking_details.approver_name,
      approver_email: booking_details.approver_email,

      booked_by_name:  booking_details.booked_by_name,
      booked_by_email: booking_details.booked_by_email,

    case booking_details.action
    when "create", "changed"
      # check if email already sent and we can ignore this one
      next if booking_details.process_state == "notification_sent"

        to: booking_details.user_email,
        template: {"bookings", "booking_notification"},
        args: args

      # update the booking state (if there are multiple states a booking can be in)
      staff_api.booking_state(, "notification_sent").get
    when "approved"
      # if there is an approval process
        to: booking_details.user_email,
        template: {"bookings", "booking_approved"},
        args: args

      staff_api.booking_state(, "approval_sent").get
    when "rejected", "checked_in"
        to: booking_details.user_email,
        template: {"bookings", booking_details.action},
        args: args
    when "cancelled"
      # maybe someone else cancelled your booking and you have a custom template for that
      third_party = booking_details.approver_email && booking_details.approver_email != booking_details.user_email.downcase

        to: booking_details.user_email,
        template: {"bookings", third_party ? "cancelled_by" : "cancelled"},
        args: args

      # maybe you want to notifty the persons manager about this
      if manager_email = get_manager(user_email).try(&.at(0))
          to: manager_email,
          template: {"bookings", "manager_notify_cancelled"},
          args: args

    # nice to see some status in backoffice
    @bookings_checked += 1
    self[:bookings_checked] = @bookings_checked

  # id => tags, name
  @zone_cache = {} of String => Tuple(Array(String), String)

  def get_building_details(zones : Array(String))
    zones.each do |zone_id|
      zone_info = @zone_cache[zone_id]? || get_zone(zone_id)
      next unless zone_info
      next unless zone_info[0].includes?("building")

      return {zone_id, zone_info[1]}


  def get_zone(zone_id : String)
    zone =
    tags = zone["tags"]
    name = zone["name"].as_s
    tuple = {tags, name}
    @zone_cache[zone_id] = tuple
  rescue error
    logger.warn(exception: error) { "error obtaining zone details for #{zone_id}" }

  def get_manager(staff_email : String)
    # The Calendar driver is hooked up to MS Graph API for example
    # could have used an accessor here like `staff_api`, that's optional
    manager = system[:Calendar_1].get_user_manager(staff_email).get
    {(manager["email"]? || manager["username"]).as_s, manager["name"].as_s}
  rescue error
    logger.warn(exception: error) { "failed to obtain manager of #{staff_email}" }
    {nil, nil}

List of Staff API events

These are events that can be monitored monitor("event/path") { |sub, payload| }

  • booking (desk, car space etc) - "staff/booking/changed"
    • boooking event model
    • action types: create, cancelled, changed, metadata_changed, approved, rejected, checked_in, process_state
  • events (calendar events) - "staff/event/changed"
  • a guest has been invited onsite - "staff/guest/attending"
  • a guest has arrived onsite - "staff/guest/checkin"

Booking Model

This model covers events and API responses

class Booking
  include JSON::Serializable

  # This is to support events
  property action : String?

  property id : Int64
  property booking_type : String
  property booking_start : Int64
  property booking_end : Int64
  property timezone : String?

  # events use resource_id instead of asset_id
  property asset_id : String?
  property resource_id : String?

  def asset_id : String
    (@asset_id || @resource_id).not_nil!

  property user_id : String
  property user_email : String
  property user_name : String

  property zones : Array(String)

  property checked_in : Bool?
  property rejected : Bool?
  property approved : Bool?
  property process_state : String?
  property last_changed : Int64?

  property approver_name : String?
  property approver_email : String?

  property booked_by_name : String
  property booked_by_email : String

  property checked_in : Bool?
  property title : String?
  property description : String?

  property extension_data : Hash(String, JSON::Any)

  def in_progress?
    now = Time.utc.to_unix
    now >= @booking_start && now < @booking_end

  def changed

Email templates

Email templates are applied to the mailer driver and then other drivers can use them to send emails.

see the mailer interface for details on available params

The templates are settings, structured like:

      subject: the email subject line with %{variables}
      text: the text version of an email
      html: <p>the HTML version of the email</p>

typically only the html version of an email is required

      subject: 'Desk Booking: Manager rejection'
      html: >

        This is a short note to advise that your desk booking request for
        %{start_date} at %{building_name} has been rejected.

        <br /><br />

        Please reach out to your manager <a
        href="mailto:%{approver_email}">%{approver_name}</a> if you would like
        to follow up.

        <br /><br />

        Your request has been removed from the system and we look forward to
        welcoming you to our workplace in the future.

        <br /><br />

        Kind Regards

        <br />

        The Corporate Real Estate Team

      subject: Desk booking cancellation confirmation
      text: >
        Thank you for taking the time to cancel your booking which we appreciate
        so we can continue to operate with efficiency and excellence.

        Your desk booking on %{start_date} at %{building_name} has been

        Please reach out to your workplace support team should you have any
        other queries, otherwise we look forward to seeing you soon
      html: >

        Thank you for taking the time to cancel your booking which we appreciate
        so we can continue to operate with efficiency and excellence.

        <br /><br />

        Your desk booking on %{start_date} at %{building_name} has been

        <br /><br />

        Please reach out to your <a
        href="mailto:%{support_email}?subject=%{building_name} workplace
        question">workplace support team</a> should you have any other queries,
        otherwise, we look forward to seeing you soon
