Releases: PolMine/polmineR
Releases · PolMine/polmineR
- applying stoplists and positivelists working again for context-method
- matches-method to learn about matches for CQP queries replacing frequencies-method
- Rework of enrich-method, including documentation.
- param 'neighbor' dropped from kwic,context-method; params positivelist and negativelist offer equivalent functionality
- highlight-method for (newly exported) kwic-method (for validation purposes)
- performance improvement for partitionBundle,character-method
- a new Labels class and label method for generating test data
- bug removed for partitionBundle,character-class, and performance improved
- Improved explanation of the installation procedure for Mac in the package vignette
- for context-method: param sAttribute working again to check boundaries of match regions
- sample-method for objects of class kwic and context
- kwic, cpos, and context method will accept queries of length > 1
- use-function and resetRegistry-function reworked
- more explicit startup message to get info about version, registry and interface
- encoding issues solved for size-method, hits-method and dispersion-method
- use-function will now work for users working with polmineR.Rcpp as interface
- new installed.corpora() convenience function to list all data packages that include CWB corpora
- view-method and show-method for cooccurrences-objects now successfully redirect
output to RStudio viewer - data.table-style indexing of objects inheriting from textstat-class
- for windows compatibility, as.corpusEnc/as.nativeEnc for encoding conversion
- performance gain for size-method by using polmineR.Rcpp
- dissect-method dropped (replaced by size)
- improved documentation of size-method
- labels for cooccurrences-output
- cooccurrencesBundle-class and cooccurrence-method for bundle restored
- for cooccurrencesBundle-class
- count-method for whole corpus for pAttribute > 1
- functionality of meta-method merged into sAttributes-method (meta-method dropped)
- speed improvements for generating html output for reading
- previously unexported highlight-method now exported, and more robust than before (using xml2)
- progress bars for multicore operations now generated by pbapply package
- starting to use testthat for unit testing
- updated documentation of partition-method.
- documentation of hits-method improved
- use-methode: default value for pkg ist NULL (return to default registry), function more robust
- Rework for parsing the registry
- rework of templates, are part of options now (see ?setTemplate, ?getTemplate)
- experimental use of polmineR.Rcpp-package for fast counts for whole corpus
- new convenience function install.corpus to install CWB corpus wrapped into R data package
- adjustments to make package compatible with polmineR.shiny
- cpos-method to get hits more robust if there are not matches for string
- hits-method removes NAs
- compare-method renamed to features-method
- warnings caused by startup on windows removed
- more generic implementation of as.markdown-method to use templates
- LICENSE file updated
- getTokenStream,character-method: new default behavior for params left and right
- use of templates for as.markdown-method
- Regions and TokenStream class (not for frontend use, so far)
- getTermFrequencies-method merged into count-method
- Corpus class introduced
- decode- and encode-methods introduced
- faster cooccurrences-method
- refactoring of context-method to prepare more consistent usage
- progress bar for context-method (using blapply)
- progress bar for partitionBundle (using blapply)
- more coherent naming of parameters in partitionBundle-method
- partitionBundle,character-method debugged and more robust
- usage of blapply in as.speeches-method
- hits-method: paramter cqp defaults to FALSE for hits-method, size defaults to$
- new parameter cqp for dispersion-method
- aggregation for dispersion-method when length(sAttribute) == 1
- bugfix for ngrams-method, sample code for the method
- this is the first version that passes all CRAN tests and that is available via CRAN
- the 'rcqp' remains the interface to the CWB, but usage of rcqp functions is wrapped into an new new CQI.rcqp (R6) class. CQI.perl and CQI.cqpserver are introduced as alternative interfaces to prepare portability to Windows systems
- code in the vignette and method examples will be executed conditionally, if rcqp and the polmineR.sampleCorpus are available
- the polmineR.sampleCorpus package is available in a drat repo at
- a series of bug fixes
from cluster to bundle
- some renaming: classes and methods containing 'cluster' were renamed to 'bundle' (which is more logical)
- tf slot in partition class simplified (from list to matrix)
- use of View() function and the datatables-package to make better use of the functionality of RStudio
Examples moved to polmineR.sampleCorpus
- the small sample corpus that has been included in previous versions of the package has been moved to a seperate data package (PolMine/polmineR.sampleCorpus), making retrieving a new version of the package faster
- started to draft a project class to make storing and restoring projects more convenient