import hexchat __module_name__ = "Join/Part Tab" __module_author__ = "PDog" __module_version__ = "1.6" __module_description__ = "Place join/part/quit messages in a separate tab for designated servers and/or channels" # customize tab name to your liking tab_name = "(Joins/Parts)" def find_jptab(): context = hexchat.find_context(channel=tab_name) if context == None: hexchat.command("NEWSERVER -noconnect {0}".format(tab_name)) return hexchat.find_context(channel=tab_name) else: return context def get_network(name): return hexchat.get_pluginpref("jptab_" + name) def jptab_pref(word, word_eol, userdata): network = hexchat.get_info("network") channel = hexchat.get_info("channel") if len(word) == 3: if word[2].lower() == "network" and network != tab_name: if word[1].lower() == "add": hexchat.set_pluginpref("jptab_" + network, "network") hexchat.prnt("-\00322jptab\00399-\tNetwork \00319{}\00399 added to joint/part filters".format(network)) load_jpfilters() elif word[1].lower() == "remove": hexchat.del_pluginpref("jptab_" + network) hexchat.prnt("-\00322jptab\00399-\tNetwork \00319{}\00399 removed from joint/part filters".format(network)) load_jpfilters() else: hexchat.prnt("Usage: /jptab [add|remove] network") elif word[2].lower() == "channel" and network != tab_name: if word[1].lower() == "add": hexchat.set_pluginpref("jptab_" + channel, network) hexchat.prnt("-\00322jptab\00399-\tChannel \00319{0}\00399 on network {1} added to join/part filters".format(channel, network)) load_jpfilters() elif word[1].lower() == "remove": hexchat.del_pluginpref("jptab_" + channel) hexchat.prnt("-\00322jptab\00399-\tChannel \00319{0}\00399 on network {1} removed from joint/part filters".format(channel, network)) load_jpfilters() else: hexchat.prnt("Usage: /jptab [add|remove] channel") elif word[1].lower() == "list" and word[2].lower() == "filters": if len(network_lst) > 0: network_filters = ", ".join(network_lst) hexchat.prnt("-\00322jptab\00399-\tYour join/part network filters are: {}".format(network_filters)) if len(channel_lst) > 0: channel_filters_lst = [] for channel in channel_lst: network = get_network(channel) channel_filters_lst.append(channel + "/" + network) channel_filters = ", ".join(channel_filters_lst) hexchat.prnt("-\00322jptab\00399-\tYour join/part channel filters are: {}".format(channel_filters)) if len(network_lst) < 1 and len(channel_lst) < 1: hexchat.prnt("-\00322jptab\00399-\tYou are not filtering join/part messages on any network or channel") else: hexchat.prnt("Usage: /jptab [add|remove] [network|channel]\n\t /jptab list filters") else: hexchat.prnt("Usage: /jptab [add|remove] [network|channel]\n\t /jptab list filters") return hexchat.EAT_ALL # for filtering by network network_lst = [] # for filtering by channel on the current network channel_lst = [] chan_net_lst = [] def load_jpfilters(): global network_lst global channel_lst global chan_net_lst # reset the lists so that the script doesn't have to be reloaded network_lst = [] channel_lst = [] chan_net_lst = [] for pref in hexchat.list_pluginpref(): if pref[:6] == "jptab_": if pref[6] == "#": channel = pref[6:] network = get_network(channel) channel_lst.append(channel) chan_net_lst.append(network) else: network = pref[6:] network_lst.append(network) def pref_check(): if hexchat.get_info("network") in network_lst: return True elif hexchat.get_info("channel") in channel_lst and hexchat.get_info("network") in chan_net_lst: return True else: return False def jpfilter_cb(word, word_eol, event): channel = hexchat.get_info("channel") if pref_check(): jp_context = find_jptab() if event == "Join": jp_context.prnt("{0} \00323*\t{1} ({3}) has joined".format(channel, *word)) elif event == "Part": jp_context.prnt("{0} \00324*\t{1} ({2}) has left".format(channel, *word)) elif event == "Part with Reason": jp_context.prnt("{0} \00324*\t{1} ({2}) has left ({4})".format(channel, *word)) elif event == "Quit": word = [(word[i] if len(word) > i else "") for i in range(3)] jp_context.prnt("{0} \00324*\t{1} has quit ({2})".format(channel, *word)) return hexchat.EAT_ALL else: # print join/part messages normally for all other servers return hexchat.EAT_NONE def unload_callback(userdata): # find the join/part tab and close it for chan in hexchat.get_list("channels"): if chan.type == 1 and == tab_name: jp_context = hexchat.find_context(channel=tab_name) jp_context.command("CLOSE") hexchat.prnt(__module_name__ + " version " + __module_version__ + " unloaded") hexchat.hook_command("jptab", jptab_pref, help="Filter joins/parts/quits for a network or channel:\n \ \t /jptab [add|remove] [network|channel]\n \ \t To list your current filters:\n \ \t /jptab list filters") for event in ("Join", "Part", "Part with Reason", "Quit"): hexchat.hook_print(event, jpfilter_cb, event) hexchat.hook_unload(unload_callback) load_jpfilters() hexchat.prnt(__module_name__ + " version " + __module_version__ + " loaded")